
These 5 People Definitely Deserve Their Own Game

These days, you can make a game out of just about anything. But these people deserve some game time of their own.

Beyonce: Queen of the Universe

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Beyonce World at War

Let’s face it, just about everyone in the world admits that Beyoncé Knowles is their lord and savior. It’s just how she rolls. Beyoncé: Queen of the Universe is a first-person simulator where you see the world through the eyes of Beyoncé. Meaning that everyone you interact with is just one of your adoring fans or someone from your record label. Or Jay-Z. Maybe Solange, if she can be found.

Missions range from coming up with a hit new single to release under the radar to taking care of your adorable girl Blue Ivy. Also, there’s a mission where you scope out the mansion that jackass Notch jacked from you and then burn it to the ground. That’ll teach the creator of some game not to mess with Queen Bey. Like the Resident Evil games, sometimes you’ll have to fend off Kanye West, who shows up at random points in the story. Speaking of…

Kanye: Best of the West


He goes by many names. Yeezy, Yeezus, Louis Vuitton Don, Kanye Titta. His reputation is exceeded by perhaps nothing but his ego, and though his intentions are pure, they have ruinous consequences. Play as Kanye himself in a game where your decisions will change the shape of his career and perhaps the entire fate of the music world itself. Will you declare that George Bush doesn’t care about black people, dividing the nation during this troubling time with your bold statements, or will you stick to the script and save those words for another time? Do you completely ruin Taylor Swift’s moment at the VMAs to gain the attention of the Queen of the Universe in the hopes of getting into her Inner Circle, or do you let her have this? The choices are yours to make. Gather a loyal group of followers who will defend your decisions as you head towards one goal: becoming the greatest rapper ever of all time.


Hideo Kojima: Revengeance: Ground Phantom Pain Zeroes Nanomachines V

Hideo Kojima

Hideo Kojima, the man who makes games of his own. Wouldn’t it be fun to play a game as him? To think as Kojima, to speak as Kojima, to create as Kojima. Learn how he comes up with the story and characters for the Metal Gear games in this god game that mixes the decisions of Mass Effect with the gameplay of Civilization if it was designed by someone on the best kind of drugs on the market. Once you’ve tired of the whole “game design” thing, take a break by grabbing an electric katana and cutting everything you set your eyes on in an innovative FPS–first person slicer. Finally, make use of the darkness in the game’s real time day/night cycle by sneaking around the offices of Kojima Productions looking through your coworkers’ files, improving their work, and knocking out anyone who catches sight of you.

Make what you will, cut what you will, improve what you will, sneak where you will.


Cliffy B: Blitzinski Storm


Who better to be in a game featuring combat rolling, cover-based shooting, and gruesome finishers than the guy who basically wrote the book on it? Blitzinski Storm is a game where it’s nothing but good old Cliff, some guns, and a whole bunch of enemies that want him dead because they don’t like how Gears of War 3 ended. Who cares, it’s a big old bulletstorm! Mow them down with a real life version of the Lancer, the Flak Cannon, and weapons from some of his classic games. In addition to that arsenal, create your own weapons using what’s on hand when you run out of ammo. This game will redefine the word “badass.”


Troy Baker: Rise of the Troy Baker

troy baker

Chronicling his time from actor to singer to voice actor, Troy Baker: Rise of the Troy Baker is the start in what’ll hopefully be a franchise in the Voice Actor Chronicling. When the voice acting opportunity of a lifetime is stolen from Baker by a mysterious foe, he’ll have to search through his memories to find who would betray him like this. Call on every voice role he’s done thus far to gain powers that’ll gain you the advantage in the game’s combat and stealth elements. Summon friends and other voice actors like Jennifer Hale, Travis Willingham, and Laura Bailey to help you on your quest for answers.

Pre-order now to receive the Dawn of the Nolan North DLC pack.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
