
Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 1 Story Summary

A fresh new take on the Batman story.

Batman The Telltale Series, episode one, review

Now that Telltale Games’ Batman series has officially begun and players are sinking their teeth into this new storyline, others may be wondering exactly what is going on in this. After all, the Telltale series features a story that has been built from the ground up and isn’t based off the comics, TV show, or any of the movies. With that in mind, it’s easy to be unsure of the goings on and all of the moving pieces in Batman: The Telltale Series, so let us break it down for you.

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Batman - The Telltale Series

In this article, we’re going to go through the entirety of episode one and explain what happened chapter by chapter. Let us state now that this is definitely going to be full of spoilers so it’s best to avoid this if you’re wanting to keep things under wraps. Without further ado, though, let’s jump in.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Gotham

Telltale Games, Batman, Catwoman

The first episode starts off by having us take down a bunch of goons breaking into the mayor’s office in search of some data drive. At this point, you’re unsure as to why exactly they’re after it, but after some typical Batman takedowns, you manage to eliminate all hostiles and get into the room they were so desperate to break into. Only, of course, Catwoman is on the scene and manages to swipe the drive before you get the chance.

Making your way up to the roof, Catwoman questions why exactly you do what you do and says that you don’t seem as good for the city as you think you are. Surely enough, combat begins and GCPD come to spectate the fight. Batman manages to swipe the data drive from Catwoman’s grasp, before almost killing her as she attempts to get away. This is Batman though, and he isn’t about to be responsible for killing Selena. Jumping after her and saving her, Catwoman escapes, not before giving Batman a scratch on his face to remember her by.

With the data drive in safe hands, the action switches to the perspective of Bruce Wayne at Wayne Manor.

Chapter 2: The One That Got Away

Batman, The Telltale Series, episode one, review

One of the story threads that looks like it’ll run the course of the Telltale series is Harvey Dent’s campaign to become mayor of Gotham City. Chapter two sees the action largely taking place in Wayne Manor, as Bruce, the most vocal (and wealthiest) backer of Dent’s campaign hosts a gala to help rally support. The duo isteamed together to rid Gotham of crime and corruption and to help those in need, with their proposed plan to build a new mental hospital in the place of Arkham Asylum.

A little chit chat with Dent, Bob and Regina Zellerbach, and news reporter Vicki Vale ensues until eventually, an unexpected guest arrives in the form of Carmine Falcone.

Alfred suggests you speak to this guest in private, and after some not so pleasantries, you’ll do exactly that in the parlor. One thing to note here is the offer of the handshake. You can choose to accept this here in the hope of looking like a good host, or ignore his offer on the grounds of him being a criminal and a downright horrible person.

Both Bruce and Falcone move into the parlor where business discussions commence. Falcone explains that he’s willing to help Dent get the mayor’s seat, as long as his businesses are allowed to keep moving once Dent gets in power. Essentially, Falcone wants a promise that all of his criminal activities will continue to go unnoticed once Dent gets in power, suggesting a similar deal was made with the current mayor, mayor Hill.

Here, you’ll have the option to either somewhat accept his offer or decline. Whichever option you’ll pick, Falcone will then bring your family into the conversation, passing comment that your father, Thomas Wayne, was also involved in crime.

Another speech option will arise before Alfred comes in and alerts you that the guests are leaving. The chapter ends and it’s time for a change of scenery.

Chapter 3- Meet the Press

Batman The Telltale Series, episode one, review

Now that the guests have all cleared off, Bruce takes a look at the data drive that he swiped from Catwoman. Unfortunately, it’s encrypted and only part of the information is available. It’s enough for a bit of a lead though, as a hologram appears outlining Eastside Shoreline as a potential place of interest. Alfred explains that this is an area used for money laundering, drugs, and is a general hotspot for criminal activity.

Alfred then gives a bit of background into the Wayne family history, mentioning that his parents never trusted the Falcone’s in any business whether it seemed clean or not.

Moving on, Alfred hands a business card to Bruce, with an invitation to meet an old friend, Oswald Cobblepot. Alfred reveals that although you two were good friends when you were kids, the death of his parents appears to have led him to seek out a life of crime as he’s partaken in illegal boxing matches, arms dealings, and a host of other offenses. Regardless, you’ll head off to meet him at the park.

Once you’ve taken care of some thugs (with the help of Oz) who were trying to mug you of your belongings. Oz explains why he’s here. Cobblepot explains that he saw Falcone at the gala, and voices his concerns over the negative effect a partnership between Bruce and Carmine could have on Bruce’s image. Oz ends the meeting with a threat, stating he’s planning to start a revolution that will see those at the top like Carmine and Bruce, falling the hardest.

