
Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem (Immortal Memories Trophy & Achievement)

Here's where to find every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale RequiemA Plague Tale Requiem

While A Plague Tale Requiem may have plenty of new and improved gameplay mechanics, it has just as many features that carry over from the original. Case in point: There are a metric boatload of collectibles to track down, including Souvenirs. These can be easy to miss if you don’t know where to look though, and that’s why we’ve created this guide on where to find every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem.

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Before going any further though, it’s worth noting that this guide won’t cover how to find all of the Flowers and Bird Feathers in the game. If you’re also after these collectibles, we highly recommend checking out our guides for where to find all of these items throughout the game.

How to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem

There are 21 Souvenirs in all to find in A Plague Tale Requiem, and they’re scattered pretty evenly across most of the game’s chapters.

Unlike in the first game though, these collectibles aren’t special items you gather to add to a visible collection. Instead, they’re moments that serve as important memories to Amicia, the game’s protagonist.

They can range from happier moments with her friends and family to traumatic moments she alone will hold onto. However, they can still only be triggered by tracking down hidden areas in the game and interacting with a particular part of the environment.

To that end, we’ve split up the Souvenirs you can find Chapter by Chapter, and noted down the number tied to them in the Codex. We’ll also include screenshots to help give you a frame of reference for where you should be looking.

And before you ask: No, you don’t have to get every Souvenir in the game in a single playthrough. Whether you find them your first time through a Chapter or have to replay a level to add it to your codex, it’ll still count toward the grand total and related rewards. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to grab them out of order if you’ve already played past where some can be found.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 1

There are no Souvenirs in Chapter 1 of A Plague Tale Requiem, so you don’t need to worry about digging too deeply into the tutorial level. Play through it normally, and save your energy for exploring in the next chapter.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 2 of A Plague Tale Requiem

Chapter 2, meanwhile, has two Souvenirs you can track down. The first is found in the town market, while the second is found in the house full of sick residents later on in the level.

1. Best Player

For this Souvenir, you’ll need to interact with the stand where you can throw pots at stacked blocks. This stand can be reached by heading through the fairgrounds at the start of the chapter while you’re with Hugo until you reach the flower seller’s stand where Hugo runs off.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Once he rejoins you, turn left and continue toward the giant fish hanging up next to the fisherman. Once you reach him, turn right, and you’ll see a stand with stacked blocks at the back of the alley. Go to the stand and interact with it, and then complete the pot throwing game. Once it’s done, you’ll unlock the first in this series of collectibles.

2. Be At Peace

Next up is the Be At Peace Souvenir. For this one, you’ll need to be at the point where you make your way through the house full of infected following the major stealth section with the archer.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After entering the house, continue up the stairs and then take the hallway that leads off to the right. Continue down the hall until you come to the woman who’s still alive. Interact with her, and she’ll mistake Amicia for someone named Alice. After a brief exchange, she’ll finally die, and the Souvenir will prompt.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 3

The next two Souvenirs are in Chapter 3 of A Plague Tale Requiem. These can be a little trickier to find, and require you to utilize your Sling to solve puzzles that aren’t explicitly revealed to you.

3. A Grave

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After entering the area that lies past the portcullis you need to run under, head toward the abandoned buildings straight ahead of you. Once you reach the abandoned forge with a house to your right, make your way around to the right side of the house and look for a shootable chain link on a fence.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Shoot the chain link, and then make your way back around to the front of the house. The gate to the yard should now be open to you. Head into the front yard, and then examine the grave to your right. This will give you the A Grave Souvenir.

4. Our Home

After retrieving Amicia’s Sling, head back up to the second level of the storage building. From the center of the level, look toward the right side of the building and you’ll see a walkway being held up by a chain link you can shoot with her sling.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Shoot it down, and then head across the walkway. The map can be found on a table lit by some candles, and examining it will trigger the Our Home Souvenir.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 4 of A Plague Tale Requiem

Chapter 4 of A Plague Tale Requiem has another two Souvenirs to track down. both require paying careful attention to your environment, but one in particular can be easy to miss.

5. Silk Treasure

Make your way through the dock area normally until you come to a trap door leading downward. Before interacting with it, turn around and look for a break in the wall directly across from it. Crouch down and go through the opening to enter a hidden room.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Once you enter the room, Lucas comments on how the city used to be the “door to the Mediterranean.” You can then look to the side of the room for a cart you can interact with.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Grab hold of it, and then move it with Lucas toward a wall that you can’t climb up without a boost.

