
Top 10 Most Memorable Mothers in Video Games

Happy Mother's Day! <3

Sonya Blade (MKX)

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In the spirit of Mother’s Day, we figured we’d throw together a list of the best mothers in video games, because even digital personas deserve a bit of love and recognition. Kicking the list off is someone who only recently debuted as a mother, although she’s been present in video games for over 20 years now. Sonya Blade is the mother to Cassie Cage in Mortal Kombat X, and after seeing how efficient her daughter is in combat you just know that Sonya is one proud mama.

She may not seem like the most nurturing of parents on the surface, but that’s because she’s responsible for keeping the denizens of Earthrealm safe from annihilation. However, underneath that no-nonsense attitude is a woman who truly cares about the well being of her loved ones – even if she has an unorthodox way of showing it. As an added bonus, her daughter can say that her mother is one of the fiercest warriors in all the realms. That must have definitely earned young Cassie some bragging rights on the playground.

Allie (Ni No Kuni)

Allie is an interesting addition to this list, mainly because she dies at the very beginning of the game. Although she isn’t present throughout young Oliver’s adventure, she is the driving force behind everything that he does. You see, Allie dies from a heart condition, but that’s only after saving her son from drowning in the river. She made the ultimate sacrifice, and that leads Oliver to embark on a journey to find the her that resides in another world.

Over the course of time Oliver learns that his mother never truly left him, and that she will always watch over him and his crazy adventures. It’s a touching story that manages to keep her at the center of it, even though she’s long gone. She was a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul that more than earned her a spot on this list.

Mrs. Chu (Sleeping Dogs)

Mrs. Chu is the perfect example of a mother believing in unconditional love. There are a lot of mothers out there who would faint as soon as they found out that their beautiful child happens to be a criminal, and not a small time one either. We’re talking murder, extortion, the works. But Mrs. Chu? She doesn’t care about any of that. All she knows is that she loves her son, and that he loves her too.

She loves her son so much that she is willing to kill and chop up an individual who betrayed him. Taking the life of another human being apparently wasn’t enough, she just had to take out her aggression on his lifeless body and let her butcher knife do all the talking. And, with her tough demeanor, it’s kind of heartbreaking to see her so distraught to the point where it makes her psychotic. She’s a hard woman, who loves even harder, and that’s why Mrs. Chu is on this list.

Samara (Mass Effect)

By now there is a good chance that you have realized that there are quite the number of badasses on this list. Mothers wear many hats as they lead their lives and tend to their young. Samara falls right in line with those who do what they must, even if that means bringing her own child to justice. When Samara, a Justicar true to her code, finds out that her daughter, Morinth, is an Ardat-Yakshi she vows to put an end to her in order to protect the innocents who may become her prey.

Samara chases her daughter for centuries, proving just how determined she is to do the right thing. All the while she takes time to save those she comes across, never willing to break her oath and let an innocent pay the price. She is a strong woman, willing to make the sacrifice of killing her own child in the name of what is right, and that is something definitely worth respecting.

Jun Kazama (Tekken)

Don’t let the petit frame, and the pleasant demeanor fool you, Jun Kazama is a force to be reckoned with. Many should be thankful that she is a firm believer in the ways of peace, because if she wasn’t then things in the Tekken universe may have played out a bit differently. Jun is the mother of Jin Kazama, and one of the few people with the ability to suppress the power of the Devil gene found in the mishima clan. In fact she is the most adept at this skill and even bears the title of “Chosen One” within her clan.

Jun Kazama, being the amazing mother that she is, even manages to keep Jin from succumbing to Devil after the defeat of his father Kazuya, further cementing her place on this list. After her apparent defeat (and death) the director of the Tekken series hinted that she may not truly be dead, and she even managed to appear in Tekken Tag Tournament 2 due to the overwhelming desire of her presence by fans. It seems like there are many out there who understand just how amazing a mother Jun Kazama is.

