
15 Video Game Characters That Showed Us What It Means to Be a Hero This Year

Nathan drake

Marcus (Watch Dogs)
Boy & Trico
Nathan Drake
Elena Fischer
Ratchet & Clank
Kait Diaz (Gears 4)
Noctis (FFXV)
Doom Marine
Emily Kaldwin
BT (Titanfall 2)
Lincoln Clay (Mafia III)
Yarny (Unravel)

No one in gaming likeTeam ICO excels at making players bond with the NPCs, and the same holds true for Last Guardian. Above all else, the dynamic between the tiny Boy and the giant, fluffy Trico is what sells the game, and the two properly convey their relationship without words needed.

Some heroes save the world because of a higher calling, others for personal reasons. Geralt just does it because it’s his job, and he’s damn good at it. Going to Toussaint may not have the grand scope of the base game, but it’s more than a worthy send off for the silver-haired monster hunter after nearly a decade of adventures. The bond between man and machine is an often explored one in gaming, but Titanfall 2 used this trope to give life to its hulking hunks of metal. BT and Jack’s bond makes the game, with the Titan becoming more and more endearing as the campaign goes on and delivering surprisingly funny dialogue with his Pilot.

The excellent gaming remake from earlier this year gave new life to the sci-fi heroes. Even with changes to the canon, the two are still the best of friends that travel the galaxy together, and it’s nice to see old friends get together under a refreshing new context. Okay, yes, there’s no denying that of the four heroes of Final Fantasy XV, he’s the weakest. But Prompto is a nice counterpoint to Noctis’ stick in the mud attitude, providing much needed levity for the dudes during their journey, even as he wrestles with his own self doubt. Plus, he takes some really good selfies.

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About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
