
Ranking All Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

Boyfriend Dungeon

Kitfox Games‘ Boyfriend Dungeon has been out for a little while now, and in that time, we’ve been able to assemble a ranking list of the best and worst weapons to take on your trips to the dungeons within the game. Taking the right weapon can mean all the difference between a successful run through a “dunj” and a trip back to your apartment via ambulance.

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The latter isn’t exactly the best way to end a date in a dunj, so prepare yourself well with the correct character for the right situation. Do note that no weapon is really poor per se, as each has their own advantages and disadvantages, some more than others. With that, let’s get to the rankings.

7. Valeria the Dagger

Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

Boyfriend Dungeon

Valeria is known to cut to the chase with her dagger abilities. Though her strikes jut out quickly, they do leave your character rather vulnerable in the process. Getting surrounded by foes is not recommended, despite her heavy finishers allowing the dagger to strike the ground, sending out a small, but fast and painful shockwave to enemies, as they’re just hard to control.

Though when surrounded, rolling can not only avoid enemy attacks but it also can confuse enemies, leaving them vulnerable for a change. The effect at Love Rank 1 is limited, but by Love Rank 2 it can confuse enemies a tad longer. Still, taking a lot of damage due to vulnerability with Valeria is more probable than confusing enemies, making Valeria our pick for the worst weapon in Boyfriend Dungeon – though still quite effective.

6. Sawyer the Glaive

Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

Sawyer is a perfect weapon to take into battle for long-range combat. They are able to be thrown forward, launching themselves into enemies and stunning them. Depending on the bonus equipped at Love Rank 4, they can also make it so that enemies will either be stunned longer or become attacked when Sawyer returns to your character’s grasp.

A heavy attack finisher serves as an incredibly strong reminder to foes that surrounding your character is probably not the best idea in battle when you’re wielding the Glaive, as it produces a massive shockwave around you. In addition, finishers can set foes aflame with the High Heat bonus at Love Rank 5, making you and Sawyer a fierce and fiery duo in fights.

The only main issue with Sawyer is how many of their attacks have a more sizable windup time when compared to other weapons, especially when the glaive is thrown out. Still, Sawyer is one wickedly cool weapon to wield.

5. Sunder the Talwar

Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

As the saying goes, “Talwar is hell.. for your enemies, that is!” Sure, we took some (read: a lot of) liberties with the saying, but you probably get the gist – or at least you will when your character wields Sunder in battle.

Sunder is a delight to wield in battle due to his ability to unleash fast slashes at foes, and also perform spin attacks that hurt surrounding enemies.

Sunder can not only occasionally siphon health from foes (though this takes until he’s at max Love Rank), but he can also dish out attacks that cause foes to bleed (starting at Love Rank 1 and increasing effectiveness at Love Rank 3), gradually decreasing their health. Bleeding enemies also have a chance to lower attacks of enemies at Love Rank 4 or better yet, cause them to explode entirely at Love Rank 5. Oh, yes, Talwar is definitely hell for enemies indeed!

Sunder’s damage output can be quite good, especially with his bleed perk, but his max Love Rank perk of healing your character upon dishing out damage comes a bit too late in the game to be overly helpful.

4. Rowan the Scythe

Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

The dark and mysterious Rowan channels their energy to transform into a scythe, which is quite suitable for the character. They allow your character to unleash wide attacks with the scythe’s impressive range.

The scythe can bring foes closer to you in case they decide to attack from afar and can also produce gravity wells at Love Rank 1. These gravity wells suck in enemies to keep them contained while also eventually either exploding or dealing more damage depending on the perk equipped at Love Rank 2.

At Love Rank 3, Rowan’s power also increases when enemies are defeated, briefly boosting the scythe’s already notable attack power. When your character’s Love Rank with Rowan is increased to max, their weapon’s attack power can become increased temporarily up to five times. Definitely deadly, but not as much as the next weapons on our ranking.

3. Isaac the Estoc

Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

These final three weapons are all terrific with very little in the way of notable drawbacks. First up is Isaac the Estoc, a weapon of fine taste and especially fantastic for fencers at heart.

Your character can jut out their sword, stabbing enemies with ease while also being one of the only weapons that can charge attacks. As your Love Rank with Isaac increases to level 4, the time it takes to charge, in turn, decreases.

One of the best combat abilities of Isaac brings the old saying, “The best offense is a good defense,” into play, and right from the start at Love Rank 1. By holding down the “roll” button before getting hit by an attack, your character can counter enemy attacks with the proper timing. This deals massive damage to foes while protecting you from their unwanted advances.

Additionally, other than this remarkable riposte countering maneuver, heavy finishers at the beginning Love Rank from Isaac launch a cascade of blades in front of your character, unleashing a strike that pierces all foes in front of you.

2. Pocket the Brass Knuckles

Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

Boyfriend Dungeon

Here, kitty, kitty. Pocket is a cat who isn’t romanced like the other weapons in the game, so you can strike that fear out of your mind immediately. Instead, the relationship is more like a cat who eventually warms up to its owner, though you aren’t technically its owner, but you know what we mean.

In battle, Pocket transforms into a pair of brass knuckles, fiercely clawing foes into submission. The light attacks of the claws strike quickly and furiously while the heavy attack pounces upon foes with cat-like precision, and culminates in a fast and feverish flurry of claws that launch forward at foes.

You can deal a lot of damage at once in a wide field by wielding Pocket due to the large area of attack provided with heavy attack combos. Furthermore, finishers at Love Rank 1 can immobilize foes, making them stay in place (though they can still attack you). Though, if you do take damage, Pocket’s bonus ability at max Love Rank will either give your character a speed or attack boost. Even when being on the receiving end of the carnage, Pocket is insanely useful in combat.

1. Seven the Lasersaber

Boyfriend Dungeon Weapons From Worst to Best

Boyfriend Dungeon

The number one weapon in Boyfriend Dungeon and the weapon we deem the absolute best is none other than Seven, who transforms into a Lasersaber of epic proportions. Seven is positively shocking in battle, in both a literal and figurative sense, able to perform speedy strikes that can shock nearby enemies.

His Chain Lightning ability that is available immediately at Love Rank 1 can send electricity bouncing between attacked foes, quickly shocking them into submission. His attacks can also stun lock foes at Love Rank 2, making them easy to sweep up and destroy. An increased Love Rank to level 3 will increase how many Chain Lightning attacks can bounce between enemies as well. At max level with Seven, Chain Lightning deals damage between five enemies. Utterly electrifying!

What makes so Seven so dangerous in battle (for enemies, that is) is that he can attack hard, fast, and his range is insanely impressive. Bosses can go down and be defeated quite quickly with a skilled wielder. All of these aspects makes Seven the Lasersaber the best weapon within Boyfriend Dungeon.

Speaking of the weapons, if you’re wondering which gifts are the ones that will be accepted (whether loved or liked) or rejected by them, look no further than Twinfinite’s Boyfriend Dungeon gift guide.

About the author

Phil Stortzum

Phil was a freelance writer for Twinfinite with a particular focus on civering Nintendo-related news. Whether it was hitting the links with Mario or snapping some shots of pocket monsters in Pokemon Snap, Phil was all over it.