Mother Brain (Metroid)

Okay, so Mother Brain isn’t exactly anyone’s mother, but she definitely does try to treat everything (and everyone) in the universe like they were her very own children. Mother Brain is absolutely insane. Couple that with her thirst for power and control, and you have something disturbingly amazing.

Created by the Chozo, a peace loving race, Mother Brain was a masterclass in artificial intelligence (AI). Unfortunately, Mother Brain grew cold, and began to hate all that  she witnessed. She felt she knew what was best for the Chozo and every other living being so she took it upon herself to reset everything back to zero. Once all was brought back to the beginning she would use her loving charm (or lack thereof) to usher in a new era of knowledge and wonder. It’s really difficult to hate someone who only wanted perfection for all.

Ness’s Mother (Earthbound)

Ness’s mother in Earthbound is a particular kind of special. For one, she has no qualms with her son’s need to go on some mysterious adventure to save the world. Nor is she against making the excuses necessary for those who feel the need to inquire about his continuous absence (such as his teachers). But, it is more than just her accepting nature that earns her a spot on this list.

Ness would have been completely unable to carry out his mission if it wasn’t for his loving mother. When the party was low on HP, she could be visited for some delicious steak that would help everyone get back into fighting shape. Then, when Ness is out for a long time and begins to grow homesick, a call to dear old mom helps to remind him that everything is fine and he’s doing a wonderful thing. Nothing like some home cooking, and positive reinforcement to let your child know that you love them. Ness’s mom is truly one of the best.

Your Mom (Pokemon)

Your mom in Pokemon is another special sort. Similar to Ness’s mother, she is very accepting on the path you’ve chose in life. Sure you’re just a kid, but if running around the world fighting and taming beasts with little to no training, is what you want to do, then so be it. She completely understands that kids just want to leave home one day and set off on an amazing adventure that may, or may not, lead to them getting fatally mauled by an Arcanine, or burnt to a crisp by a disrespectful Charizard. That is perfectly fine as far as she’s concerned.

Your mom will even help you out. Want to save some money? Then why not let her hold it for you. You should be warned though, she may sometimes spend it in order to spruce up the house, or buy some pretty useful items on your behalf. But don’t worry, she’ll promptly apologize and remind you just how much she loves you. Your mom is good for that, and definitely deserves a spot on this list.

Queen Yharnam (Bloodborne)

While this isn’t completely confirmed, there is a very good chance that Queen Yharnam is the mother of a Great One. If that doesn’t sound right to you, perhaps you should check out some of this research, and see for yourself. If she is in fact a mother, she is definitely one to be revered, and that’s not just because her spawn is some all powerful, freaky looking, god-like creature. No, it’s because she has been to hell and back, yet she still finds time to show up to help, and then deliver the smack down on those who dare tread within her dungeon.

After going through a blood ritual, the queen still managed to transcend the binds of mortality and reach a higher plane of existence. It’s almost a shame that her transcendence didn’t include some supernatural bleach (or whatever takes blood out of white dresses). Yet even with her somewhat disheveled appearance, she is still a woman of power and respect. Having been the head of one of the greatest civilization to have ever lived, she is one to be remembered.

Jenova (Final Fantasy VII)

Jenova is one of the most interesting “mothers” on this list. For starters, most aren’t even sure what Jenova is with different characters referring to Jenova as an it or, even worse, some sort of calamity. But, that didn’t stop scientists from using this alien’s cells to try and create the perfect being that would lead them to a better life. Of course, they were doing so under the misunderstanding that Jenova was one of their Cetra ancestors. Little did they know, Jenova was actually a bringer of destruction to all that she touched.

Jenova has the ability to absorb from, and instill, traits from her prey. She can also control any living creature that comes into contact with her cells making her extremely powerful. When her cells are used to create Sephiroth, what you are left with is one of the most powerful mama’s boys ever known to man. Sephiroth’s endeavor to become nothing less than a god was all spurred on by his fateful reunion with his dear old “mother”. Who knew Jenova could be so inspiring?

Are there any mothers you feel deserve a spot on this list? Is there some character out there who perfectly encapsulates motherhood in video game form? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.

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