
It’s a Beautiful, Mad World in the Gears of War Ultimate Edition Trailer

All around me are familiar faces...

The original Gears of War had a beautiful launch trailer. Using Gary Jules’ “Mad World” and no dialogue, it got players interested in this destroyed world and dark creatures that emerged from the ground. It’s definitely one of the most effective trailers to exist and could be responsible for the trend of trailers that mix haunting music with CG footage that’s so popular today. It may not have been entirely representative of the actual game, but you can’t deny that it didn’t pique your interest even a little.

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In any case, The Coalition has decided to not try messing with what worked and used the same song for the Gears of War Ultimate Edition launch trailer. It’s definitely more action packed and better looking than the original, but it’s also just as great to watch. You can check it out above.

Gears of War Ultimate Edition hits Xbox One owners next week. Don’t forget that getting it means you’ll get in on the Gears 4 beta and the backwards compatible sequels!

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
