
Top 10 Best Selling PS One Games of All Time

Best Selling PS One Games, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

The very first PlayStation, the PS One, is a classic system that millions of gamers have fond memories of. From Final Fantasy games, to Tomb Raider, to Crash Bandicoot and of course, Gran Turismo, players ate PS One games up. Here’s are the best selling PS One games of all time.

Best Selling PS One Games

Crash Bandicoot 2

Arguably the best game in the series, Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back took everything people loved about the first Crash Bandicoot, polished it up into a significantly better package the its predecessor and solidified this furry bandicoot as a PlayStation Icon. It’s no wonder it sold 5.17 million copies on PS One. Oddly enough though, it’s sold the least of the original trilogy and it is in the top 10 best selling PS One games of all time.

Best Selling PS One Games

Tomb Raider II

Tomb Raider II did exactly what Crash Bandicoot 2 did: took everything people loved about the first, polished it and released it to the world, thus solidifying Lara Croft as an adventure icon not just for PlayStation, but for the world. On top of that, this sequel added new weapons, new moves and new vehicles. Fans were thankful for these additions and showed their gratitude by purchasing 5.24 million copies of Tomb Raider II for PS One and it is in the top 10 best selling PS One games of all time.

Best Selling PS One Games


If Final Fantasy VII is the financial success of the famed JRPG series, than Final Fantasy IX is the critical success counterpart. While not nearly talked about enough, Final Fantasy IX succeeds on so many levels. The story, the characters, the art style, the combat, and especially the music — all of it is great. While Final Fantasy VII swamped it in sales, Final Fantasy IX’s 5.30 million copies sold on PS One is nothing to scoff at and it is in the top 10 best selling PS One games of all time.

Best Selling PS One Games

Metal Gear Solid

Ahhh, Metal Gear Solid. The game that started it all (and yes, technically it isn’t the first metal gear game but you know what we’re getting at here). This game was one of the first real glimpses into the mastermind that Hideo Kojima is. Metal Gear Solid released 20 years ago but still today, Kojima continues to confuse, mesmerize and blow minds with his games today. Let us not forget where it all began though. It’s up to those with one of the 6.03 million copies sold to keep the torch lit and it is in the top 10 best selling PS One games of all time.

Best Selling PS One Games

Crash Bandicoot

Crash Bandicoot never was the Super Mario 64 of Sony, but it wasn’t necessarily trying to be. It doesn’t help that 64 released just a few months before Crash. Where 64 resided in a 3D space that players were free to explore, Naughty Dog crafted Crash’s 3D space with the intention of always moving players forward and it is in the top 10 best selling PS One games of all time. While it wasn’t a powerhouse like Nintendo’s first 3D Mario game, Crash Bandicoot still made a large footprint with 6.82 million copies sold.

Best Selling PS One Games

Crash Bandicoot 3

Crash Bandicoot started it all. Crash Bandicoot 2 made the series better in almost every way. Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped took the series in bold direction. Where was the series supposed to go other than time traveling, though? Instead of reused level designs, we got gladiator fights and a bandicoot that’s never looked cooler (looking at you leather jacket-wearing, motorcycle-riding Crash) and it is one of the best selling PS One games of all time. Despite what some might think, Warped was the best-selling entry in the franchise with 7.13 million copies sold.

Best Selling PS One Games


Final Fantasy VIII: You never had a chance. You came off the heels of the most popular, most revolutionary entry in the series and on top of that, you were certainly an the odd one out, as it was one of the best selling PS One games of all time. Final Fantasy VIII took players to the moon, didn’t really understand its protagonist (we all know Squall wasn’t the real protagonist of the game — Laguna was) and simply put, you weren’t Final Fantasy VII. That’s okay though because you still get the final laugh with 7.86 million copies sold.

Best Selling PS One Games

Gran Turismo 2

Turns out, sequels, when done correctly, make a lot of money. That’s why it’s no surprise that Gran Turismo 2, one of the most successful sequels on the PS One, has sold 9.97 million copies. Simply put, it was the best racing game you could buy at the time. Today the series has waned a bit, but racing fans come out in droves when a new entry is released. They did back in 1999 and likely will in 2042 and it is one of the best selling PS One games of all time.

Best Selling PS One Games


Do you hear that? That’s the sound of Sephiroth’s blade ripping through the chest of Aerith. Oh no, wait, that’s actually the sound of the millions and millions of dollars Final Fantasy VII has raked in. With 9.72 million copies sold, iand more to be sold in the future (although those won’t factor into this number), it was one of the best selling PS One games of all time, and Square Enix created the second-largest PS One cash cow.

Best Selling PS One Games

Gran Turismo

When Gran Turismo was released to the world in 1997, nobody had any idea that it would kickstart a series that would grow into one of the world’s most successful racing franchises in the history of video games and the best selling PS One games of all time. It was realistic when other games weren’t. It was challenging when other games were easier and more focused on the fun. It helped put the PS One on the map and still today stands as the best-selling PS One game of all time with 10.85 million copies sold.

That does it for our list of the Best Selling PS One Games of All Time.

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About the author

Wesley LeBlanc

Wesley LeBlanc is a graduate of the University of North Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Journalism. He has a passion for entertainment and the industry surrounding it. He's either playing video games or writing about them. When he isn't doing that, he's reading about them. Get a life, right?
