
18 Legendary Boss-Killing Weapons You All Love Made Real

Video game weapons made in real life? Yes please!

The Revolver, Squall Leonhart’s Gunblade (Final Fantasy VIII)

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Now the first weapon on this list, formed of videos from channel AWE me‘s Man At Arms series,   also happens to be the first weapon from the Final Fantasy series. There will be many more as that series is a digital armory for kick ass weapons. But what makes Squall’s GUNblade stand out from the others? its a sword and a gun, or as the creators call it, a gunblade. Now why it was never called the gunsword, swordgun, stabbyshooty, or the sharp stick boom boom we will never know.

Gunblade is a recurring type of weapon in the Final Fantasy series, first appearing in Final Fantasy VIII. Originally designed by Tetsuya Nomura, a gunblade is a fusion of a sword and a gun. The Final Fantasy VIII gunblades do not fire projectiles, but later versions in other games, like in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy XIII, work as both a gun and a blade, although seem to work more of guns with blades rather than swords with firing mechanisms.

Just like the weapons serious namesake it is not to be taken lightly. It has ended the life of many dangerous foe whilst remaining damn stylish. The weapon just leaks sass, look at it! it’s like “I could shoot you, but you’re not worth the bullet.” It might just be the world’s most dangerous swiss army knife. To give the blade its due, when wielded with elegance and sophistication it shows immeasurable skill in both swordplay and marksmanship. That alone makes both the weapon and user legendary.

Arno Dorian’s Phantom Blade (Assassin’s Creed Unity)

The Hidden Blade has been an iconic weapon of the Assassin’s Creed series since day one. It is the prime tool taught to use in assassins’ 101 and given to all graduating assassins. Some ingenious assassin’s, however, are unimpressed with the ability to have to get close to shank a target.

The Phantom Blade was a modification to the Hidden Blade adopted by the French Assassins. It added a firing-dart mechanism to the Hidden Blade, making it both fast and deadly at long range

Meet the Phantom Blade. Arno Dorian’s answer to killing some unlucky sod from more than a foot away. The great thing is it is totally feasible! It isn’t just “Wow, thats cool.” It would actually work, and does, as shown in the video. Now the only problem is that the amount of accuracy and training it would take to wield this weapon proficiently. Lets just say for most people you would not be at an age where parkour is advisable.

Rebellion, Dante’s Sword (Devil May Cry)

A sword so intricate and heavy as Rebellion it would take a master to forge it and a master to wield it. A sword built by demons, to kill demons, wielded by a half demon. There are many aspects that make this sword wonderful but all of them are swept aside by its monstrous nature. Any of you who have held a sword, who know the true weight of three foot of lethality, will know that this sword is not made for any mere mortal to wield.

The Rebellion is Dante‘s trademark sword appearing in Devil May Cry 2, Devil May Cry 3, Devil May Cry 4, Devil May Cry: The Animated Series. Though it has the form of a standard claymore, it is a magical blade given to him as a keepsake from his father, the Dark Knight Sparda.

Now the sword made in the video is an incredible replica but it lacks all of the evil energies and history of Rebellion. Even so it would make Dante happy, if only to cut his steak with it.

Fierce Deity (Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask)

Whilst not strictly a sword the Fierce Deity is a mask which Link can wear that transforms him and bestows upon him special powers and a glorious sword. It consists of two blades that criss cross to form one. Is it functionable? Maybe. Is it awesome? Fuck yes!

The Fierce Deity is one of the transformations Link turns into in Majora’s Mask, achieved by wearing the Fierce Deity’s Mask. This transforms him into a mysterious and powerful warrior resembling a Hylian. It is one of four mask transformations in the game.

Whilst the weapon straddles that line of fact and fantasy there is no argument that it is a work of art. Deadly art, but art none the less. No elves or magical dwarves went into the making of this blade but does that make it any less exceptional? No, it doesn’t.

Auron’s Katana (Final Fantasy X)

Now Auron may not be Final Fantasy’s only katana wielding bad ass but he certainly wields one of the best katana. It is no where near traditional as it is slightly too big to be used efficiently in the kenjutsu style, but this makes it no less deadly in the right hands.

Without a doubt the best thing about this replica is the amount of detail that goes into forging it as a traditional katana. They are taking age old methods and combining them with twenty first century machinery. They did an amazing job considering all that.

Dragonborn’s Iron Helmet (Skyrim)

This isn’t a weapon, strictly speaking, but many times has the Dragonborn used this spiky helmet to headbutt enemies to death. That is enough to class it as a legendary boss killer. You can headbutt Alduin to death, there is a mod out there, trust me.

It is heavily fictional to have spikes on a helmet, as they would just snag and either rip off or break your neck, but that doesn’t make it any less awesome. As you can plainly see at the end of the video the helmet they make can clearly stand up to anything they will throw at you in Skyrim. Ouch, those katanas though.

