
14 Xbox One Exclusives You Can’t Play Anywhere Else

microsoft, xbox one, gamescom

Xbox Fitness is easily the best use of the Kinect. A fitness app that you can customize, and it works very well. It might not be fun in the typical sense, but definitely a great exclusive for the machine.

One of the best racing games on the Xbox happens to also be a true exclusive. If you want to get behind the wheel, you better fork up some cash for Microsoft’s machine.

Crimson Dragon is the spiritual successor of the Panzer Dragoon series, a wonderful rail shooter that has you pilot a badass dragon. Unfortunately, this Xbox One launch exclusive couldn’t capture the same spirit as its inspiration.

Fighter Within is a great looking fighting game marred by its horrible controls… which are you in front of the Kinect. Most of the action makes little sense, and that leaves the 23 it holds on Metacritic as a complete surprise (how did it get such a high score?).

Forza Motorsport 6 is shifting to the PC with a few changes, but 5 stood as a true exclusive, being one of the first games to show of the hardware’s capabilities.

This isn’t your typical game, as you must play this RTS using your voice in conjunction with your controller. It’s different, and exclusive to the Microsoft’s latest console.

Want all four of the main Halo games from the Xbox 360 with updated graphics and new features? Well you’ll need an Xbox One, because there’s nowhere else to play them.

While some of the Xbox One exclusives have shifted to the PC platform as well, Halo has held strong… for now.

While none of these games are technically Xbox One exclusives, the new challenges and interesting tidbits are. This classic compilation can’t be found anywhere else.

Raiden V is a great shmup that hearkens back to the glory days of old school, scrolling shooters. Huge combos, fantastic explosions, and tons of action. It may not seem like it, but this is one of the more solid Xbox One exclusives.

The Kinect is perfect for fitness, but after one app, you don’t really need any others. Still, Ubisoft wanted to provide the ill-fated, packed-in camera another exclusive to get Xbox One users’ blood flowing.

Kinect Sports Rivals may sit at a 60 on Metacritic, but it’s one of the better Kinect only games. Fun for a few minutes, then you can just cast it aside.

Sunset Overdrive is not only a bona fide exclusive, but also one of the best deals Microsoft has made with an outside developer. Many PlayStation fans were frustrated at this Insomniac game being solely on the Xbox One, and after playing it, we could see why. Fun open world, tons of weapons, and lots of content.

Kung-Fu for Kinect is a brand new game for the, you guessed it, Xbox One Kinect. To nobody’s surprise, it isn’t very good, but it is a true exclusive, unavailable on any other platform. We’re not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

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About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
