
The Most Memorable Video Game Moments of 2016

After being the sole survivor of an animal attack in Far Cry Primal, one would think that Takkar would want nothing more to do with animals. Thankfully, missions from the shaman Tensay teaches him how to control animals to his advantage. It’s a turning moment for the game, uniting man and beast in a way not seen before in that time period. There’s not a product of gaming more divisive this year than Hello Games’ No Man Sky. All that said, there’s no denying the chills that come when you get your first ship and leave your planet to see a wide array of stars and planets for you to go to. As they say, space is the final frontier, and that’ll definitely have you believe it.

It’s a moment of chance, one that has no real logic to it. Some get it for being the best on their team, others just for doing something incredibly stupid, yet vital. Others may consider it their mission as they play game after game. But there’s been nothing more satisfying in gaming this year than to hear the music swell and see your character get the Play of the Game. After being the sole survivor of an animal attack in Far Cry Primal, one would think that Takkar would want nothing more to do with animals. Thankfully, the shaman Tensay teaches him how to control animals to his advantage. It’s a turning moment for the game, uniting man and beast in a way not seen before in that time period.

Insomniac’s sci-fi duo has been through a lot over the last 14 years, and nowhere is that more apparent than in the Insomniac Museum. The virtual showcase has appeared in entries of the series before, but with the 2016 remake, it truly feels like looking back on all the moments that have made this series so special.

The legendary city of the gods was one of the best locations in the original Dark Souls, so it’s only fitting that players go back to where it all began for the third one. Returning feels like a true completion of the trilogy and a more than satisfying end for From Software’s opus.

World War I wasn’t a pleasant fight — no war is, especially one that’s called the Great War. Battlefield 1 takes this even further by opening the single player with a mission where all you do is die. Each time you pass on, you’re transferred to the body of another Harlem Hellfighter, and man, is it just bleak as all hell.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
