
Which of These 10 Pokemon GO Players Are You?

So many different types of trainers, all vying to be the very best.

Gotta Catch ‘Em All

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Pokemon GO

You’re in it just for the thrill of the hunt. There is no Pokemon in Pokemon GO that is safe from your wandering eye and your stellar mobile signal as you trek through every part of your city in the hopes of catching ’em all.

You have no real interest in Gyms or other types of challenges, so CP is of no concern. You seek out PokeStops with active lures and keep a detailed map of rare Pokemon spottings. As far as you’re concerned, the game is not over until you have at least one of every single critter in your collection. 


Tourists are those who take advantage of the different features of the Pokemon GO app to enjoy their city rather than just seek out adorable little monsters.  A large portion of those PokeStops are actually landmarks that you can visit. sometimes you may even find a landmark you didn’t know existed, or knew about yet couldn’t find.

For instance, I happen to live by Houdini’s tomb (yes, that Houdini), but could never find it. If it weren’t for Pokemon GO placing a pretty marker on my GPS, I would’ve never found it. Chances are that others are realizing the same thing, and Pokemon GO has become their tool of choice in exploring the unknown. The fact that these players can pick up a Pikachu or a Squirtle on the way is an added bonus. 

The Pidgey Enthusiast

The Pidgey is one of the most common Pokemon in Pokemon GO. They are so common that most players have captured well over 20 of these feathered little creatures. Now while some of us instantly transfer them all for their candy, others keep a bunch to build small armies rather than seek out rarer, more powerful Pokemon.

The thing about these types of players is they aren’t confined to just Pidgeys. It can be Rattatas, Weedles, Venonats, or any other really common Pokemon and its evolutions. The best part is, they’ll have some really powerful final forms. While a majority of players quickly evolved their first Pokemon before getting those they really wanted, these players have some of the most powerful early Pokemon you’ll ever see. So when you you notice an OP Pidgeot guarding that Gym by your house, you know exactly what kind of Pokemon GO player was around. 

Slow Drivers

Pokemon GO definitely promotes a more fit lifestyle. If you want to “catch ’em all,” you’re going to have to get up and get out of your house and do a bit of exploring. The way the game is set up, it prefers that you walk and even tries to reward you for doing so. You want to hatch that egg that’s housing a mysterious Pokemon? Then it’s time to put your feet to pavement… except when you don’t want to.

Enter the slow drivers. These are the folks that use their cars, bikes, scooters, skateboards, and whatever other means of transportation they have that isn’t just their feet. It turns out that you can get some distance towards your Eggs while driving slowly, meaning you can save your energy and not have to walk around for 10 hours. Also, driving helps you reach Gyms, PokeStops, and other locations much faster than on foot. 

Only Hunt at Night

Often crossing streams with the Slow Drivers are the players who only hunt at night, and by hunt we mean search for Pokemon of course, nothing is being killed. These players wait for the end of the day to start seeking out their quarries.

This can be for many reasons. Some are students and are therefore unavailable during the day, others have jobs or children, and a few just really prefer the nighttime. No matter what the reason is, you can spot these players by the glow of their GPS as they seek out that Haunter nearby your house. 

Crowd Organizer

Pokemon GO may be mostly about becoming an amazing trainer, but there are those who believe it’s also about the people you experience it with. Sure you can play alone, but why should you when there are literally millions of Pokemon fans around the world, and a good portion of them most likely live nearby.

Because of this, Crowd Organizers get huge parties of players to adventure through the city with them. The goal is to just have fun and catch amazing Pokemon. After years of playing the games alone on handhelds, these players want something more as they strive for greatness. 

Gym Leader

Anyone level 5 or above with dreams of representing their team at a Gym has encountered one of these Pokemon GO players in one way or another. Gym Leaders or those who care about nothing more than powering up their Pokemon and leaving them to control your local gym. You can get through the lower ranks, but once you get to that final Pokemon it’s clear that you stand no chance.

These are the players that have that 1500 Lapras or that impossibly powered up Raticate that’s keeping you from claiming a Gym in your team’s honor. While everyone else is trying to catch all the pretty Pokemon, Gym Leaders are farming for the same ones to make sure they can have the strongest possible defenders. Eventually, for those who hope to enjoy the game for a long time, the call to be a Gym Leader will reach your ears. But for now, we can only admire in pure awe as we continue to catch Pidgeys. 


Survivalists approach Pokemon GO a bit haphazardly. While most move in crowds and keep to areas they know like the back of their hands, these players are wandering aimlessly with no care for where they may end up. For these players it’s all about surviving the world at random in order to catch those ever-elusive Pokemon.

Survivalists can often be found lost in the woods. They may look like they’re on a voluntary hike, but unbeknownst to everyone around them, they actually started in their front yard and expected to just go on a ‘quick’ adventure. Thankfully, these individuals have what it takes to survive no matter where they go, even if that means getting stuck in the wilderness. Chances are, this is the only person you’ll come across who has actually caught a Venusaur rather then evolve to one. 

The Lone Ranger

The Lone Ranger is the complete opposite of the Crowd Organizer. This player has been training to travel the world on their own since they were probably 8 years old when the OG Pokemon games released. Just like in those games, this player is ready to set out on a lone adventure, ready to challenge anyone who crosses his/her path.

The more extreme version of the Lone Ranger takes the act of not playing with others very seriously. They use no PokeStop modules (who needs friendly handouts anyway, right?), they go where nobody else is willing to go, and they seek no help from strangers. It’s not that they’re against people or anything, it’s just that reliving the experience the same way that little dude in Pokemon Red and Blue did is of the utmost importance in Pokemon GO. 


Psyducks are on a whole other level when it comes to Pokemon GO. After days of playing and adventuring with friends these players still have absolutely no idea what’s going on. Chances are that they never had the pleasure of experiencing Pokemon back when they were younger. Maybe they’re even new to video games as a hole and the popularity of Pokemon GO has proven to be a gateway for them to experience something brand new with millions of passionate people.

Psyducks aren’t to be confused with those who berate people enjoying themselves, though. While they are still new to the game and must learn the ropes they’re all down to have some fun. Help them, teach them, maybe even get them to join team Valor (you know it’s the best). Be patient with them, and help them see how great the world of Pokemon is. And remember, these Psyducks will evolve into Golducks and end up being some of the best players you know.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.

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