
The Bad Parts That Almost Ruined These 20 Great Games

worst parts of great games, Bad Parts Which Almost Ruined These 20 Great Games

When Fallout 4 was finally revealed back in 2015, the internet breathed a collective gasp. Here it was, another chance to get back into the world we all knew and loved, in all its shiny next-gen glory. And in many ways, Fallout 4 added several improvements to the series such as full voice acting and updated shooting mechanics. Unfortunately it also brought a new base building mechanic which was janky, ugly and shoe-horned into the game at every avenue.

Assassins Creed Origins is a fantastic game, the best in the series in years. Bayek, the game’s protagonist, is quite possibly my favourite video game character of the last few years, setting a new precedent with rock solid motivations and genuine charm. It’s odd then, that the game decides to hide all of this under one of the most confusing and overwhelming openings of an open world RPG ever.

Batman: Arkham Knight was the perfect way to finish the genre-defining trilogy. It gave us a fully realised Gotham City and a whole new way to traverse it in the form of the Batmobile. As well as offering the car configuration which allowed Batman to speed through the streets, there was also a tank configuration which allowed him to blast away his enemies with reckless abandon.

The Uncharted series is undoubtedly one of the best in gaming. The visual fidelity, character building bad parts and set pieces on offer here are unmatched and culminate in a near perfect experience. The series has always struggled in one area though, combat. It’s all smooth sailing when faced with one or two nameless goons but given an entire army to fight and things start to get tricky. bad parts

Survival is one of the core themes of The Last of Us. From the outset the game pits the player against near insurmountable odds. By limiting ammo, outnumbering the player and forcing them to acavenge for supplies, The Last of Us exudes a brutal and unforgiving vibe. That is until the game’s bad parts final level. After learning that Ellie is to be killed, Joel goes on a one-man rampage to rescue her. He goes from resourceful every man to assault rifle-wielding super soldier in an instance as he guns down wave after wave of enemies. This set-piece stands out like a sore thumb in a game which places so much agency on stealth and resource management and ultimately feels forced as a result.

Breath of the Wild The motion controlled shrines in which the player must guide a ball through a maze and into a hole are fine on the face of it. Problem is, when in handheld mode, it is incredibly difficult to accurately control the ball without moving the whole console. These bad parts shrines were frustrating to say the least and showed a distinct lack of planning on Nintendo’s part.

Dark Souls is brutal, that’s nothing new. It’s also fair, requiring the player to learn attack patterns before conquering its fiendish bosses. The Bed of Chaos then, just doesn’t feel very Dark Souls. With its random attacks the fight devolves into an RNG affair, one which has had players rage-quitting ever since.

The first BioShock is a modern masterpiece. It features one of the most completely realised world in Rapture and manages to exceeds both an action game and as a horror. The whole game is about experimenting with different weapons and plasmids, seeking out different combinations and using them to progress. The last few hours of the game are a rough time. After an awesome twist, the player is sent backtracking through the world to modify themselves and become one of the game’s iconic Big Daddys. What follows is a drawn out ending filled with bad parts over the top boss fights utilizing weapons and abilities which the player has literally just acquired. It’s a strange departure which the series chooses to double down on, basing the entire sequel on it.

The Mass Effect trilogy is one of the best in gaming. From the aesthetic to the weapons, every part of it feels futuristic and new. Everything except the Mako space buggy that is. Handling like a bumper car on ice, the Mako buggy made planet excursions a real hassle, hampering what is otherwise an amazing spacefaring adventure.

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About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Jake Green

A Nintendo evangelist and X-Files super-fan, Jake can be found peddling his gaming opinions online. He has a soft spot for VR and values story-telling in gaming above all else.