With your meeting with Cobblepot out of the way, the scene ends and the next begins, seeing Bruce at the press meeting at the grounds for the ‘to be built’ hospital. The press conference allows us to field questions from the press, and largely, these don’t seem to make all that much of a difference for now. One question is posed to Bruce, though, asking whether or not he is friends with Falcone after being seen shaking hands with him at the gala the night before. The tension begins to build until it is revealed that some evidence has been leaked to a number of press outlets that suggests Wayne Enterprises has been involved in some dirty money transactions with Falcone.

Returning back to Wayne Manor sees Commissioner Gordon and his men conducting a full search of the property by the power of a warrant approved by Mayor Hill.

Chapter 4: World’s Greatest Detective

Telltale Games, Batman, Bruce Wayne, games

Back at Wayne Manor, Vicki Vale will appear and ask if she can take your stance on the allegations. Vale reveals that the evidence she has seen that has been leaked to the press is flimsy at best and promises she will look into it to help clear the Wayne family name. Once she’s taken a statement (if you allow her too) you’re off to meet Dent.

Meeting up with Harvey is a rather fruitless affair for Bruce. He doesn’t know anything about the warrant, and he’s pretty annoyed that Mayor Hill went past him to approve it. Harvey then introduces Selena Kyle to you, oblivious to both of your alternate identities. Dent disappears briefly and allows you chance to discuss the data drive with Selena.

She reveals that she was after it for a client and that she was going to meet them at the Eastside Docks. She agrees to give you some information but won’t reveal other bits. However, it’s enough for you to be able to make way for the warehouse she was planning to meet her client so Batman can confront them face to face.

Batman shows up at Eastside Docks ready to do some investigating. This scene sees the player piecing a number of different clues together, however, we won’t bore you with the details of how it all works. All you need to know is that Falcone’s white rose calling card can be found at the scene, there’s a body whose head has been burnt from the inside, another whose face and throat has been clawed to pieces, scorch marks on the floor, part of a barrel lodged into a metal wall, and tire tracks of a vehicle that got away before the explosion.

Batman pieces together that there was some sort of nerve gas inside the barrel which, when shot with specialized phosphorous bullets, caused a huge explosion resulting in the burnt victims. The nerve gas led to the cop losing his mind and scratching away at the mercenary’s face before he was shot with the same kind of incendiary round in the head.

Upon explaining the crime scene, Batman goes in search of the sniper nest and finds clues to the sniper being nearby. Upon finally finding him, Batman can interrogate the criminal, though it’s no good and he doesn’t get the information he wants. Gordon then turns up on the scene and you have the option to talk to him or escape, rounding off the end of chapter four.

Chapter Five- Room with a View


After escaping from the Eastside Docks, Bruce returns to the Batcave to find a pretty angry Alfred regarding your actions with the sniper. He’s concerned that you’re getting too violent and going against all that you set out to achieve as Batman. A bit of reassurance will ease his concerns, just in time for the decryption on the data drive to finish.

The drive reveals a bunch of data concerning Falcone’s criminal organization that Mayor hill was hiding. This is the proof that is needed to send Falcone away forever, but Bruce then has a choice as to who he can give it to. He can either give it to Vicki Vale, as she has proven herself as an ally already and can get word out to the public, or he can give it to Gordon in the hope that he’ll see the evidence as enough to finally charge him. Whichever you choose will see Bruce meeting up with them to hand over the data, before you power up the Batmobile and set off on taking down Falcone yourself.

You’re now in control of a drone, allowing you to scope out the Skyline Club, Falcone’s building, and hideout. After tactically working out how you’ll eliminate all of the guards, and executing your attack, you’ll come face to face with Falcone. Despite Falcone’s calling card being at the docks, he denies the whole thing, raising the question why he’d want to lure Batman to him anyway.

Falcone admits that the chemicals are his, but says someone is trying to cut him out of the deal because he wasn’t involved in the massacre at the docks. You then have the option to leave him hangin’ and arrest him, or to brutalize him. Just before you depart, Falcone reveals that it’s the Waynes that are behind all of this and that they’ve always been the biggest gangsters in Gotham. Batman then spots a photo of the Falcone’s and Wayne’s at some sort of dinner party. Just at that moment GCPD burst through the door and open fire on you, forcing you to leap from the side of the building to safety and marking the end of chapter five.

Chapter Six- Family Secrets

Telltale Games, Batman, Bruce Wayne

The final chapter is short but not so sweet and sees the news reporter, Jack Ryder, reporting on the news that the Wayne family has been linked with the Falcone’s and criminal activity in Gotham. Upon returning to the Batcave, Bruce questions why he has been doing all of this if what Falcone said about his parents is true.

The action all ends with Bruce demanding to know what Alfred has been hiding from him all of this time. Unfortunately, it looks like we’ll have to wait until Batman: The Telltale Series Episode Two for the answers.


About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.
