
Here’s How to Fix the Crucible in Destiny 2 & Make PvP Worth It

crucible destiny 2, pvp

Destiny 2 is one of those rare games that actually nails both PvE and PvP. Whether you prefer cooperative or competitive gameplay, Destiny 2 is a very fun game.

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Sure, neither mode is perfect, and especially in PvP balance can be out of wack sometimes, but the core gameplay really isn’t the problem with Destiny 2’s Crucible activities.

The issue is that it’s very clear what gets the most attention and it’s the PvE/cooperative portions of the game. That’s not a hot take. Anyone who plays Destiny 2 recognizes that, and I’d wager that all but the most hardcore fans of PvP can accept that fact. I can’t imagine many people that would believe that PvP would ever be treated as a full equal to PvE as the latter is far more popular.

That said, Crucible and PvP content in general has felt like something below even being a second class citizen. Despite saying last year that there would be a renewed focus on PvP, Crucible is arguably in the worst shape it has ever been in terms of incentives.

As popular Destiny 2 YouTuber and prominent Destiny 2 PvP commentator Aztecross eloquently points out in a recent video of his, right now there just isn’t a good reason to play PvP other than just doing it for fun, and for some it isn’t fun anymore. If you want to get the best weapons, and take gearing up seriously, you have to leave PvP and go play PvE activities.

Here’s the thing though, it doesn’t have to be that way. Even without completely overhauling PvP in Destiny 2, Bungie can make the Crucible a game mode that can stand on its own and support players independently of PvE.

The progression up to the hardest content in PvE (raids, 980 content) makes a lot of sense in Destiny 2. Inspired by Aztecross’ video, let’s imagine what Crucible could/should look like if it had the same similar progression track as PvE.

The goal is to take a player all the way from being brand new with nothing, all the way to a hardened vet with masterworked god-roll gear without ever leaving PvP for PvE or Gambit.

Without further ado…

Entry Level Content: Non-Comp Playlist Activities

Rewards: Soft Cap Rare/Legendary/Exotic (Rare) World Drops

In theory if you’re starting from scratch from New Light, this is where you should start to build up your arsenal of weapons and get your power level up in a relatively relaxed environment that isn’t all about K/D/A.

The old 6v6 quickplay game modes such as Control should be where you go to get some new gear, roll for weapons and armor, and worst case scenario pick up some gear that is slightly higher than what you have so you can increase your progress towards hitting the soft cap.

Mid Tier Content: Competitive & Crucible Labs

Rewards: Chance of Enhancement Cores & Powerful Engrams (Increased With Victory)

The next step up from the old quickplay content would be Competitive. Now that you’ve built up an arsenal of weapons and armor that you like from the lower tiers, it’s time to jump into Competitive where you can start to test yourself in a more try-hard environment.

Comp is generally more difficult, requires more teamwork and is more stressful overall, so it should have rewards that match that step up in intensity.

This is where players should go if they want a consistent source of cores that they can use for infusing/masterworking the gear that they like, and to also farm for powerful engrams that will allow them to slowly work towards hitting the pre-pinnacle hard cap.

Because it’s comp and winning is everything, I’d throw in the perk of having victory grant cores/powerful engrams at a higher rate than defeats.

Crucible Labs isn’t the same level of intensity/difficulty but it should be rewarded similarly. If Bungie really wants players to test content for them, it should have solid incentives to entice a large amount of players to do Bungie that solid.

Reset Reward: Enhancement Prisms and (maybe) Crucible Pinnacle/Ritual Weapon Random Rolls for Max Glory

This is pretty self explanatory but there isn’t a consistent way to get Enhancement Prisms for PvP players –an item that is needed for masterworking armor.

Reward a random amount, around five to ten upon resetting Valor and/or Glory.

If Bungie really wanted to be spicy, a neat touch would be to float some random roll pinnacle/ritual weapons as a possible drop for reset. I’d probably restrict it to hitting max Glory to make Competitive that much more enticing.

I admit that might be too difficult to balance though given that these weapons are already very powerful and problematic in some cases. We’re just spitballing here.

High Tier: Iron Banner

Reward: Pinnacle Gear, Ascendant Shards, Exclusive Weapons/Armor

I’d say Bungie almost has this one right. It does reward Pinnacle Gear, it has its own unique set of weapons and armor, and it does have power enabled which helps it stand out from other game modes.

The only thing missing is a way to earn at least one Ascendant Shard, the rarest upgrade material in Destiny 2 which currently can’t be obtained in PvP.

Bungie insists on making players do an Iron Banner quest before allowing players to turn in tokens so at least sweeten the pot. Each time you have to go through that reward players with an Ascendant Shard.

High Tier+: Trials of Osiris (Nine, Whatever)

Reward: Pinnacle Gear, Ascendant Shards, Exclusive Weapons & Armor, and an Exclusive Exotic Weapon for Flawless Cards.

While Iron Banner is currently treated like the pinnacle activity in Crucible, it really doesn’t feel like one. It’s a variant version of the traditionally casual Control mode with just better rewards and power enabled.

It’s at least a somewhat rare event though, so I’m fine with it having the rewards we suggested above in case Trials is just too hardcore for some.

The true try-hard game mode which should have the best rewards on offer on a weekly basis for those willing to brave it is Trials whenever it eventually returns to Destiny 2.

It should throw the whole kit and caboodle at PvP players. It should be a weekly source for pinnacle gear like raids and 980 content. It also needs to have its own weapon and armor that players can roll for as participation trophies for those that at least give it a go, win or lose.

I’d like to see victories of any kind have a very small chance of rewarding Enhancement Prisms and Ascendant Shards to help keep players interested even if they have their god rolls, but flawless runs should have the ultimate rewards.

Upon opening that flawless chest that I’m hoping returns very soon, players should be treated to a curated Trials weapon and one to three Ascendant Shards.

I would even go one step further than that. Although maybe controversial to some, I’d add to the flawless loot pool an exotic weapon designed with PvP play in mind that would serve as the ultimate carrot on the stick for the hardest of the hardcore players.

If Bungie had the resources, a new one every season (or year) that is a guaranteed drop when you get your first flawless would be ideal.

If that’s too generous or not realistic, then leaving just one permanent exotic weapon that remains forever exclusive to flawless runs that drops with RNG (similar to raid exotics) would also do the trick. It would drive people crazy for sure, but it would be a major incentive to continue to work at being the best trials player you can be.

There you have it; from newbie to PvP legend without ever needing to step into PvE.

Outside of reintroducing Trials and having some exclusive content to be gained from that game mode (which has already been hinted as a thing that’s going to happen soon), none of what I suggested above would require Bungie to really do anything other than shifting rewards around and treating PvP as a mode worthy of standing on its own.

What do you think? Do you like this plan? Is it too unrealistic? What would make Crucible more incentivizing for you? Let us know in the comments below.

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.

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