
10 Unspoken Video Game Rules that Gamers Follow

It's never just a video game. It is a culture!

Image Source: Nintendo/Mojang/Activision

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned veteran, there are certain things that you can’t help doing when you’re in the heat of a gaming session. It’s like these actions are hard-wired into your subconscious. You could be playing a puzzle game, a shooter, or a racing game, and you’ll still find yourself doing the same weird things. You could consider it a secret language that only gamers understand. In this article, we’re about to explore some of the unspoken video game rules that we all follow.

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Dodging in Real Life Also Works

Image Source: Bandai Namco Entertainment

Have you ever seen a person playing their favorite video game and suddenly start dodging like a maniac in real life? After a certain amount of playtime, gamers reach a level of immersion where their bodies subconsciously move in-sync with what’s happening on-screen.

When we see our character in action, our brains start firing off signals that make us feel as though we’re the ones pulling off those sweet moves, resulting in this peculiar behaviour known as “embodied cognition.” This phenomenon is the ultimate form of empathy and makes gaming such a powerful experience. Just don’t be surprised if you get some questionable looks as you’re dodging, ducking, dipping, diving and… dodging in your chair!

Pressing Buttons Hard Enough Makes the Attack Stronger

Image Source: Bandai Namco Entertainment

Remember the old days of playing Pokemon on your Game Boy? Where you encountered a legendary monster, and you keep holding down the B button, thinking it would increase the chance of catching it? Spoiler alert; No, it didn’t.

Every gamer feels heavily immersed when playing video games. Some express their “strong emotions” on their keyboard or controller. This simple action is where players unconditionally press buttons hard whenever their character is performing a strong attack. In a way, this miraculously makes your character’s attack crit or become stronger. While there’s no scientific explanation for this, most do it anyways.

RGB Lights Magically Make You Better

Image Source: Razer

Ah, yes, The mystical power of the RGB lights. With the sole purpose of only illuminating your gaming aesthetics, such as keyboards, mice, and monitors, they have proven the staple to distinguish “gamers” from “normies.”

RGB lights are the secret weapon that can turn even the most mediocre ordinary folk into a formidable foe. It’s like some kind of ancient magic passed down from the gaming gods allowing players to attain unparalleled focus and total concentration. It has been a longstanding belief that the more lights you have, the more your enemies cower in fear. But who knows? As long as it works, right?

Always Blame the Lag

Image Source: Mojang

The ultimate scapegoat for any gamer’s shortcomings. Lag is the mysterious force that seems to plague players at the worst possible times, causing their characters to move slower, attacks to miss their targets, and spells to fizzle out before they can do any damage. But why suffer in silence when you can scream your problems to the world?

Seasoned veterans have this uncanny ability to shout about their lag issues as if it were some kind of badge of honor. It’s like they’re trying to warn their enemies that they’re not playing at their full potential, like, “Hey, just a heads up, I’m not playing well because of lag, so don’t get too excited if you beat me!” or just straight up shrieking “LAGGG!”. Letting the world knows that you’re struggling is okay, but always remember: when you’re the one lagging, it’s never your fault when you lose.

Always Test Friendly Fire

Image Source: Epic Games

You see, gamers are like kids in a candy store once they access all these amazing weapons and abilities. They can’t resist trying them out on their teammates. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, watch this! I wonder what would happen if I shot you with this rocket launcher?” Friendly fire testing is a way to break up the monotony of a long gaming session and inject a little chaos into the mix.

Of course, there are some players who take friendly fire to the extreme. They’ll intentionally teamkill just for the hell of it. But for the most part, friendly fire is a way to blow off some steam and have a laugh with your in-game friends. Assuming you stay friends afterwards.

Never Say It’s Just a Game

Image Source: Bungie Inc.

