
8 Questions We Still Have After Destiny 2’s Big Reveal

So much the Guardians want to know.

What’s Ghaul’s Deal?

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Destiny 2

The Destiny 2 reveal opens with Zavala telling us all about an attack on Earth by the Cabal under a leader named Ghaul. Obviously all of the alien races have been very evil and just generally don’t like us, but this appears to be very personal. We’ve dealt with the Fallen, Vex, Hive, and Taken, and while they’ve each tried to make life hell, none have visited the Tower to kick our teeth in. Yet Ghaul marched right in, decimating everything in his wake.

This feels different from what we’re used to with other enemies, even other Cabal enemies we’ve had to put down. To tear apart our home, and to leave the Traveler, our last major defense, burning in the sky is showing some serious rage. Destiny 1 struggled quite a bit with story, so we’re hoping there’s something deeper going on here for Destiny 2. 

What Planets Can We Expect to Explore?


In Destiny 2’s trailer, it’s obvious  that we will be visiting Earth again, including the Last City that sat beneath the Traveler. This means we’re not leaving the Solar System just yet, something we were sort of hoping for. However, it doesn’t mean that we’re going to be limited to the same planets we’ve been hopping between (though repeats don’t sound too out of reach).

Will we be able to go further in the system? Perhaps visit Pluto, some more moons, Mercury, and maybe even beyond the Reef. There wasn’t too much to go on in this regard while watching Zavala and Cayde-6 give their speeches, so it’s definitely a thought right at the forefront of our minds. 

Are We Just Gonna Ignore Eris Morn and The Taken King’s Ending?


Those of you who’ve been around Destiny for some time and have played through all of the story may remember that The Taken King, one of the stronger expansions to the game, ended with a twist. Eris Morn, the dark Guardian who spent years trapped with the Hive has been working for someone else, someone she calls her queen. When Oryx is defeated, she steals a shard of him and it’s clear that things are about to get weird. The thing is, when Rise of Iron finally released, nothing concerning the Taken was touched on. It’s a cliffhanger that we’re still resting precariously on.

Now with Destiny 2 on the horizon we see the Cabal in full force, something fans have waited for since launch, but not even a hint of Taken, or even Eris walking in the background. We understand that it was a short trailer (less than two minutes long) and that they had to set up the main plot, but we’re definitely curious to see how the previous story continues. 

Oh, and What About Mara Sov?


Mara Sov, the queen of the Reef, was a casualty right at the opening of The Taken King. She’s a character that was loved by many, mostly due to her badass, take no prisoners attitude. The fact that it’s been hinted that she managed to survive Oryx’s attack has kept fans in suspense, but it’s becoming more and more difficult to await her triumphant return (if it even is to come).

With Earth besieged by the Cabal, we’ll need to turn to allies, powerful ones. In the first game, there weren’t many who could contend with Mara Sov, so she would be a lifesaver in Destiny 2. Also, it would help shed some light on the Awoken. 

Will There Be More Wildlife?

destiny 2

One of the more exciting things we saw in the Destiny 2 trailer was a beast that seemed to act like a Cabal pet. It lunged at Cayde-6, biting at his weapon. It stood out because until now, the only life we’ve been able to interact with are the bipedal alien races themselves. In the original game, there were no ferocious beasts or monsters (except for Ogres). This creature we witnessed opens up new possibilities.

Could Destiny 2 possibly have wildlife on the worlds we explore? Will we have to watch our backs for strange new creatures? Or will these just be encounter specific animals that some enemies will bring along?

Where Will We Find Refuge?


The Tower has been the place where we made prepared ourselves, did silly things, and made long-lasting friendships. Seeing it destroyed will weigh heavy on every Guardian’s heart. Where are we to go now that our home is gone?

Will the Last City become our hub instead, or will we have to seek refuge among the stars as we launch or attack against the Cabal? Or will the world structure be different where we don’t necessarily need a hub? 

How Will Gameplay Change?


We know to expect a gameplay reveal in the near future, but of course it’s one of the questions that all fans want an answer to. Most likely it will remain largely like the current setup, but what parts will evolve to move the series into the future?

Will the tons of loot behave the way they do now? Will the RPG side become more prominent or will shooting hold center stage? What about character and weapon customization? Watching the larger battles play out in the trailer has us hoping we’ll find ourselves in the same situation, with new techniques and powers. 

Will Sweeper Bot Finally Have His Moment?

destiny 2 sweeper bot

Sweeper Bot has been through a lot. He’s watched us come back and celebrate our victories in Nightfalls and Raids. He witnessed us push our friends that stepped away from their controllers across the whole Tower. And he had to sit through Cayde-6 bragging as he swept up a mess too big to possibly be cleaned by just him and his broom.

However, Destiny 2 is an opportunity for new legends to rise. Who says it must be an Exo, a Human, or an Awoken? Who says legends must be chosen by the Traveler? Sweeper Bot is so tough he survived a Cabal raid on the Tower, it’s time for him to start calling the shots. Hear our plea Bungie – it’s time to give this custodian a promotion. He doesn’t even need a weapon, just point him at a target and leave him with his trusty broom.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