Frostmourne, The Lich King’s Blade (World of Warcraft)

What true blacksmith and video game enthusiast would not take a crack at this blade? Its name is legendary. Its power is legendary. Its brother, Shadowmourne, is a legendary… in the game because Blizzard decided to make it unattainable. What-the-fuck Blizzard? WHY! Hell, take Warlords of Dreanor, Mist of Pandaria, and Cataclysm back and give us Frostmourne and Ashbringer as an expansion. Marketing 101, give the people what they want.

Frostmourne was the runeblade that Ner’zhul, the Lich King, thrust from the Frozen Throne, intending that Arthas Menethil — his unwitting potential host — would discover it on the continent of Northrend. It was wielded by Arthas, the new Lich King, until it was destroyed following his defeat in Icecrown Citadel.

Being a runeblade wielded by a disgraced prince, Frostmourne is certainly a unique sword. It even has its own book dedicated to the finding of the blade. Now beside it being a weapon of mass destruction it has one, more important, side effect. Like Excalibur, the one who wields it will be the next king. The Lich King that is. Out of my way bitches, I’ve got some caves to search.

Honedge (Pokemon)

Like Google with their driver-less car, this blacksmith wants a swordsman-less sword. We present to you, Honedge. The strong willed sword that needs no human to wield it. The result, a gorgeous replica with no compromise which is still highly functional.

Honedge is a Pokémon that resembles a sword from the medieval times. Honedge’s appearance sheathed is dark brown with curved lines across its surface. Its appearance unsheathed is a silver sword, with a gem that looks like an eye engraved on its hilt. Attached to the pommel is a long, dark blue cloth with a swirl design in lighter blue at its four-split end. The sash is known to suck out the life energy of anyone around whose arm it wraps.

Honedge’s origination is from Pokemon X & Y and has garnered much popularity due to the fact that it is, well… A freaking sword. A swanky one at that.  What was particularly impressive about this piece was how thematic it turned out with Pokemon, it didn’t feel like a cold piece of steel but rather, a living Pokemon.

Energy Sword (Halo)

Introduced in Halo 2, this weapon created an occult level of popularity due to the game mode Zombies (Or infection as it was also referred to). Now of course, due to the laws of physics and the limitations of science the guys behind Man At Arms couldn’t, unfortunately, make the sword out of plasma.

The Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword, commonly known as the Energy Sword, is a close quarters weapon of the Covenant Empire, for exclusive use of the Sangheili.

Despite that they still made an exquisite replica with the same color and lethality. Halo’s energy sword is legendary due to its simplicity. It is sword, used in space, by a Spartan. There is no faff, no nonsense, just a deadly weapon. Yet in practice it would have no use in our Earthly battlefields.

Masamune, Sephiroth’s Katana (Final Fantasy VII)

What did we tell you? Di-gi-tal fucking armory. Masamune is the third sword in this list, the second katana, from the Final Fantasy series. And quite possibly the longest sword in history. This sword is someone answer to them pesky spiders who hide just out of reach.

The Masamune is designed as a Japanese odachi blade. The design and color of the tsuba (guard) and tsuka (hilt) have varied from appearance to appearance, alternating between blue and gold and entirely black. The blade’s exact length varies; usually measuring at least as long as Sephiroth is tall or slightly longer, which would make it approximately six-to-eight feet long. The angle of the curve of the blade also varies, but it is never entirely straight.

Clocking in at between six and eight feet this odachi is nothing to be trifled with although in the hands of anyone but Sephiroth it is not nearly as scary. This is demonstrated by Tifa Lockhart’s brief and disastrous attempt at using it.

Blades of Chaos (God of War)

We have had a sword that kills demons, but what about gods? That honor falls to the Blades of Chaos. Two huge single edged swords that wouldn’t really be wield-able by us humans. Good job it doesn’t fall to us to slay the gods.

The Blades of Chaos were a pair of chained blades fashioned by the God of War, Ares. Ares had these blades made for a servant that would prove worthy of his service. These blades were the first pair of chained blades that Kratos used in the God Of War series.

They really are things of brutality. Not grotesque and not pretty just unadulterated malice in the form of horned metal. Incredibly designed to give off a primal theme. The creators of this deserve a medal as well as the Man At Arms for recreating them so well.

Master Sword (Legend of Zelda)

Of course this would be on the list, who in their right mind would miss this blade out? There is no sword out there that boasts such history. In appearance the sword looks like a basic European sword with a bright blue hilt, but it is so much more.

The Master Sword, also known as The Blade of Evil’s Bane, is a recurring legendary sword in the Zelda series. Originally crafted by the goddess Hylia as the Goddess Sword, it was later forged into the Master Sword by the goddess’s chosen hero and its spirit Fi, who bathed it in the three Sacred Flames located across the land that would become the Kingdom of Hyrule. Din’s Flame in particular, imbued the sword with the power to repel evil, a power apparently augmented after the sword received the blessing of Zelda, which transformed the blade into the True Master Sword. It is usually the only sword that can defeat Ganon in the games it appears in.

