
10 Overwatch Lore Mysteries We Hope Are Explored in Future Animated Shorts

We need answers!

What Assignment Did Katya Volskaya Have for Zarya?

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At the end of the Infiltration short, we see everyone’s favorite pink-haired bodybuilder emerge from the shadows in Katya Volskaya’s office. The Volskaya Industries CEO and former Sombra hostage seems stern as she addresses Zarya. “Do you know why you are here,” she asks her without even making eye contact. Zarya simply replies, “I believe I do.” Well, the rest of us would love to get in on that knowledge.

There are a lot of theories floating around about the nature of this meeting but those often struggle to find any solid support. Could she be asking Zarya to go after Sombra? It seems like an incredibly risky move for a woman who was just looking down the barrel of Sombra’s gun. Besides, if Zarya ever found out about Katya’s connection to the Omnics, her entire company and her country could be thrown into sheer chaos. That’s more than enough reason to keep Sombra happy, right? There’s so much uncertainty here and we haven’t had a chance to dive deep into Zarya’s story so hopefully season 2 will finally provide some answers.

Who is the Family Reaper Was Watching?

We don’t know much about Gabriel Reyes’ family life but there certainly seems to be something particularly deep to explore here. The special holiday themed Overwatch comic revealed how our favorite heroes spend this special time of the year. Oddly enough, Reaper spent the holidays closely watching a family of three. The family remains unidentified and it isn’t clear if it’s the specific members of the family that have earned Reaper’s interest or if it’s just the simple concept of family that has garnered his attention. Needless to say, Reaper just never came across as the kind of character that would be very interested in family life but maybe all that talk about death is just a hardened exterior wrapped around a soft, caring man who is yearning to feel loved.

Yeah. Probably not.

Is Widowmaker’s Brainwashing Fading?

The current lore so far explains that Widowmaker’s cold personality and abnormal skin color are merely two of the many side effects of Talon’s conditioning. The terrorist organization kidnapped Widowmaker and forced her to undergo extreme conditioning that eventually turned her into an incredibly deadly sleeper agent. This was supposed to leave Widowmaker in an essentially brainwashed state where she remained at the will of Talon, however, there are plenty of signs that suggest Widowmaker may not actually be under their full control anymore.

Overwatch’s holiday comic showed her visiting her dead husband’s grave, something that seems unusual for a woman who is essentially supposed to be brainwashed. Has Widowmaker regained a full sense of free will? If so, why is she continuing to work with the terrorist organization that had her kill her own husband?

What Exactly Is Junkrat’s Treasure?


We have all known about a very important treasure that’s in Junkrat’s possession for quite some time now and it’s not just a part of Overwatch lore that lingers forgotten in the background. In-game voice lines between Junkrat and other heroes like Hanzo make mention of the treasure Junkrat discovered. We know he discovered it in the debris left over after the detonation of the Australian omnium’s fusion core. We know that Junkrat has a bounty on his head and even needed the help of a bodyguard as massive as Roadhog to keep him safe. This is clearly one important treasure and yet we still have no idea what it is.

Who is Pharah’s Father?


In Overwatch’s early days there were tons of theories about who was Pharah’s father. Once her mother, Ana, was introduced to the game everyone couldn’t help but create one fan theory after another about Ana’s love life. Some players believed that Soldier: 76 was Pharah’s father and supported their claims by pointing out the kind words Soldier often has for Pharah—not just about her sharp shooting but also kind words about making her mother proud. Then there was the theory that Reaper was the one who stole Ana’s heart before somehow, someway the relationship crumbled. There were even some forums that claimed Reinhardt might be Pharah’s father but this is one fan theory that never did pick up much steam.

Now, however, we have received a little more information about Pharah’s background. A spray for Ana gives players a first look at the man who is believed to be Pharah’s dad and her Native American inspired skins in the game certainly suggest there is another side of her heritage that hasn’t been explored in the game just yet. The mystery of who is Pharah’s father just keeps getting more and more interesting.

Is Sombra Alejandra?