The infamous phrase, “It’s just a game.” It’s like the universal insult to players everywhere. Let’s face it, gamers are passionate people. We pour hours upon hours of our time into perfecting our skills, exploring vast worlds, and competing against other players. And when someone comes along and says, “It’s just a game,” it feels like a slap in the face.

The next time someone says, “It’s just a game,” remember it was never just a game. It’s a passion, a hobby, a way of life. And just like any other passion, it’s worth pursuing and cherishing the memories you made along the way.

Always Test if The Lava/Fire Kills You

Image Source: Bethesda Softworks

Whatever the reason, it’s a time-honored tradition among our people. It’s like a rite of passage. If you haven’t tested the lava at least once, are you even a gamer? And let’s be honest. It’s not like you’re actually risking your life. It’s just a game, after all.

But there’s something irresistible about the temptation to try. It may be the thrill of the unknown. Will you survive the fall into the fiery depths, or will you perish in a blaze of glory? Or maybe it’s just the desire to see what kind of creative death animation the game designers came up with.

So the next time you see a fellow player in your lobby jumping into a pit of lava or fire, don’t judge. They’re just indulging in a necessary ritual and testing the limits of the game world. And who knows, maybe they’ll discover some secret hidden treasure down there. Or, you know, just get burned to a crisp. It’s all part of the fun!

Is There Fall Damage? Proceeds to Jump Anyway

Image Source: Square Enix

Ahh, the classic phrase “Is there fall damage?” as you jump off a towering cliff or building, knowing full well that the answer is probably “yes.” Everybody always asks this question and ignores the obvious hazard as they plummet to their own doom. Whatever the reason, it’s a common occurrence in the gaming world. It’s like a running joke by now.

But there’s something irresistible about the temptation to jump. The satisfaction of surviving the fall means you’ve proven your skills, reflexes, and ability to take risks. And if you happen to fail and splatter on the ground… well, at least you went out in a spectacular way.

Always Type “GG” Even When Losing

Image Source: Riot Games

It’s like a reflex, an inevitable compulsion to type “gg” at the end of a game, even when you’ve just suffered a crushing defeat. It’s a curious quirk of the gaming world. Some might argue that typing “gg” after a loss is simply good sportsmanship. It’s a way of acknowledging your opponent’s victory and showing that you’re not a sore loser. But let’s be real. Most of us are probably just doing it out of habit at this point.

“gg” may just be two letters, but it carries a lot of weight in the gaming world. So the next time you see someone typing “gg” after a loss, don’t be too quick to laugh. They’re following tradition and showing a little bit of respect for their opponents. And who knows, maybe it’ll even bring them a little bit of good karma in their next game.

Can’t End on a Loss

Image Source: Activision

This is the age-old mandate of players refusing to end a gaming session on a loss. In order not to feel the weight of their failures, gamers show the indomitable human spirit as they will ensure one final victory at the cost of more losses.

Players speaking out of primal tilt almost always utter this statement. They will keep playing and playing, ignoring the time, the sun rising in the sky, and their basic human needs until they succeed and finally win. And when they do, they’ll let out a triumphant cry that will shake the very foundations of the earth. And then, they’ll wake up the next day and do it all over again. Because losing is not an option. The gaming gods demand victory, and gamers will stop at nothing to achieve it.

These quirks and behaviors may seem odd to non-gamers, but they are all part of the unique and vibrant gaming culture that has developed over the years. Video games have their own language, customs, and traditions making the gaming experience even more enjoyable. So the next time you encounter a gamer who is dodging in real life, blaming lag, or typing “gg” after a tough loss, remember that it’s all part of the fun and excitement of gaming.

About the author

Gray Giron

Ray Daniel Giron (Gray Giron) is a Writer for Twinfinite. Gray has been with the site for 2 months, and in the games media industry for 6. Gray typically covers pop culture and variety of videogames for the site, and loves photography. Gray is an ongoing engineering student from Mapua University. Sometimes he streams at Twitch when he needs to study or create a guide for a game then writes about it later. What is sleep right?

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