Appearing in nearly all of the games it is clearly as iconic as Revolver and Masamune from the Final Fantasy series. And clearly there is no finer blade to be the scourge of chickens and pots all over Hyrule.

Chrom’s Falchion (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

A Fine weapon. A lot of people believe a sword is just a tool. Two things in this world can change the way that they think of them. The first is to forge and use your own blade. The second is to be disarmed with your favourite sword by a Draugr using a dragon shout only to spend hours searching in the murky water for it.

The Falchion is a divine Sword that appears in the Akaneia Series and Fire Emblem: Awakening. Forged from a fang of Naga upon her departure from the realm of the living, this weapon is imbued with the power to slay dragons, and has, throughout its various incarnations, proven pivotal in vanquishing end-game antagonists, including the likes of Medeus, Duma and Grima. The sword is solely bound to Marth, Alm, Chrom and Lucina, and confers upon them the ability to recover their HP when it is used as a normal item.

Chrom’s Falchion is more than a sword. It is a companion, like Honedge. It will heal the user with mystical powers and if that doesn’t make this blade more than just a weapon, nothing does. No matter what it is, it isn’t actually a falchion. Despite its name, the Falchion is not actually a falchion, but a two-handed medieval longsword. A real falchion is curved and single-edged, more akin to a scimitar or a machete.

Hidden Blade & Pirate Cutlass (Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag)

As mentioned before hidden blades are given to all assassin’s graduating assassination 101. The difference between this and the phantom blade is this doesn’t shoot anything. That makes it no less stealthy or deadly, just less stylish.

In all seriousness the hidden blade is as the name says, hidden. Perfect for any would be assassin but incredibly difficult to use. Imagine if it fails or you forget to spring it? It would be like rolling a one in Dungeons and Dragons. “You lightly pat the General on the back… And cause him to stumble down some stairs, this kills the man.” The only way to critically fail is to succeed in all the wrong ways.

Leona’s Zenith Blade (League of Legends)

Do you hear that? That, is the collective outcry from a thousand noobs who have fell prey to this blade and her god-like master. Whilst it is an extremely beautiful weapon and wielded by an extremely beautiful warrior princess you still wouldn’t want to see hurtling towards your head.

Who would have thought Leona would be a supportive champion with such an aggressive weapon like this? Although is seems mismatched it makes sense when you consider that Leona’s play style is that of a tank/fighter with a lot of crowd control, so I guess we can let this one slide.

Sora’s Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts)

Now every variation of this weapon is bad ass but they all stem from the Kingdom Key. The really funny thing is, as weapons go, this one looks the least threatening yet it may posses one of the most dangerous powers of all the weapons on this list.

Keyblades are mysterious weapons that are heavily featured in the Kingdom Hearts series. Wielded by the main character, Sora, as well as a number of other important characters, the Keyblade is a main part of the battle between Darkness and Light.

These weapons have the power to seal, or open, the doors to other worlds in the Kingdom hearts universe (Who would have thunk it). Now how is that dangerous exactly? Well, imagine you had the power to seal off America from the rest of the world. Imagine the impact that would have.

Orcish Battleaxe (Skyrim)

Such a crude weapon, unfortunately the guys at Man At Arms did not have any orichalcum on hand. Even without it they did a fine job. They stayed true to the thematic style of the orcs in Skyrim which is really impressive considering the roughness in Skyrim’s weapons comes from necessity of the times and technology.

The irony is that by the end of Skyrim you are sick of orcish battle axes, to the point of leaving them behind, but most of us would love to have this replica in real life. Let that be a lesson to you. Love all weapons equally and end the unrealistic standards of weapons of all to be beautiful.

Buster Sword (Final Fantasy VII)

Last but not least, on it your eyes shall feast, upon this iron beast. But you will have to turn your head because it is, in the words on Ron Weasley, “bloody huge”. It is ridiculously big. What the hell are you trying to cut, Cloud? Giants, dragons, trees, mountains? Nope, just his enemy’s sword was longer. Yep, one of the biggest fights in video gaming history, Cloud versus Sephiroth, falls down to dick measuring.

The Buster Sword is a weapon that first appeared in Final Fantasy VII and has since appeared in several other games in the series. It is Cloud Strife‘s trademark weapon, and was wielded before him by Zack Fair and Angeal Hewley. The Buster Sword serves as an iconic image for Cloud and Final Fantasy VII due to its massive size and is wielded by Cloud in most of his appearances.

Petty penis grudges aside the Man At Arms did a superb job with this blade. It size doesn’t just make it unwieldy but also difficult to create. This make the finished product more than acceptable, especially ‘because you can lift the damn thing. How Cloud ever used this thing is beyond us.

What weapons would you love to see recreated? Tell us in the comments and be sure to leave one on the videos created by Man At Arms for a chance to make that happen!

About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.
