
The Swords of Ditto: 7 Crucial Tips and Tricks For Beginners

the swords of ditto

Do Not Rush Towards the End

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Tips and Helpful Tricks to Beat The Swords of Ditto

The Swords of Ditto give you four days (on medium difficulty) to get through the initial dungeon, defeat two of the anchors, and ultimately head to Mormo’s dungeon to give her the beating that she deserves. If you wish to go straight for Mormo without taking down the two anchors, then be my guest. But in order to defeat Mormo, you’re going to have to level up your sword at least to level 10 or higher if you want to at least have a small sliver of a chance. The enemies in Mormo’s castle are about level 15 or so, which means that if you head straight there without any kind of battling experience, you will die, no questions asked.

If you’re playing on the medium difficulty, four days is plenty of time to get what you need without feeling too rushed. Just know that beating Swords of Ditto takes time and patience, which is what will lead to your overall success. You’re going to have to die multiple times in order to level up your sword to the required level, so just take your time and don’t get angry whenever you do get defeated. Each defeat will inch you closer and closer to the end game and once you get there, it’ll all be worth it.

Stickers Are Your Best Friends

Tips and Helpful Tricks to Beat The Swords of Ditto

In the Sticker Shack in the main square of the town, you have the option to purchase from a multitude of stickers, which act as equipment for different parts of your body. There are stickers that you can put on your helmet that might increase your overall attack power or a sticker for your body that will net you extra health items from defeated enemies.

You really can’t go wrong with the ones you decide to pick from, but just know, that you should always have some cash saved up so you can equip as many as you can. It can be hard to choose and pick on what to spend your hard-earned coins on, but stickers are the way to go if you end up with a little bit extra in your pocket. Be aware that stickers do go away once you die, so keep that in mind when you have to start your adventure over and you find your sticker inventory to be completely empty – it definitely shocked me the first time.

Celestial Tokens Will Save Your Life (Literally)

Tips and Helpful Tricks to Beat The Swords of Ditto

Every time you start up a new adventure with a new character, you’ll find an item in your inventory called a Celestial Token. These tokens will literally save your life if you find the right place to put them. Since the world map is random each time you start a new journey, finding the altar to place your Celestial Tokens will be a little bit of a mission to find. There are a certain amount of slots for you to place your token, around 10 or so, and once you eventually fill up all of the slots, then a mystical whale will appear that will grant you the amazing ability to save your life if you were to die, or to go back in time in order for you to gain more experience or better equip yourself.

The tokens will stay put in the altar even when you die, so when you find it again in your other playthroughs, the tokens won’t be lost. Getting that extra help is essential to ultimately triumphing.

Experiment With Toys

Tips and Helpful Tricks to Beat The Swords of Ditto

You start the game off with a BB gun and a torch, but once you obtain some cash, buying items from the toy store will greatly help you when it comes to defeating enemies. The toys can be pretty pricey, especially the super-powerful ones, but if you have extra cash, we recommend investing in one or two since they will surely help you in a pinch.

You can also find toys in dungeons that are hidden in chests and you can upgrade most of your toys if you manage to come across batteries. Same situation with the stickers though: if you die with your toys, upgraded or not, you will lose all of your progress with them – be wary.

Explore Hidden Dungeons and Caves

Tips and Helpful Tricks to Beat The Swords of Ditto

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With the limited time that The Swords of Ditto gives to you, it can be very stressful to try to get as much experience, items, and money in one playthrough, but there is one feature that takes some of the stress away from you that is greatly appreciated. Whenever you step into a dungeon or if you’re in the main town, the timer will stop, giving you as much time as you need to explore dungeons and secret caves.

Besides the main anchor dungeons that you have the option to go through, there are a ton of hidden caves and dungeons that you can find in the field that will grant you large amounts of money and special items. Some of these can be extremely challenging, so be sure that you are prepared before stepping into one. You don’t want to lose your progress on an adventure because you tried to get a little extra cash. If you feel that you’re not strong enough for the cave, just turn around and keep keeping on. Although, if you feel up for the challenge, optional caves are the way to go for some quick spending money.

Always Have Health Items on You

Tips and Helpful Tricks to Beat The Swords of Ditto

Your health can go from being completely maxed out to you being dead in a matter of seconds, thanks to the enemies crazy attacks that you might not see coming. Luckily you can heal from the main menu, meaning that you can heal at any instant, if you have items that is.

One thing I learned from dying over and over again during my playthroughs is that you need to constantly keep your health at least over 50% full. Just don’t try yourself. Even if you think you’re safe and you’re running around having a good ol’ time, before you even think about healing, an enemy might just detonate in your face, causing you to get very angry and probably killing you in the process. Purchasing health items should come first and foremost before you even think about buying a new toy or sticker. You can’t go into a dungeon without healing items, you just can’t.

Adventure With a Friend

Tips and Helpful Tricks to Beat The Swords of Ditto

Swords of Ditto features local co-op multiplayer for up to two players for the entirety of the game, and it’s very easy to do so as well. The only downside of playing with another player is that, of course, the enemies are going to be a bit tougher, but you do have two players, so it obviously has to scale in some way or shape. Both players also share from the same inventory pool, making health items more precious than usual, but at the same time, item drops are more present, making you gain items back as fast as you use them.

The biggest thing about playing with a buddy by your side that makes Swords of Ditto much easier to complete, is simply the fact that when one player faints, the other player can go over and revive said player by hugging them (isn’t that just adorable). This makes dying much harder, and the trek to Mormo that much effortless.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Greysun Morales

Greysun eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen
