
5 Reasons You Should Go Play No Man’s Sky Right Now

A trip through the stars.

It’s a Truly Open Universe

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no man's sky

No Man’s Sky is one of the very few games out there that can call itself an open world game. Before Hello Games got this title on the market, there were plenty of games that called themselves an open world experience, but for the most part, there was still a structure you had to follow to get your character to progress.

In most of the so-called “open world” games, there is also a strict set of things a player can do and a border limiting where they can go. In No Man’s Sky, there is no real limit. If a player doesn’t feel like it, they never have to leave the first planet they’re on. They can also hop from one planet to another, just seeing how many places they can visit in whatever amount of time they’ve allowed themselves to play.

For the most part, everything a player needs to keep their ship, their suit and their multi-tool working and ready for action can be found wherever they are. If it can’t be mined, it can be purchased. All someone has to do is look hard enough. Certainly, there are certain places a player needs to go if they want specific upgrades but that isn’t necessary and it’s ultimately up to what the player wants to do.

If upgrading is your thing, the good news is, it’s not all that hard…

Crafting Done Right

no man's sky materials

The crafting in No Man’s Sky stands out among what has become a steady stream of titles that are including crafting these days. While there are certain things that can only be done with specific elements, the most basic functions can be pulled off with more than one element.

The crafting is also not a difficult process where you have to drag and drop an item into one slot and then drag the created item into another specific slot. Once you have the right elements to make something like, the Carite Sheet, the game will tell you whether or not you have enough of an element and then allow you to craft with the push of a button or two.

It helps there aren’t dozens of different elements in the universe as well. Play the game for a bit and you’ll not only remember all the elements you need to pick up, but what they are used for on your person, your ship, or your Multi-tool. In No Man’s Sky, even the more difficult blueprints for crafting will have you looking for rarer elements, but you won’t need to try and memorize five or six ingredients. The approach allows people who love crafting to have a ton of fun, while people who enjoy the benefits of crafting without spending 20 minutes figuring out what they need some enjoyment as well.

Planet Hopping Is a Thing

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One of the really fun features of No Man’s Sky is there are times when you can be on the surface of a planet (or more likely a moon) and see another planet right above you in the sky. Sometimes a spot will even show up that the player is supposed to go check out and they will be able to hop in their ship and fly off to that spot to check it out.

When that area has been successfully explored and mined for whatever the player wants, they can hop in the ship and head back to the other planet in just a few seconds. Certainly shooting through the massive area that is space can be a lot of fun, but there’s something about planet hopping in search of specific facilities, creatures, and plants that is quite enjoyable as well.

The journey is a big part of what makes No Man’s Sky what it is, but those journeys don’t always need to take more than 30 seconds. Those who would rather pilot their ship than walk around the planet’s surface will like being able to fly back and forth, heading to various landmarks in the easy to control Starship.

There’s Only Competition If You Want It

no man's sky sentinels

Some people have complained about the fact that No Man’s Sky isn’t really a multiplayer game. The downside to this is players really are out there on their own.

There has been talk about the ability for people to get really lucky and run into another explorer, but so far no one has managed to do it. The upside of this is that players don’t feel the need to beat their friends to a spot in order to mine the most gold or zinc or any other element.

Players also don’t need to feel as though they’re looking over their shoulder and worrying about someone coming to kill them and take their stuff. At least there aren’t going to be other players doing. There are pirates and Sentinels, but no one is competing for a spot on some kind of standings list. This leads to more relaxing gameplay for people who might not be able to spend hours and hours honing their marksmanship.

On the other hand, there is an overarching goal of making it to the center of the universe. If a player decides they want to compete with others in that aspect they absolutely can. The pressure to succeed is exactly what the player wants it to be.

Your Discoveries Become Part of the Universe

no man's sky

The biggest draws of No Man’s Sky is  discovering different plants, animals, planets, or solar systems. The second biggest draw of No Man’s Sky is that once a player discovers something they are allowed to name it.

Not only is naming almost anything the player comes across allowed, it’s encouraged. No Man’s Sky allows players to build up personal fortunes using the universal currency of “Units.” For the most part, these units are accumulated by selling items and elements players find while they are out exploring.

No Man’s Sky will also pay players Units for each discovered planet, plant, system, animal, or outpost. All of these are named already, should players decide they don’t want to be bothered with trying to come up with hundreds and eventually thousands of names but those same players can earn a small fortune just by discovering and registering items.

Being able to name almost everything a player runs across isn’t just about making as many units as possible. There’s a lot of fun in naming a planet just discovered “Mollywollydoodle.” Other people have done something rather sweet with the feature. There is an entire group of people who have gone out of their way to name a planet or a specific location after a lost loved one. Even if no one ever comes across the thing a player named, they’ll know its out there. No Man’s Sky offers players a way to truly leave their mark on the vast universe.

About the author

Oliver VanDervoort

Oliver has been a lover of video games since he was a kid and a writer about video games since he was an adult.