Overwatch, Sombra

It didn’t take Overwatch fans a long time to create a solid theory about who Sombra really was. It is generally believed that the young girl named Alejandra in the animated short Hero is actually Sombra as a child. You know, before she became the world’s most talented hacker. It’s a theory that comes with quite a bit of evidence to support it but without an official word from Blizzard, it’s not safe to assume anything. Of course, the anniversary event also delivered one of the most solid pieces of evidence that the game has offered so far for this theory. When playing on the new Castillo map in Dorado, one team spawns in what appears to be Sombra’s room. If you make your way over to the side of the map, you can also find a small area that features the same kind of graffiti that littered the wall in the animated short where Soldier rescued Alejandra. We just hope that season 2 might finally confirm Sombra’s identity while also exploring how she became the powerful hacker that she is today.

What is Sombra Up to Anyway?

Overwatch ships and relationships

The only thing more mysterious about Sombra than her background are her intentions. When she was finally revealed to the world via the animated short Infiltrated it seemed like Sombra had reason to team up with Talon. In the short she was seen partnered up with Widowmaker and Reaper. Fan theories have long suggested that Sombra was Reaper’s daughter, which seemed to explain why she might be helping on this mission. All these theories got thrown for a loop, however, when Sombra turned her back on Widowmaker and Reaper by setting off the alarm during the mission. Sombra clearly has her own intentions and her own plans—plans that she needs a powerful “friend” for. For now, we can’t really imagine what Sombra could be up to but we’re certainly dying to know.

Is Mercy Really As Innocent As She Seems?


According to everything we’ve been told about Mercy so far, she is nothing more than a “peerless healer, a brilliant scientist, and a staunch advocate for peace.” She is Overwatch’s reigning guardian angel and all she does is try her best to help the world be a better place. The Overwatch community simply isn’t buying that story. There has long been quite a bit of mystery about Mercy and some of her in-game interactions certainly don’t help her keep up the appearance of innocence. Conversations with Reaper wreak of guilt and suspicion as Reaper accuses the doctor of knowing exactly what she was doing when she ultimately turned him into the otherworldly being he is today. All in all, there just seems to be evidence that Mercy might not be as innocent as she seems at first glance and the uncertainty is killing us.

What Is So Special About the Artifacts in Ilios?

Overwatch, Ilios

There are still a lot of unanswered questions about the Ilios map. It doesn’t have a solid connection to any hero we’ve met so far but we do know that it has garnered quite a bit of attention from Talon in the past. The Overwatch Visual Source Book describes the map as being a place where “many artifacts and relics of the ancient world have been recently unearthed.” With the addition of Talon activity in the area it’s safe to say that the terrorist organization is after one or perhaps all of those relics and artifacts. But why? Talon’s motives in the past have seemed far more complex than that of simple thieves. Let’s hope season 2 unveils more about this map and more about Talon’s motives.

What Is D.Va’s Connection to All This?

overwatch, d.va, blizzard, short

D.Va has undoubtedly become one of the most beloved and most cosplayed heroes in the entire game and yet we still don’t know a whole lot about her. Sure, she’s a pro-gamer turned mech pilot who is now fighting to protect her country, but what’s her connection to everything else that has been unfolding in the Overwatch universe? She currently feels far more disconnected from the rest of the characters than other heroes and Blizzard has shown far too much attention to detail to have a character thrown into the universe without any significant connection to anyone else. Even in-game interactions with other characters don’t seem to offer much context. Reinhardt and Lucio are fans of her eSports career. Widowmaker thinks she’s far too young to be in the fray of battle. Torbjorn is impressed with her mech. McCree finds her to be an impressive shooter. Mei feels bad that D.Va doesn’t get to travel often. That’s about it. Or rather… that’s all we know. Blizzard hasn’t explored D.Va’s backstory much at all just yet but it’s safe to say that there’s probably a lot more to her than we know as of now.

About the author

Taylor Danielle

Just a girl that likes gaming, anime & singing K Pop in the shower. She's worked as an entertainment journalist for roughly four years but finds rumors about video games to be way more interesting than gossip about real people. Go figure.
