
5 Ways to Prepare for Destiny: Age of Triumph

Eyes up Guardian.

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Get to Light Level 400

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One of the most important items you will want to check off before Destiny’s Age of Triumph release is to make sure you have at least one hero at Light Level 400. Since Bungie will not be raising the Light Level with this new live event, reaching this cap should be a priority for any existing, new, or returning player. Make no mistake, these will be some of the hardest challenges that Destiny is going to offer so you’ll want every advantage possible. While this new content, specifically the updated raids, won’t be a recommended light of 400, it’s still best to be that high.

This is not only due to your character having increased survivability and DPS (damage per second) output, but that many ‘looking for game’ sites typically ask players to be max light. You won’t be gated off for being in the 390s, but try to run Nightfall strikes, Crucible matches, and finish off faction packages to get the highest level loot. You might also want to consider at least getting all three of the classes to their max level (40) so you can complete the various Record Book entries pertaining to the Hunter, Titan, and Warlock respectively.

Beat the Old Raids


Even though Wrath of the Machine is the only raid currently available that will give you high level loot, it’s going to be important to have a working memory of Vault of Glass, Crota’s End, and King’s Fall. All of these raids feature unique mechanics, enemies, and bosses that will require your team of six to overcome a variety of interesting challenges that the latest raid doesn’t touch on. Playing through them will get you ready for dealing with any new additions or challenges added into their updated counterparts. You can also have a chance to get some of the raid exotics like the Vex Mythoclast to practice with before their Year 3 versions arrive.

This is also a wonderful experience for new players, as Vault of Glass is considered by many, including us over here at Twinfinite, to be the best raid in all of Destiny. Playing through these raids is quite an experience and one that every player should endure. Thankfully, you have a few days until the actual update drops so you can always try them on their easiest mode before Bungie turns up that difficulty dial.

Get All The Trophies/Achievements

destiny rise of iron plaguelands

With the exception of a few key trophies, getting the platinum in this title is not actually that difficult. For anyone who has been playing since at least King’s Fall you will probably have many of the more time intensive ones unlocked already. If you are looking for something to do while you wait for this new content to drop, try and obtain all the achievements in Destiny, as they can be a great way to help refresh your ememory of the mechanics, levels, and classes.

Plus you can try for the Flawless Raider trophy, which requires players to beat an entire raid without anyone dying once; quite a challenge regardless of how skilled your team is. This not only allows you to re-experience the raids but add a nice layer of difficulty to what would be a normally easy run. Also, it just feels good to have unlocked everything in this game and not have to worry about it any more when Destiny 2 arrives.

Practice For The Crucible

Destiny: Rise of Iron

The new Destiny record book has literally two pages dedicated to PvP alone, so you are going to want get some practice in before the new content drops. While a lot of it is more focused on the volume of matches played over the actual skill involved, if you want to 100% this book, you’re going to want to get ready for Trials of Osiris. Perhaps the most intense PvP mode in Destiny, this 5 round elimination match up will push teams of three to their limits. Practicing with two friends for this will be critical, especially given how utterly competitive the mode can be.

Remember to try and have weapons, sub-classes, and builds that compliment each other. Having a team of shotgun users will be great if you can make them go invisible via a smoke bomb or move quickly around the terrain via Blink. Just make sure to bring multiple weapons with you, as you never know what kind of situation you’ll be thrown in. You don’t want to be in a long range fight with nothing but mid to close quarters weapons in your inventory.

Collect Everything

Destiny: The Dawning

One of the more intensive sections of the new record book is one focused on gathering an insane amount of items in the game. These include 130 Dead Ghosts, 100 Shaders, 120 Emblems, and 35 Sparrows that all need to be in your inventory to unlock these various nodes. This is obviously a monumental undertaking and thankfully the book will just mark these sections as complete if they’re done already.

You’re also going to need 5,000 Grimoire Score which is going to be fairly easy if you look for all of the Dead Ghosts, as those boost the points. Along with these items, just farm enemies with various weapon types to increase your Grimoire Score. However, a lot of this will just be unlocked over time so don’t fret if you’re new and not close enough to have this node finished right away. In terms of the other collectibles, just use your various terminals to see what Shaders you’re missing and take note of how to get them. Grinding Strikes and Crucible matches will unlock quite a few and also help you boost your Grimoire via the various kill/weapon requirements.

Destiy Age of Triumph will certainly take some time to finish, but you can easily get a head start on a lot of the activities. Even if you’re new to Destiny, this is a great time to get into the game and take on its years of content. For you veterans, there are a lot of collectibles, weapons, armor, and resources to harvest if you want to be the first to 100% this book. It’s been two years since we last delved into the Vault of Glass, but we cannot wake to go kick Atheon’s butt once again.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Collin MacGregor

Collin is a Senior Staff Writer for Twinfinite and is a lover of all things horror. When he's not healing his teammates in Overwatch, raiding in Destiny, making poor choices in Dark Souls, or praying for a new Ape Escape you can find him writing for Twinfinite.net and Nerd Much.com.
