
5 Secrets in the Resident Evil VII Demo You Probably Missed

There is a pair of wire cutters at the end of the hallway past the kitchen, surrounded by rotting cow corpses. The wire cutters can be used to open the wardrobe at the other side of the hallway, allowing the player to use the video tape to travel back in time to when the television crew investigates the house by playing as the cameraman. It is speculated that you play as the cameraman in both time periods.

There is a switch in the fireplace that reveals a secret door to another area in the first room that you spawn in. This area is discovered when playing in the past; and in the present, allows access to the back door key and fuse needed to access the attic.

If the player has inserted the missing fuse into the fuse box, they can activate the stairs to the attic upstairs. There are two rooms in the attic: one, that is completely sealed; and a room with a ringing home phone and photo of a helicopter – speculated to be from Umbrella – with the text, “Are they watching us from that helicopter?”.

So far there are three variations of the phone call, which is also speculated to be from an iconic character in the series, Ada Wong. Each of these versions are activated by different sequences of events (and in different orders). The first conversation, activated by watching the video tape, finding the fuse and inserting it into the box before going upstairs and answering the phone call, asks for the player’s identity and mentions that someone is coming for them; the second phone call is accessed by watching the mannequins upstairs as you go up to the attic, ensuring they don’t stare at you and suggests that you not accept reality for what it is; while the third. Answering both phone calls results in the “Welcome to the Family” ending – leaving the player trapped in the house and presumably dead, – unless they hug their back against the wall when leaving the room and going downstairs to avoid being grabbed (although this is most likely a glitch in the demo)

If the player has inserted the missing fuse into the fuse box, they can activate the stairs to the attic upstairs. There are two rooms in the attic: one, that is completely sealed; and a room with a ringing home phone and photo of a helicopter – speculated to be from Umbrella – with the text, “Are they watching us from that helicopter?”

When playing in the past, the player can find a lock pick in between the microwave and wall in the kitchen. This lock pick is needed to open the locked drawer in the kitchen which, if unlocked in the past, is where the player finds an axe in the present. The use of the axe is uncertain, as it doesn’t seem to help defend against the man in the house, and most boxes that can be destroyed in the house re-spawn.

There are a group of voodoo dolls hanging in the room leading to the basement – which is coincidentally blocked off. The purpose of these dolls is uncertain, although they seem to multiply till there’s seven of them. Seven seems to be a magic number for the demo, with the number being in the letter ‘T’ in the title for the game’s pre-Resident Evil VII state, “Kitchen”; as well as there being seven ghost sightings.

A ghost can be found glitching around in the VHS tape in seven different locations: outside on the porch near the door as the crew are entering the house; at the end of the first hallway; outside the kitchen window; hanging upside above the door exiting the kitchen; sitting on the stairs; in the voodoo doll room underneath the stairs; and while descending the ladder.

There are no doubt more secrets to be unveiled about the demo as gaming communities are coming together, sharing information and their experience with the demo in hopes of finding the true ending and meaning behind world, characters and more about the demo.

Think we missed out on some secret information in the game? Let us know in the comments below.

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About the author

Julian Rizzo-Smith

Julian was a freelance writer for Twinfinite who covered news stories from the latest in Pokemon GO, Overwatch, and the Final Fantasy series. Pretty much anything going on in the console space, or in VR was within Julian's wheelhouse.