Climb up onto the cart and then up the ledge, and then make your way toward a pile of colorful cloth that you can examine for the Silk Treasure dialogue between the two characters.

6. A Grain of Sand

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After completing the Tar Workshop section where you move the platform with Lucas on it, head out to the destroyed dock area and look for the chain link holding up a walkway. It’ll be to the right of the passageway leading toward the next section of the level.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Shoot it with your Sling to lower the walkway and then cross over it toward a moored ship. Once you reach the upper right edge of the dock, you’ll have the option to view the city from a distance. Lucas and Amicia will then have a heart to heart, resulting in the Grain of Sand Souvenir triggering.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 5

Another Chapter of A Plague Tale Requiem means another two Souvenirs to track down. Both can be found while you’re together with Lucas, meaning this batch is front-loaded into the first half of the level.

7. The Stag’s Roar

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After the boat takes off without Amicia and Lucas at the start of the level, head forward along the path until you find a break in the brush to your right. Head through it to find a chest of alchemical supplies and a winding path you can follow.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Continue on the winding path, and eventually you’ll come to a tree with some red fabric hanging off of it. Get close enough to this, and you’ll be treated to an exchange between Lucas and Amicia that grants you the Stag’s Roar Souvenir.

8. Huuuugoooo!

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After reaching the second to last segment of the section where Amicia and Lucas have to avoid rats with hay bales – namely, the point where they meet back up and Amicia comments on Lucas’ battle cry – look up and to the right for a ladder being held up by a chain link.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Shoot it to lower the ladder, and then climb to the upper ledge that overlooks the river. Lucas will then go to the ledge, and you can interact with him for a short cinematic and the eighth Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 6 of A Plague Tale Requiem

Chapter 6 of A Plague Tale Requiem has you guessed it two more Souvenirs to track down. They’re pretty evenly spaced across the level, with one being discoverable early on while the other is found later in the level.

9. Imagine You’re Flying!

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After reaching the camp set up by the Catholic pilgrims, head to the left side and look for the man in white standing to the side of a path. Go down the path, and head toward the swing.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Hugo will then offer to push Amicia on the swing, and interacting with it will trigger one of the cuter Souvenirs in all of A Plague Tale Innocence.

10. Which Color Do You Want?

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After clearing the room where Hugo controls the rats, head up the ladder and then through the gap in the wall to your left. This will bring you into a room full of fabrics and dyes.

Drop down to the lower level of the room, and then interact with Hugo next to the straps of fabric so that he can give Amicia a new head bandage.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 7

Another Chapter, another two Souvenirs to track down. Both of these are a little further into the level, so you don’t need to worry about searching through the rat infested cave for a craftily hidden collectible.

11. The Survivor

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After clearing the segment where Arnaud has Amicia fire a flaming bolt into his shield to clear away rats, continue along the beach on the lefthand side. You’ll eventually come to a rock ledge you can climb up.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Do so, and then walk over to the master of the broken ship. Examine the mast, and Hugo will give it a new name to unlock the Souvenir for you.

12. The First Men

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Near the end of the segment where you learn how to use Arnaud’s ability in combat, there’ll be some debris you’ll need to lift to slide through a narrow passage. Head through the passage, and then look immediately to your left to find a ledge you can climb up.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Do so, and then go through the small opening to your right to enter a cave. Head inside, and then grab the torch hanging on the wall so you can see as you progress further into the cave. Progress forward and you’ll eventually find a wall covered in handprints that you can interact with.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 8 of A Plague Tale Requiem

For Chapter 8 of A Plague Tale Requiem, there are two more Souvenirs to find. Both can be discovered while exploring the festival going on at the harbor, and one also counts toward the Perfect Shot hidden Trophy and Achievement.

13. Silent Lucinda

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After reaching La Cuna’s Brighter Day market, head toward the right side of the stands and you’ll find a pair of alleyways. Both will lead to a goat petting area.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

As you get closer to the man with a goat standing next to him, Hugo will run off and ask if he can pet the goat. Approach and interact with the wall of their pen, and you’ll trigger the Souvenir scene.

14. Flower Crown

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After the path leading up and out of La Cuna’s main market opens up, look for an opening into a smaller area on your left.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Head into this area, and then go directly across from the entrance toward some hanging wreaths of flowers. Interact with the stand, and then participate in the mini game to unlock this Souvenir. You’ll also get the Perfect Shot Trophy and Achievement if you manage to send a pot through every crown in one go.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 9

Finding every Souvenir in Chapter 9 of A Plague Tale Requiem can seem intimidating, especially since it’s the only chapter with three Souvenirs to track down. Fortunately, most of its collectibles aren’t that hard to find, and can be swept up in minimal time.

