
NEO The World Ends With You: How to Use Rindo’s Time Travel Psych

neo the world ends with you time travel

NEO: The World Ends With You provides players with various powers called psychs, and they’ll need to be used to survive the Reapers’ Game in Shibuya’s Underground. The main protagonist, Rindo, has time travel psych. Here’s how to use Rindo’s Time Travel in NEO: The World Ends With You.

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How to Use Rindo’s Time Travel Psych in NEO: The World Ends With You

As you progress through the week, you’ll gradually gain new abilities to use as you explore the Underground. Rido’s Time Travel is an ability that can only be used in specific scenarios, but it’ll get you out of many sticky situations.

Press Square on PlayStation or Y on Switch to activate Time Travel when the prompt appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen. You’ll then use Rindo’s psych to travel backward or forward in time to change your current circumstances by using information that you’ve gained in the present.

neo the world ends with you time travel

These sequences usually begin in a scripted manner, but solving the problem in your current situation is all up to you. A number of locations and times will show up in the Time Travel menu, and you can choose any one of them to travel to a point in time and gather information or talk to characters in order to change past and future events.

The locations and times in the Time Travel menu will become greyed out if you’ve done all you can with them. Rindo will also make comments on what needs to be done. Once you’ve completed all of your time-related puzzle-solving, select Change Our Fate at the bottom of the menu to return to the point that you came from, and all of your changes will take effect.

neo the world ends with you time travel

That’s everything you need to know about how to use Rindo’s Time Travel psych in NEO: The World Ends With You. Be sure to check out our guide wiki for the game to see more tips, tricks, and other info.

About the author

Ethan Anderson

Lover of RPGs and all things Zelda, Pokémon, Dragon Age, or Tales related. Can usually be found either struggling/failing to get 100% completions, or praying for a Jak 4.
