
5 Games That Would Make for Awesome PvEsports

Destiny 2

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5 Games That Would Make for Awesome PvEsports

Bungie seems obsessed with the seemingly impossible task of trying to make a perfectly balanced competitive PvP mode that incorporates all of the weapons and equipment players can get in PvE 1:1 in Destiny 2. The major problem is that this approach is taking away from both PvP, and PvE, and neither is really thriving.

We say forget about PvP in Destiny 2, at least as an esport. What’s far more entertaining is the mad rush to be first clear on a new raid and seeing teams that are extremely good at the game clear the game’s most difficult fights, quickly and easily. That’s the part of Destiny 2 that Bungie should be trying to balance, embrace, and promote.

Get a prize pool together, invite five or six of the world’s best Destiny 2 clans, have them all start an extra-hard version of a raid at the same time, and then let the fun ensue. Destiny in its prime could pull in solid numbers on Twitch. Something like this would be a hell of an event and way more fun then watching team kills with scout rifles over and over again in Crucible.

Call of Duty Zombies

5 Games That Would Make for Awesome PvEsports

Anyone that is remotely familiar with Call of Duty knows about (Nazi) Zombies. In fact, there are plenty of players who purchase Call of Duty primarily to play the extremely fun and challenging cooperative survival mode instead of the fast-paced PvP action. Many recent or current college-age grads and graduate hopefuls have spent many a night with their friends either online or on the couch trying to survive as long as they can until their inevitable horrible deaths.

Watching highly-skilled FPS and Zombie survival experts hold out in some kind of old school, keep going until you die competition would be incredibly entertaining and considering the mass appeal of the mode, could be very successful and popular too. If players are too good and never die, there could always be some kind of time limit and whoever gets the furthest (aka clears the quickest) could be the winners. Think about it Activision!

Monster Hunter: World

5 Games That Would Make for Awesome PvEsports

Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter: World is arguably the hottest release so far of 2018, and is likely going to be a game of the year contender for many in 2018. For a lot of people, it has filled the grindy, loot-driven void that was left by the disappointing post-launch support thus far of Destiny 2. If Capcom has esports ambitions beyond their fighting games, they would be wise to capitalize on the fervor around Monster Hunter: World early.

Put together some of the most brutal and challenging hunts possible and let players loose. See which teams rise to the top, and invite the best of the best to something next level, that only the best players in the world would be able to handle with ease. With the game as of right now occupying some high up real estate on the most popular Twitch games, the time is now to put together a unique PvEsport event that could hopefully build into something bigger.

WoW and Final Fantasy XIV Raids

5 Games That Would Make for Awesome PvEsports

World of Warcraft has already dabbled with PvEsports with the Mythic Dungeon Invitational last year. Watching two clans, side by side, tackling some of the toughest that WoW has to offer was very fun to watch, especially for those familiar, and certainly has potential. Final Fantasy XIV is trying that with its PvP mode, but like Destiny 2, it’s not really latching on as much as the developers would wish.

I fully expect (or hope at least) for Blizzard to continue to support WoW but watching highly skilled Final Fantasy XIV players do their thing could also be highly entertaining too. The interesting advantage that FFXIV has over any other similar game is the connection to Final Fantasy lore. Historically, the toughest fight in FFXIV has been the hardest versions of the Bahamut fight. Highly advertising a showdown versus Bahamut, or any other future fight that taps into FF lore, could draw the non-MMO playing Final Fantasy fan to check out the event. The major hurdle would be toning down the effects that cloud the screen to allow for a better viewing experience.

Rainbow Six Siege (Terrorist Hunt)

5 Games That Would Make for Awesome PvEsports

Unlike some of the other games on this list that are struggling to create an environment that embraces its PvP gameplay, Rainbow Six Siege is already very well-established in that area. It’s competitive PvP is extremely popular, supported, and has a burgeoning esports scene.

On the other hand, its Terrorist Hunt PvE mode, is in the back seat. It’s incredibly unlikely that it would ever supersede PvP in popularity, but it still could be entertaining to see some of the best PvP teams tackle Terrorist Hunt side by side on Realistic difficulty and see how the best teams choose to tackle the obstacles and objectives thrown their way.

Although breaking into any esport is just as hard, if not more so, than traditional sports, at least in a potential PvEsport like Terrorist Hunt and the others on this list, there’s a glimmer of hope that if you can put together the right team and grind and practice something enough times, you can make it to the top. After all, as long as your team is on point, it’s not another human standing directly in your way, it’s just the AI.

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.
