
Devil’s Third Dev Bashes Rumors by Saying “World Brims Over with Lies”

Cuz baby now we got bad blood.

It’s hard when you’re the third wheel in a relationship. It’s even harder when that relationship is going through some troubles. Just look at Devil’s Third, which may be coming out still. Just, not by Nintendo. Maybe. Let us chronicle the alleged beef between Nintendo and Valhalla.

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Chapter One: Rumors started circulating that the company’s American arm had dropped Devil’s Third from its slate. It’s still going to be published by Nintendo in Europe and Japan, though. Nintendo was apparently concerned about the game’s quality. European journalists are ALLEGEDLY under embargo until July 15 to talk about the game, since it apparently isn’t very good. In fact, you may say it’s allegedly a…Devil’s Turd.

…Moving onto Chapter Deux: Siliconera reported that they received independent confirmation that Nintendo of America wasn’t going to be publishing Devil’s Third. But apparently there’s no bad blood between them, as Valhalla Game Studio has supposedly found another publishing partner already.

Chapter San: Tomonobu Itagaki, designer at Valhalla Studios best known for Ninja Gaiden, basically told people on Facebook to calm their shit:

[Calm down]

Guys, which do you believe me or such site?
The world brims over with lies and rumors.
Thanks always, mates.

So who knows what the hell is going on with Devil’s Third. Think it won’t be released? Any bets on who will supposedly pick up publishing duties? Let us know in the comments below, and in the meantime…well, look above.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
