My Hero Academia is one of the biggest names in modern-day anime, featuring a world inhabited by humans who develop an extraordinary power named a Quirk. While some people aim to use their Quirk to help in day-to-day life and do great things, others use their Quirk to cause trouble, thus birthing the lives of heroes and villains.
My Hero Academia has an extensive array of villains who appear throughout the story, each as unique and captivating as the last. Each villain has ideals and ambitions for the world, which differ from one another more often than you’d assume. Not everyone wants power; some villains wish for equality, a place of belonging, recognition, freedom, and transparency. This makes every villain interesting to investigate and follow as they commit their crimes, growing in power as things develop on screen.
These personalities include a rejected child with a burning hatred towards their father, a vigilante villain who aims to end the glory and fame of fake heroes, a clone-manipulating individual with a split personality, a misguided teenager cursed with an unusual Quirk, and a ex-Pro Hero turned villain, to name a few.
Have you ever wondered which of these My Hero Academia Villains you’d be most similar to? Take the personality quiz below to find out now!
(Images Source: Studio Bones)