
5 Reasons Why Far Cry 5 Players Must Protect Boomer at All Costs


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He Keeps You Stocked with Ammo

Far Cry 5

A safe dog is a happy dog, and Boomer from Far Cry 5 is no exception.

One of the many companions which can be recruited in the latest installment of the Far Cry franchise, Boomer is a standout not only because of his assistance capabilities in a firefight but also for his dedication to the cause of restoring peace to Hope County. Fetching firearms for the player and rending cultist throats, he’s as potent if not more so than any of his human teammates, and he’ll be crucial to the success of the resistance’s plans. That said, he’ll also be putting himself in danger on a regular basis, and immortal or no, any true lover of dogs shouldn’t be careless enough to let this fine fang for hire wind up injured and incapacitated for any amount of time. 

Amid the chaos of being shot at by cultists or avoiding the bull rush of a full-grown grizzly bear, it can be easy for players to lose track of how much ammo they have on hand. With Boomer healthy and at your side though, you’ll have a companion constantly on the lookout for weapons and ammunition, keeping you in the fight and armed to the teeth.

Of course, if you let Boomer get taken out, you’ll be left defenseless as the crazies and critters rend you to shreds, so spare some ammo defending him while he helps to build up your arsenal to greater heights.

He Distracts and Takes Out Enemies For You

Any companion worth their salt helps the player dispatch enemies, and Boomer is no exception. Whether its a gun-wielding human or inhospitable wildlife, your loyal canine friend can bring the fight to enemies with fanged fury, allowing you to line up kill shots and avoid being overwhelmed by enemy attacks.

Without him though, things can take some dangerous turns, with enemies more easily able to overwhelm and kill the player. Worry not though, because that’ll only happen if you’re careless enough to let a good dog get hurt.

He Can Spot and Tag Enemies

One of Boomer’s best abilities is his scouting skill, which allows players to learn the location of enemies within strongholds and bases. This allows for more precise strategies by the player when entering a fight, with what could have been an ambush by a group of cultists turning into a quick clean-up and secured outpost gained.

With your fang for hire injured and hurt though, the opposite becomes true as you wander unwittingly into dangerous situations. As you’re surrounded by gun-wielding fanatics, you won’t be able to resist wondering if this could have been avoided by keeping your furry friend upright and healthy.

He Could Regret Not Avenging the Deaths of His Owners

As chipper and energetic as Boomer may appear while by your side, it’s worth remembering he’s a victim of the cult’s violence who saw both of his owners murdered in cold blood. This is not only his core motivator for fighting back against them, but one of the defining traits of the character.

Of course, this also presents an issue when he’s incapacitated in battle. What must be going through his mind as he lies on the ground, powerless to fight back against the people who killed his family? Does he feel guilt and regret at not putting a stop to them? Is he afraid they’ll hurt more people without him there to stop them? And yet if you keep him safe, he’ll never have to struggle with these psychological dilemmas, able to keep on toward his goal of righteous vengeance.

He Deserves to Get Belly Pats Even When He’s Not Hurt

As adorable as it is that belly rubs revive Boomer from mortal peril, the implications of this happening over and over again are unsettling. The more times he is revived with this method, the more likely it is that he’ll believe he only deserves belly rubs when he has thrown himself into perilous and life-threatening situations, potentially inspiring him to do more and more dangerous activities.

Instead of subjecting him to this Pavlovian nightmare, keep him safe and healthy so that he can see belly pats and rubs for what they really are: A show of love and appreciation for a very good boy.

Know of any other reasons players should protect Boomer with their lives? Let us know in the comments below, and check out some of our other Far Cry 5 features such as a ranking of every animal in the game based on how deadly it is.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.
