
God of War vs. Spider-Man: Which PS4 Exclusive is Better?

God of War vs. Spider-Man: Which PS4 Exclusive is Better

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God of War and Marvel’s Spider-Man hold up as stellar exclusives first and foremost on their gameplay. Both are exceptional in this department, though actually for different reasons. When we look at gameplay in games, it’s the combat and traversal that typically come to our mind first and foremost. It’s across these two aspects of gameplay that God of War and Spider-Man excel.

With more deliberate combat clearly inspired by the Souls series, God of War is more action-RPG this time around. There’s a far more arcade-y feel to it than something like Bloodborne, but it can be equally punishing on higher difficulties. You’ve really got to focus on chaining together different attacks, using runic abilities, and coordinating melee and ranged assaults. Kratos simply can’t take the sort of damage he could in previous games. But this wonderful combination of engaging and more strategic combat with the fast-paced action that has always defined is excellent.

God of War can get bogged down a little by the progression and equipment mechanics, but those RPG systems do generally add to the experience. Once you’ve got your head around how everything fits together, we’re glad they’re there, even if they could be more streamlined. Where God of War comes a little unstuck is in the traversal department. It feels like a typical third-person action game, with Kratos and Atreus helping each other to scale obstacles and overcome puzzles. But it’s all a bit weighty and slow. That might have been deliberate, but it certainly isn’t exciting to play.

Spider-Man couldn’t be any more polar opposite. Literally just booting the game up and swinging across downtown Manhattan is a game all in itself. Plenty of games cast players as superheroes, but few actually make you feel like one. Spider-Man certainly does that, and we couldn’t get enough of slinging around the city, performing tricks, and generally just keeping the pace of momentum going.

When it comes to combat, though, Spider-Man is equally as cinematic and fast-paced as God of War, but it’s rather one dimensional. Not to say it isn’t entertaining, but the progression mechanics and variety of attacks wear thin as the game moves on. Combat becomes easier and less sophisticated, rather than the other way around in God of War.

There’s plenty of content in both games to enjoy. Spider-Man has a conventional open world blueprint with dozens of optional activities, most of which aren’t especially meaningful but are fun enough thanks to the way the game handles. God of War features puzzle gameplay that puts a bit more narrative clout into its side questions and activities which gives them more substance. Stopping to take them all in, however, can upset the balance of the story pacing. Both games feature brainteasers and puzzle gameplay to break up action, and they’re fairly evenly matched in this department.

Winner: Tie

God of War vs. Spider-Man: Which PS4 Exclusive is Better


As you’d expect from two AAA PS4 exclusives, the production value of both games is of an extremely high standard. They’re among the best-looking games on the entire system, in fact, rendering stunning environments with exceptional detail. When the action gets up close, the facial and motion capture in God of War and Spider-Man is equally superb. Both games will have you questioning whether cutscenes have actually ended, so seamless is the experience.

God of War is particularly cinematic with its unique camera, which never cuts throughout the entire experience. You’re always in close and personal with the characters, fully immersed in the action. Spider-Man, on the other hand, dazzles with breathtaking set-pieces and over-the-top action.

It’s hard to pick a winner here because, quite honestly, they’re both utterly stunning. But God of War’s fantasy world design, which takes players on a tour of Norse mythology’s ancient lands, is certainly more striking. The transition from snowy mountains to burning volcanoes and misty outdoor lakes to the alien technology of the realms of Asgard makes for a more impressive graphical spectacle.

God of War’s physics-based rendering makes hair, armor, and weapons move realistically. Everything is separately animated and has its own characteristics: weapons have a proper heft, environments are destructible, and snow deforms appropriately. In combination, volumetric lighting and staggering textures create a wonderful collision of startlingly realistic detail and fantasy environments. It’s realism with healthy doses of herbs and spices added for that extra magical effect.

Spider-Man is most impressive in its fluidity of motion. From swinging through the city to acrobatic combat, the game features an impressive range of animation. These animations aren’t just reserved for major characters, either, with even minor NPCs appearing very realistic. Lighting and textures are also sublime, and there’s a juxtaposition between Spidey’s shiny, reflective suits and the grainy, film-like textures of coats, jackets, and faces when in more relaxed scenes.

