
March 2019 PS Plus Free Games Predictions

Blood and Wine, witcher 3, portal, easter egg

The Bigger Game – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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PS Plus Free Games Predictions For March 2019

ps4, ps4 pro, witcher III, wild hunt

Those who subscribe to Sony’s online platform for their PlayStation consoles are also gifted a few free games every month under PlayStation Plus. Usually one larger game headlines the list, and for March 2019 we believe The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition will be included for a number of reasons.

It should be mentioned that Sony has announced after February 2019, PlayStation Plus will no longer include PS3 and PS Vita games on its free games list and instead will only offer two free PS4 games. Before this, PS Plus offered two free games per platform, so users are losing out on two-thirds of free titles.

Therefore, the first PS Plus lineup after this change should feel pretty impressive so users don’t feel ripped off. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition would be a perfect pick as it’s considered one of the best games to ever be released on the PS4 and it’s currently on sale for only $20 off of $50 with an extra 10% if you are a PS Plus subscriber.

The Witcher 3 is also compatible with PS4 Pro, and it seems more likely Sony would include titles that function on both PS4 and PS4 Pro since two past consoles are now out of the picture.

The Complete Edition comes with the main game, along with all 16 DLCs and the two expansion packs Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine.

Including The Witcher 3 as a free game would be a good way of easing subscribers into the new format for free games, without offering a AAA game that is still being sold at full price.

Check out the next game were we look at a possible smaller PS4 title to be included as well.

The Smaller Game – Undertale

PS Plus Free Games Predictions For March 2019


Keeping up with the idea Sony will have to offer some really good games this coming month to make up for the fact two-thirds of the program is getting cut, we believe including Undertale alongside The Witcher 3 would make this month seem substantial despite only being two games.

Even with only two games on PS Plus now, we still believe Sony will try to stick to the format where one of those is a larger AAA game and the other is a smaller indie title. Therefore, if the first indie offered is critically-acclaimed and publicly adored Undertale, then Sony will have made a smart decision.

Not to mention Undertale is also on sale right now, for $10 off of only $15.

Make sure to check back in the next week or so to see what free games make the official list for PS Plus under the new PS4 only format.

About the author

Haley MacLean

Video games are a true unification of art and technology, and I'm amped to be able to write about them. Lover of all things Nintendo, obsessed with narrative driven games, and hopes the couch co-op genre makes a return soon. BA/BJ/MJ from University of King's College, NS, Canada.
