
10 Hilarious Easter Eggs Found in Videogames

Look at all the pretty eggs.

Disco in Crysis 2

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So it’s Easter; it’s a time for chocolate, a time for bunnies, and most importantly, a time for eggs. What kind of eggs, you ask? Why, Easter eggs of course. And what better Easter egg to kick this list off than the hidden disco in Crysis 2?

Crysis 2 is a relatively serious game that puts players in all sorts of dangerous scenarios. So when the developers decided to throw in what is arguably one of the funniest Easter eggs to ever appear in a shooter, everyone took notice. During a certain mission, in a certain building with certain red carpets, you will stumble across an elevator that lacks power. Head around the corner to find the power switch, then return. Hit the button now and prepare to smile at this colorful Easter egg.

Grand Theft Auto IV‘s Heart of the City

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Grand Theft Auto is known for including lots of non-Easter-egg Easter eggs. Plaques that state nothing is here, and dead ends that led many to lose hope in Rockstar ever including a true, genuine, bonafide video game Easter egg in any of the entries in the series. It seems as if that sentiment was exactly what Rockstar was waiting on before unleashing this pretty gruesome Easter egg upon their fans.

If you take a helicopter over to Happiness Island and jump out at the feet of the Statue of Happiness, you will find a door with an odd sign reading “No Hidden Content This Way”. Go through, and up the ladder and you’ll find yourself staring at the large, beating heart of Liberty City. This Easter egg really is a sight to behold, even if it is a slightly disgusting one.

Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid

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Ah, the PlayStation. It’s brought many a gamer some truly memorable experiences. One of those experiences was being able to play the first entry in the Metal Gear Solid series, and go against Psycho Mantis. This former KGB psychic was all about proving his abilities through the game, like when he moved your controller across the table after telling you to set it down. As cool as that was, there was one Easter egg that put even his fiddling with real world items to shame.

If you happened to have certain Konami game save files on your PlayStation memory card, and had that memory card plugged into the console while facing Psycho Mantis, he would tell you what games you’ve played. It may sound silly now, but at the time it was a true mindfuck. Even better was if you played Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on the Nintendo Gamecube. In this instance, you’ll get to hear Psycho Mantis list off some of the Nintendo titles you’ve played such as Super Mario Sunshine. Now that’s a good Easter egg.

Dying Light‘s Easter Egg Bonanza

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Probably the greatest Plants vs. Zombies easter egg ever seen.

Dying Light might be a new game, but it definitely earned itself a spot on this list. Hidden under all the gore, and verticality lay a treasure trove of Easter eggs just waiting to be discovered. Picking one out of the bunch was a pretty difficult task. A hidden Super Mario styled level, and a Master Sword gave a nod towards classic games. A surprise visit from a The Last of Us enemy was aiming for the prize as well. But, there was one that stood head and shoulders above the rest.

That king Easter egg, out of all the Easter eggs in Dying Light was the one that had you witness a game of Plants vs. Zombies in extra gory detail. After finding a sunflower hidden on a cliff, you were transported to a sight that was nothing short of amazing. Plants stood their ground and destroyed a wide variety of zombies slowly making their way towards a cabin. Easter eggs sure can be great, huh?

Jar Jar Binks Gets What’s Coming to Him

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Some of you may be surprised to hear this, but a lot of people did not like Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars. Crazy, right? What’s not to like about one of the most annoying, and somewhat racist, character in the three Star Wars episodes so many fans force themselves to forget? Well, whatever the reason was, some people just weren’t very happy with this fella.

Fast forward to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and a single Easter egg led many to cheer in happiness. Head to the Imperial Kashykk level (mission 6) and make your way to the trophy room. Here you will find, in all its splendor, Jar Jar Binks frozen in carbonite, just as poor Han Solo was once upon a time. Justice is a beautiful thing.

Even Turkeys Need The Creed

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The Assassin’s Creed series is known for many things. Large areas to free-roam, a nice arsenal of weapons, some sweet parkour skills, and murderous fowl. Wait, what? Well, it turns out that in Assassin’s Creed III you can recruit none other than a nice plump turkey to your cause. It takes just a little bit of work, but this Easter egg is totally worth it.

Head to the back porch of your Homestead and take cover on the wall, then whistle. After a few seconds a turkey should appear. Once you’ve got the bird in your sights, lock on and enter the Konami Code (Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A. But you didn’t need that, right?). If you did it right. your new pet should instantly don a recognizable hood to those who follow the creed.

Assassin’s Fail

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Of  course we couldn’t give you that Assassin’s Creed III Easter egg without sharing this gem from The Witcher 2. Assassins are known for their death defying feats above historical cities true to their times. Jumping, and climbing hundreds of feet up is nothing. But what is there to do when you get into trouble on the top of some cathedral? Well, according to the creed you jump down into a hay stack and make a quick getaway.

But in the real world, all that gets you is a broken neck and a bloody pile of hay. Having Geralt stumble across one of these unfortunate souls near the Bastille gate is an Easter egg that adds some truth to all of Assassin’s Creed‘s history.

Ice Cream Anyone?

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Agent 47 is a truly dangerous man. He will use anything within his means in order to take out a target. And, unlike other assassins on this list, he’s not crazy enough to jump off of a bell tower into nothing but a pile of hay. The thing is, sometimes in his particular line of work, he adds a necessity to get creative. Maybe your pair of silenced Silver Ballers just can’t make the shot. Or perhaps, you just want to try something new.

Hitman Absolution gives you a golden opportunity once you find yourself in a desert with one of your targets. You could easily take him out as you please, but where’s the fun in that? Locate and shoot all of the vultures in the area and watch as your frightened target tries to make a run for it. What happens next is probably one of the oddest Easter eggs in video games. A colorful ice cream truck comes out of nowhere and kills your contract. Mission accomplished. The magic of Easter eggs.

My Little Pony, My Little Pony!

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Now, this isn’t the first time that Diablo has included some insane level with a focus on an animal. But, Whimsyshire from Diablo III takes the cake as far as extra secret levels go. What’s scarier than a world full of cows? How about one filled with unicorns, teddy bears, and smiling clouds? To make matters worse, these things are deadly as all hell (funny, considering your fighting hordes of demons and Diablo himself).

To access this Easter egg, you will need to craft the Staff of Herding. Once you do that, head to Old Tristam Road and find the Cow King’s Ghost. Talk to this deceased fellow (who knows nothing about a secret cow level) and you’ll be granted access to the wonderful world of Whimsyshire, hand drawn map and all. Now let the Easter egg awesomeness flow through you.

Mr. Toots Has Something Special For You

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Here is Mr. Toots. No, he’s not the tattooed man, nor is he the huge alien receiving a fast full of…. well, for lack of a better term, butt rainbows. Mr. Toots is the poor unicorn seen above screaming in agony as he gets all of his magic squeezed out of him during a game of Red Faction:Armageddon.  How did he end up in this situation? He thought he led a good life, but apparently he made a wrong turn somewhere.  Is this really all for some Easter egg? Just so someone could have a laugh? Whatever the reason, let us all be glad that Mr. Toots was found and that he has all of his wonderful butt rainbows to share with the world.

Are there any Easter eggs you feel belong on this list? If so feel free to share below.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
