
Top 10 Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked From Fodder to Upper Moons

Here are our picks for the top 10 best fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked from Jobber to Upper Moon.

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Demon Slayer has only continued to offer great fights as the series has gone on and in a variety of ways at that. In addition to a slew of battles between Tanjiro and his demonic enemies, there has also been skirmishes between the Hashira and the terrifying Moons that were jaw-dropping, to say the least. Of these fights though, only a select few could be the best, which is why we’ve constructed this list of the top 10 best fights in Demon Slayer, ranked from Fodder Demon to Upper Moon slugfest.

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Note that we will only be covering the fights that have occurred in the anime. As such, fights that occur in the manga but haven’t been adapted yet won’t be up for consideration.

10. Tanjiro, Inosuke, & Giyu vs. the Spider Demon Father

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

Though the fight definitely suffers from a frantic swapping of contestants, the battle between the Demon Slayers and the Spider Demon Father is a straightforward and enjoyable clash.

Working as a bait and switch before Tanjiro discovers the true leader of the Spider Demons, the Father is a formidable obstacle of muscle. Inosuke and Tanjiro are nearly incapable of scratching it, and Inosuke is forced to take him on alone when it becomes clear they’ll only be delayed by fighting him together.

This proves to be too much for the Boar-headed swordsman, but it still allows him to put his skills on full display. The many Beast Breathing techniques he utilizes are a blast to watch, and his brute-force approach is just as rewarding to see as Tanjiro’s more thoughtful and strategic skirmishes.

Even if Giyu appears to save him, it’s Inosuke’s determination to not give up that makes this fight shine brilliantly and helps it eke out a spot on our list of the best fights in Demon Slayer.

9. Tanjiro vs. The Hand Demon

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

Arguably Tanjiro’s first proper battle, the Hand Demon fight’s thematic relevance is what pushes it onto our list of the best fights in Demon Slayer.

A culmination of all of Tanjiro’s training, the fight is the last obstacle between him and acceptance into the Demon Slayer Corps. The only problem is, the Hand Demon is responsible for the death of Urokodaki’s other disciples over the years, and he aims to add Tanjiro to that tally.

Fortunately, the spirits of some of Urokodaki’s disciples guided Tanjiro through his training, and he has the techniques necessary to prevail as a result.

It’s a brief confrontation, and one without the flashiness the later fights boast, but one with added payoff due to the story that plays out along with it.

8. Tanjiro, Nezuko, Tamayo & Yushiro vs. Susamaru and Yahaba

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

The first fight in the series to see a combined effort against demonic opponents, the tussle against Susamaru and Yahaba is one that sets the groundwork for injecting creativity into the series’ fights.

While the first few scuffles boil down to “Wait for the right time and cut the demon’s head off,” this one is a lot less straightforward. One demon runs interference with a forced movement ability, while the other attacks at a range with ricocheting projectile attacks. This forces Tanjiro to adapt to the movements forced upon him and run out the clock until he can land a blow on the demon, sending him for a ride.

The other demon, meanwhile, doesn’t die at Tanjiro’s hands. Instead, she’s defeated by some quick-thinking from Doctor Tamayo and some kick-based attacks from Nezuko, resulting in one of the few Demon deaths not tied to a Demon Slayer’s attack.

It’s an experimental fight that proves worthwhile to watch and helps set the stage for more creative fights to play out in the future.

7. Tanjiro vs. Kyogai

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

Though it may seem low-stakes compared to later fights in the series, Tanjiro’s clash with Kyogai sets itself apart from the other best fights in Demon Slayer through its creativity.

Capitalizing on the idea presented by the Ball and Arrow demons, the fight forces Tanjiro to adapt to a constantly shifting arena and unpredictable attacks. This results in a fight with rapid-fire techniques, counters, and reactionary moves, ending in the inevitable beheading of Kyogai with a final climactic flourish.

Putting it past the Ball and Arrow Demons fight, though, is the heartfelt backstory told alongside it. Where the former only had hints of what drove the Demons’ malicious nature, the latter offers a wider view of Kyogai’s broken dreams and the hatred that ensued.

This boosts the fight from one with a neat idea into one that has something to say with its combat and does so beautifully.

6. Nezuko vs. Daki

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

While Nezuko gets a few moments up to this point that allows her to cut loose, none of them compare to her showdown with the Upper-Rank Sixth Moon Daki.

More of a one-sided beating than a fair contest, this brawl sees Nezuko unleash her demonic instinct upside Daki’s face. Attack after attack is launched at the initially fearsome Upper-Rank enemy, and all she can do is spit venom at her prey-turned-bully while weathering everything thrown at her.

This isn’t a quick one-and-done either. It’s a drawn-out affair, forcing viewers to watch as the usually cute and kind character bludgeons the Red Light District arc’s primary antagonist into broken limbs and red paste; only to rebuild herself slowly but surely.

