
5 Reasons Pokemon GO Players Are Moving On Already

The dream to be the very best will remain just a dream for some.

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Pokemon GO came in July and quickly began taking the world by storm. Leading up to its release, the excitement was palpable, but it was still impossible to predict just how big the game would become. This simple mobile app put those little creatures from our childhood out in the real world. Suddenly, everyone with a smart device was on a quest to be the very best, catching Pokemon and taking over gyms.

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The changes that this simple game brought along were incredible, allowing Pokemon GO to leave its mark on video game history in such a short period of time. Yet, it would seem that honeymoon period is coming to a close. As we move into August, many players who jumped onto the hype-train are slowly but surely departing from Pokemon’s biggest adventure. And while it may be difficult for some of the most dedicated trainers to even fathom why someone would do that, there are a few reasons. 

Technical Issues

pokemon go, battery saver

Pokemon GO is fun in its own special way, there’s no denying that, but there’s also no denying that this app has had its fair share of problems. From frequent freezes, to server woes, and even faulty maps, not everyone has had the smoothest adventure. As is the case in just about any game, glitches and other troubles can drive even some of the most optimistic players away, no matter how much fun there is to be had.

Niantic and The Pokemon Company have been trying to implement fixes for everything, even rolling out a brand new patch just the other day, but it’s not enough for everybody. There are fewer freezes, that’s for sure, but Niantic has completely removed the game’s Pokemon tracking system, and requested third party tracking apps like Pokevision be shut down. While we suffer fewer bouts of downtime, it’s now incredibly difficult to track down Pokemon in your area. One step forward, two steps back. Unfortunately, those two steps back are causing players to take steps away, having had more than their fill of Pokemon stress. 

We’ve Caught ‘Em All… or at Least Enough

mewtwo pokemon go

Part of Pokemon GO’s fun is adding all of your favorite little beasts to your collection. Sure there are gyms and the prospect of battling friends in the future, but some players are happy enough just catching the handful of Pokemon they most fondly remember from their childhood. There’s nothing wrong with this, but when you stop and realize that only the first generation is currently available (Pokemon from Red, Blue, and Yellow), you realize that there really isn’t much to obtain.

Unless you’re dead set on catching the greats, such as a Mewtwo or one of the three legendary birds, chances are you’ve already caught, hatched, or evolved the Pokemon of your heart’s desire. When that happens, it becomes a game of “now what?”

There has been no timetable given for any special catching events, or even for when players can expect the next wave of Pokemon. Chances are it’s no time soon, since the developers are still rolling out the game in other regions. Until there’s news of something more in store, players will slowly be falling away. 

Waiting on Friends and Other Features

Pokemon GO

Leading up to the launch of Pokemon GO, the game’s advertisements looked full of possibility. Two of the biggest anticipated features were the ability to battle anywhere and to trade with friends. It was reminiscent of the classic games, just on a slightly larger scale. Unfortunately, when the game finally did launch, neither of these features were available, nor was satisfying trainer customization, or a lot of other features some fans expected.

It’s understandable that some features would need time to roll out – just look at all the server mayhem without them. Can you imagine the hell that would have ensued if Niantic did allow friends, trading, and random battles from the start? But on the flip-side of that coin, it’s also understandable for fans to put the game down for now until those features become something tangible. At the moment, they are just hopes waiting on the horizon.

Maybe Pokemon GO Isn’t Set Up Too Well In Your Area

Pokemon GO

One thing about Pokemon GO is that your area has some say in how much fun you’re going to have. If you didn’t know already, the app uses Google Maps and pinpoints landmarks and other major points of interest as PokeStops and Gyms. Your location can also determine what types of Pokemon and any spawning nests you’ll have in your area. This can be a problem for fans who downloaded Pokemon GO but live in more rural places.

Just as an example, we’ll compare the likes of New York City with just about any suburb. NYC has several different types of geography within the city limits as well as thousands of landmarks which serve as PokeStops and Gyms. There is no shortage of action. If you run out of Poke Balls, walking one block in any direction will usually get you sorted out, and there are tons of people playing.

In a suburb, a place with more residencies than official buildings and not much in the way of landmarks, there’s notably less activity. You’ll have tons of grass most likely, sure, but PokeStops are few and far in between, Gyms are a rare sight, and the Pokemon variety just isn’t up to snuff. It’s a much different experience the further away from cities you live. The developers are looking into providing more stops and gyms, but those adjustments may be some time off. For now, many areas are relatively barren, and it’s hard to be excited when just about everyone else is surrounded by tons of variety.

Players Have Simply Grown Tired

pokemon go, defender bonus

This may sound a little crazy, but Pokemon GO takes a lot out of you. If you want to actually take over gyms, “catch ’em all,” and seek out the very best monsters out there, you’ll need quite a bit of legwork. Searching new neighborhoods, going to social events, seeking out PokeStops, defending your local gym, or the act of hatching an egg consumes a lot of time and energy. While exercise is good and players are certainly having fun, there are just other things to do.

It’s not always easy to have time to keep up with the joneses, especially when everyone in the world is trying to be the very best just like you. It’s tiring to be the best, or you may just want to play other games, both are perfectly understandable.

In time I’m sure that many players wandering away from Pokemon GO will revisit the quest to become a Pokemon Master, but for now, there are plenty of reasons to set it aside as Niantic figures out what to do next.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