Still, we’re ultimately sticking with Kratos’ quest as the most visually striking of the two.

Winner: God of War

God of War vs. Spider-Man: Which PS4 Exclusive is Better


god of war, spider-man

When it comes to narrative, we’re pleased to say that both games represent the pinnacle of their respective series. Particularly in the case of God of War, Kratos’ PS4 adventure is a huge step up in terms of storytelling this time. As for Spidey, Insomniac Games has produced an exciting story that is genuinely impactful while simultaneously hitting all the beats of a triumphant superhero tale.

Of course, God of War’s emphasis on story is a huge departure from what we typically associate with the series. The narrative is more mature, just like Kratos himself, whose relationship with his son forms the crux of the story. That special bond and the back and more forth banter between all the characters is a real highlight. Each character is brought to life with some clever writing, and there’s a nice balance between comic relief and more poignant moments. Overall, Sony Santa Monica certainly did a great job weaving in Kratos’ battle with his past to showcase his changed personality and depth of character.

With Spider-Man, Insomniac definitely made the right call writing a unique story for Peter Parker. We were pleased that it detailed an older Spider-Man in his prime, rather than the origins stories that are usually so popular. The characters and story beats were familiar to long-time fans but easy enough for newcomers to understand and appreciate. In particular, Parker and Dr. Octavius’ relationship was really great to watch unfold. In fact, we’d tip Otto to be remembered as one of the better villains of this console generation. His fall from grace, from gentle do-gooder to a twisted maniac, was totally gripping.

Outside the game’s most thrilling face-offs, though, Spider-Man also distinguishes itself. The relationship between Parker and MJ, and the touching moments with Aunt May were all superbly done. Miles Morales was equally cool, too, and added a different layer to the narrative. Ultimately, it was the pacing between all these different elements that stood out. Apart from one or two lulls around the three-quarter mark, we were locked in from start to finish.

In the end, we’re tipping this section of the contest in favor of Spider-Man. That might come as controversial to some given that much as made of God of War’s emotional story. But honestly, apart from the final twist regarding Atreus’ background, it was all slightly predictable and one-dimensional. There were twists and turns, sure, but overall, not as much going on as in Spider-Man. Finally, both games tee-up a sequel, but God of War did so with less finesse. Where Spider-Man alluded to potential future storylines, God of War actually felt as though it had denied us a more interesting one by neglecting certain antagonists.

Winner: Spider-Man

God of War vs. Spider-Man: Which PS4 Exclusive is Better

Who Wins?

Oh dear, if you’ve counted our tally you’ll have noticed we’re coming into our conclusion even stevens. Yes, we are going to cop out and stay on the fence with this one; they’re just too close to call. Ultimately, which experience you enjoy more is largely going to come down to whether you’re a fan of one style of game and tone of story over the other. You can’t go wrong with either.

Ironically, God of War often feels and plays like a superhero game, especially during boss fights when Kratos is in full God mode. But it’s still not a real comic book experience like Spider-Man is. You’ll find more tongue-in-cheek humor and vibrant characters in Spider-Man, as you’d expect. It’s less stressful, perhaps, and more fun to just pick up and play. But when you really get into God of War, there’s so much depth to its gameplay to keep you driving forward, and combat is a real joy.

We’ve been blessed with two brilliant PS4 exclusives in 2018, so if you’ve got the time and money to play both then you certainly should. When it comes to choosing which one first, go with what excites you the most. God of War and Spider-Man are the sorts of video games that are good enough to convert people that don’t typically play games within their genre. You’re guaranteed a good time.

About the author

Alex Gibson

Alex was a Senior Editor at Twinfinite and worked on the site between January 2017 and March 2023. He covered the ins and outs of Valorant extensively, and frequently provided expert insight into the esports scene and wider video games industry. He was a self-proclaimed history & meteorological expert, and knew about games too. Playing Games Since: 1991, Favorite Genres: RPG, Action