15. A Thousand More Years

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

From the main castle house you start the level by leaving, head right until you come to the bird statue next to some stairs and pointing toward a small white house along the road. Continue on the road past the house, and follow it down along the river until you come to a tree with a twisted trunk.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Examine the tree, and you’ll trigger a rather insightful Souvenir scene.

16. Nice Screeching

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

From the main house, head across the river and over toward a ruined tower. It’ll be the square tower with a circular column on its side.

Once you reach it, make your way around to the side with a small window across from the bee keepers. Through the window, you’ll see a clasp you can shoot with your Sling that’ll allow a door to be opened.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Shoot it, and then make your way to the opposite side of the tower. You’ll find a window you can climb through to enter the building. Go through the door you unlocked, and then climb up the series of ladders leading toward the highest level. Once there, examine the edge of the building to trigger a scene.

17. Tramontane

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

This Souvenir is a pseudo-unmissable one, as the game makes a point of ensuring you know it’s in the area.

After speaking to the goat herder at the sanctuary gate, he’ll mention that one of his goats is loose up ahead and needs to be sent back to him. Head along the goat path until you reach a broken down building, and you’ll discover her trapped inside.

Go around to the back of the building and burn the wheat plants with an Ignifer shot or throwable. This will open up a hole Hugo can climb through, and he’ll then unlock a door so Amicia and Sophia can get in too. Once inside, interact with the goat and you’ll be treated to a nice scene between Hugo and the goat.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 10 of A Plague Tale Requiem

A Plague Tale Requiem takes things a little easier on you collectibles-wise in Chapter 10, as there’s only one to track down. It can be easy to miss though, so don’t go zooming your way through the level unless you plan to come back for it later.

18. A Rag Doll

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After reuniting with Sophia following Hugo’s outburst, continue into the building and turn left. You should see a rope point you can use to pull down some loose boards blocking a passage on the opposite side of the building.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Fire off a rope point and pull down the boards, and then climb up to and through the passage. Follow the proceeding trail and then examine the bloodstained tree.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 11

A Plague Tale Requiem Chapter 11 once again tasks you with finding two Souvenirs, though they’re fairly easy to find as long as you’re exploring thoroughly.

19. The Chateau d’Ombrage

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

After lighting all of the carts in the room with rats, pull the far right cart toward you with rope and then use Sophia’s Prism ability to safely reach it. Then, push the cart toward the edge of the area and switch the track so that you can push it toward another edge where there’s a chest.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

To the left of the chest is a ledge you can drop down from. Use Sophia’s ability to reach the ledge and then drop down, and then make your way toward the table covered in Maps. When you examine it, the Souvenir will prompt.

20. His Toys

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

On the right side of the room with the massive puzzle door, there’ll be a normal locked door with a space to its left that Hugo can crawl through. Send him in and have him unlock the door. Then, head inside and examine the toys on the table.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 12 of A Plague Tale Requiem

Chapter 12 is another Souvenir-free segment of A Plague Tale Requiem. Don’t waste any time trying to find collectibles during this segment, and bask in the full glory of the story as it hits a major climax.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in Chapter 13

The final Souvenir of the game is found in Chapter 13, and it’s fairly easy to miss. Take your time exploring at the start of the Chapter, and you should be fine.

21. A Mess

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Shortly after starting the chapter, you’ll need to find a rope point which is behind a gate. After reaching the rope point, look directly behind you and you’ll see a cart in a cramped room that can be moved to the left. Doing so will reveal a hole in the wall you can crawl into.

Where to Find Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem
Image Credit: Focus Entertainment via Twinfinite

Move the cart and crawl through the hole to enter a new room. Once inside, examine the desk to unlock the final Souvenir.

What You Get For Finding Every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem

As for what you get out of finding every souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem, it’s about what you’d expect given how they worked in the first game.

The primary reward is the ‘Immortal Memories’ Trophy and Achievement. This is one of the rarer and harder to get accolades in the game, and gets you a decent ways toward completing the list of activities in the game.

Likewise, finding all of these particular collectibles adds to the overall experience substantially. They help to further flesh out Amicia’s relationships with Hugo, Lucas, Arnaud and several other characters, while also lending the game moments of levity or extra weight brilliantly.

Hopefully this helped you figure out where to find every Souvenir in A Plague Tale Requiem. For more on the game, check out any of the related articles down below. For other guides, feel free to check out the ones on where to find every Flower, where to find every Feather, and how long the game takes to beat based on your play style.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.
