
Is Darius Still in the Deprivation Tank in Atlanta? Explained

Was it all a dream?

Atlanta Season 4 just wrapped up, and with it being the series finale, there’s obviously plenty of questions that fans still have about the show that they’re hoping will be answered at some point. There’s no more pressing question than the one everyone has regarding the show’s ending, though. Here is everything you need to know about if Darius is still in the tank in Atlanta.

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Did Darius Get Out of the Deprivation Tank in Atlanta?

Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer as to whether Darius is still in the deprivation tank at the end of Atlanta Season 4 Episode 10, as the camera doesn’t show the television screen that would have given the possible answer. In the episode, Darius states that he always knows if he’s in the tank if he’s able to see a thick version of Judge Judy, as the fact that she looks completely different than she does in the real world is an indication that he’s dreaming.

This is a similar concept to that of totems in Inception, as it is an object or idea that the dreaming person can use to help them remember they are dreaming. Before we can see if Darius’ version of a totem is, in fact, there, the show ends, only showing the dreamer’s smiling face.

Was the TV Series Atlanta All Just a Dream?

As a result of this lack of an answer, an interesting theory of the show being all apart of Darius’ imagination has now come about. While this “it was all a dream” ending might seem like a cop-out to some, it would explain the crazy amount Twilight Zone episodes and occurrences that have happened in the show in more recent seasons.

When talking about the ending with Deadline, executive producer Stephen Glover talked about the ending a bit more in-depth.

I don’t think it’s that deep, but I do think there’s this idea that everything has felt so dream-like in Atlanta anyway. [Whether it’s] real or fake, it all feels real to you anyway. I think that’s just the idea that we walked away with — this idea of having your friends together and having a good time and eating Popeye’s and laughing. It’s kind of like, is that a dream or are you manifesting these things that you wanted anyway? It can feel like a dream.

For now, that is everything you need to know on is Darius is still in the tank in Atlanta? For more news, guides, and features on all things entertainment and games, be sure to search Twintinite.

About the author

Andrew McMahon

Andrew was Twinfinite's Features Editor from 2020 through until March 2023 and wrote for the site from 2018. He has wandered around with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications sitting in his back pocket for a while now, all the while wondering what he is going to do for a career. Luckily, video games have always been there, especially as his writing career progresses.
