
12 Characters That Need To Be Playable In Pokken Tournament

Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan

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As the “original” fighting Pokemon, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan seem to be destined to be part of the roster. If not both of them, then definitely at least one of them. There’s also a good chance that Hitmontop and Tyrogue might make the roster as well, all of the Hitmon Pokemon are very diverse in their fighting styles and could conceivably all sit on a spot in the roster without really having clashing move-sets. Really, these two aren’t so much possibilities as certainties for Pokken Tournament.

Odds of Inclusion: I Will Eat My Hat If They Are Not Included


Scizor is a fan favorite Pokemon, and seeing as how it was announced that not the entire cast would be made of Fighting-type Pokemon Scizor seems like a shoe-in as a Bug/Steel type Pokemon. Considering also that some of the cast is confirmed for using their Mega Evolutions during battle, Scizor being a Mega Evolution user would make him an excellent choice as part of the privileged few.

Odds of Inclusion: Pretty High


Greninja’s inclusion mostly hinges on the fact that they were included in Smash Bros. On one hand, Pokken could take a page out of Smash Bros’ book and try to style Greninja’s move-set after his move-set in Smash Bros; on the other, the inclusion of Greninja in Smash Bros. may make them want to keep Greninja out of Pokken to keep from flooding the market. Either way, Greninja would make a great substitute for the ninjutsu-using Ryu Hayabusa in Tekken, and it would be logical to take Ryu’s move-set and apply a splash of water-type moves in it.

Odds of Inclusion: Like “Superheroes” By Daft Punk, It’s Up In The Air

A Fighting-type Gym Leader

It’s well-established that among fighting-type enthusiast trainers, sparring with one’s Pokemon is a very common event. So, it wouldn’t be completely illogical to include one trainer as a playable character. If a trainer were to be included, it would most likely be one of the fighting-type Gym Leaders from the series, as they would be far more recognizable than a generic Black Belt type trainer. Considering also the wide variety of Gym Leaders there are on display throughout the series, it would be easy to take any number of the Gym Leaders and create a move-set for them based on what type of fighting they do; Korrina from X&Y could have a move-set based around roller derby, for example, much like her gym was in the games.

Odds of Inclusion: Middling To Low

A Fighting-type Gym Leader Wielding Honedge, Doublade or Aegislash

However, considering that the gym leader in question would be up against some of the toughest fighting-type Pokemon in existence, the trainer would need some sort of edge against them to keep from being beaten to a pulp. Perhaps even…a Honedge. (Sorry.) But really, a Pokemon trainer outfitted with a Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash would be an excellent inclusion to represent trainers in the tournament, and considering how the Honedge line are all just haunted swords they would be the best way to make the trainer unique outside of just being a Heihachi look-alike, and still have it technically count as a Pokemon.

Odds of Inclusion: Lower Than Just A Gym Leader


Mewtwo is much in the same boat as Greninja. They appeared in Smash Bros., so their inclusion could go either way easily, but Mewtwo is probably up for higher consideration due to the fact that they are a non-fighting-type who can also Mega Evolve into two different forms. Mewtwo’s set would make good use of their impressive psychic abilities, and if they allowed them to Mega Evolve they could either become a grappler or a zoner based on which form you evolved into. Lots of potential here and skipping out on Mewtwo would be a huge mistake.

Odds of Inclusion: It Is What You Do With The Gift Of Life That Determines Who You Are


Genesect would be a great unexpected inclusion to the roster. They wouldn’t have the same kind of maneuverability as the other Pokémon, but the giant artillery gun strapped to their back would make them excellent at zoning. Their ability to switch between elemental types would also give them a very diverse move-set based on which element they have equipped at the time. Ultimately though having Genesect in for the surprise factor would be their biggest pull.

Odds of Inclusion: Distressed Beeping


Garbodor is infamous for being terribly designed in the opinion of Pokemon players, and that is exactly why they should be in Pokken Tournament. Pokken Tournament is a game that needs at least one gag character, and having the lumbering behemoth Garbodor in the roster would fit that role nicely. Even not as a gag character, Garbador would be an excellent bruiser like Machamp to fit in. Launching trash and using poison to create danger zones on the field would be a great way to distinguish them from the rest of the Pokemon on the list.

Odds of Inclusion: In The Dumps


Gardevoir or Gallade are both excellent options for the roster, but as opposed to the Himon-family earlier in the list it’s doubtful that they could both occupy separate slots. The only difference between the two is Gallade’s armblades, and that’s not enough to craft two separate move-sets for. Despite this either of them could fit very comfortably on the list with both of them having Mega Evolutions and a potential move pool wide enough to create an interesting move-set for them.

Odds of Inclusion: A Little Bit Is Better Than Nada


Bisharp isn’t quite as popular as the other Pokemon on this list, but their status as a being covered in blades would make them excellent as a more bizarre character to play as. Their move-set could involve a lot of acrobatic moves and high maneuverability to make the best use of their blade-studded body. Also, if elemental weaknesses come into play, Bisharp would make for an excellent representative of the Dark type.

Odds of Inclusion: A Steel-Type’s Chance in PokeHell


Hawlucha comes fresh out of X & Y, but quickly body slammed its way into the hearts of many with Luchadore-style flair. This Pokemon practically writes themselves into a roster slot for Pokken Tournament. Just give them a very close-quarters, wrestling-style move-set with more than a few flying presses, and Hawlucha will be a tough contender among the rest. Really, the toughest thing about including Hawlucha is explaining why a fighting-type Pokemon influenced by Mexican-style Luchadores was first discovered in what is effectively France.

Odds of Inclusion: IT’S A WAY OF LIFE


Golurk needs to be included exclusively so that Fly can be made part of his move-set. They are one of the very few non-flying-type Pokemon to be able to learn the move, and definitely one of the best because canonically Golurk can turn into a rocket to fly. To put it bluntly that makes Golurk sweet and absolutely deserving of a spot on the roster. Heck, just center Golurk’s entire move-set around the fact that they can turn into a rocket, maybe make them something like Sentinel in Marvel vs Capcom. Rocket fists, rocket kicks, whatever it takes. Just add Golurk. Please.

Odds of Inclusion: [praying emoji]

About the author

Yamilia Avendano

Founder of Twinfinite, playing games since 1991, especially in the simulation and action genres.

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