
See How Game Companies Everywhere are Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air!

Another year, another February, and that means that it’s Valentine’s Day. The holiday of love is celebrated by pretty much everyone on social media, and that extends to game companies. While the world waits with baited breath to see what Blizzard will do for Overwatch, other companies have been celebrating in their own special ways.

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Guerrilla Games, for example, used their upcoming game Horizon Zero Dawn to celebrate the occasion, because nothing says love like shooting a robot animal minding its own business.

There’s different ways to express your affection for someone in this day and age. You could, for example, make them a lovely piece of art!

Then you’ve got CD Projekt Red, reminding everyone of the biggest decision they ever had to make in the Witcher games. Depending on who you picked, your Valentine’s Day may be more trouble than it’s worth.

Maybe you’re more of a hands on lover, someone who shows their affection with your hands (or opening a portal hell). Doom and Assassin’s Creed have got you covered.

Or you could be…whatever’s going on with these hearts from Sonic.

And then here’s this actual heart from Agent 47, which may be a step too far.


Of course, you could also just get right down to the nitty gritty of the whole holiday. Hopefully, it’ll be just as good as this novel. And no cuts to black.

And of course, we can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day without bringing up the romance that closed out 2016: Tracer and Emily. Be like them and smooch your sweetheart on this day of love. And if you’re single, well…there’s always For Honor.


If you’re bummed out about the highly anticipated game Persona 5 not being out today as promised, don’t worry. Atlus has a Valentines generator so you can hold down your feelings of betrayal and abandonment.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