It’s a perfect compliment to the more tactical fights seen throughout the rest of the arc and easily nabs a spot among the best fights in Demon Slayer.

5. Demon Slayers vs. Enmu

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

Marking the penultimate fight of the Demon Slayer: Mugen Train arc, the battle between the series’ heroes and the buffed-up Enmu is a thing to behold.

Less of a one vs. many fight so much as a fighters vs. environment affair, the free for all is a desperate battle for survival by the Demon Slayers against an all-encompassing threat. Enmu is capable of launching attacks from any direction in addition to his hypnosis ability and does so repeatedly as the heroes crawl closer and closer toward his weak point.

This forces Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Rengoku to work in tandem, launching attacks at every part of the possessed train while also covering each other’s backs during their mad sprint to victory. Even when they do manage to reach Enmu’s weakness, they only manage to win by working together, unleashing their best attacks at just the right time and in perfect sync with one another.

It’s a snapshot of how to do a fight against a larger threat properly and is a blast no matter when or how one sees it.

4. Tanjiro and Nezuko vs. Rui

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

There are several reasons the fight between the Kamado siblings and Rui put the Demon Slayer anime on the map, and they’re damn good ones.

A perfect storm of climactic attacks, story payoffs, and opposing viewpoints, the battle is a masterclass in how to force two counteractive characters to collide. Everything about Rui and Tanjiro, down to how they fight and how they view other people, plays into the scuffle and lends itself to the emotion that bleeds into every sword swipe or demon web attack.

It also looks so amazing compared to other fights in the series. While the show is certainly famous for its outstanding animation, this fight cranks it up to a level where one can feel every slash, impact and attack to an absurd degree. Characters jerk, sway and smash around so convincingly that one can’t help but get sucked into the battle fully.

It’s something that still needs to be seen to be believed and is a solid pick for one of the best fights in Demon Slayer now and forever.

3. Tengen vs. Gyutaro

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

Though the battle between every Demon Slayer and the Sixth Upper Moon twins may be a decidedly better clash, the brawl between Tengen and Gyutaro is still a marvel of animated combat.

Where the series’ first battle between a Hashira and an Upper Moon was meant to convey how wide the power gap truly is, this fight goes to show why this is the case. Tengen and Gyutaro’s techniques are evenly matched, and their approach to combat is similar enough that neither is at too heavy of a disadvantage.

Or at least they aren’t until Gyutaro flexes his true demonic abilities and completely turns the tables. This takes the fight from a straight-forward duel to a struggle for survival, with Tengen pulling out every move in his arsenal before succumbing to some demonic poisoning.

Aside from the obvious perk of looking amazing, this fight is a perfect display of the tables turning and the series’ characters struggling to respond. It’s lousy with believable stakes and makes for a spectacle one can’t rip themselves away from.

2. Rengoku vs. Akaza

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

There are valiant last stands that sear themselves into your memory, and then there’s the fight between Rengoku and Akaza.

While there’s definitely the hint of Rengoku not coming back from the get-go, there’s just enough hope to counter it that viewers couldn’t be blamed for thinking he could win. The fight itself sells this too, with Rengoku’s attacks maintaining their ferocity even as the battle drags out and Akaza grows more intimidating.

This is all conveyed with some amazing animation, too, even for this series. The attacks and how they’re portrayed are breathtaking, with flashy animation and sakuga that makes every hit feel seismic. Even the sound design lends itself to the affair, with the background music and sounds of impacts amplifying the whole ordeal above and beyond.

It’s nothing short of an experience, and if not for what would follow in the series’ second season, it would have reigned as the most impressive of the best fights in Demon Slayer handily.

1. The Demon Slayers vs. The Sixth Upper Moon Twins

The Best Fights in Demon Slayer, Ranked

Image Credit: ufotable via Crunchyroll

It would be a disservice not to put the final struggle between the Demon Slayers and the Sixth Upper Moon Twins at the top of our list.

The culmination of every struggle endured by the Demon Slayers – and every inch of progress they’d fought for – this fight is the be-all end-all of team-up battles against a greater foe. Every move the heroes make, and every attack they let loose, is made with the full understanding that it could be their last. This seeps into every frame and movement, which is animated to a frightening degree of fluidity.

The sound design, meanwhile, is set to overdrive with pounding music and visceral sound effects. Every slash that tears through flesh, and every gurgle of blood from a mortal wound, rings painfully true to one’s ears, selling the intensity of the conflict without fail.

And this is to say nothing of the story elements woven into the fight. Seeing everyone’s struggles that led up to this fight, and understanding what’s at stake if they fail, tugs at one’s heartstrings to such a degree that viewers will NEED to see the Demon Slayers come out on top.

It’s the peak of what the best fights in Demon Slayer should be and has us excited for whatever else is coming in the series’ future battles.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.

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