
Destiny: The Taken King’s Best New Exotic Weapons

With every new expansion Destiny receives, one of the first things that fans look to are the new exotic weapons, and nothing has changed with The Taken King. It’s no secret that vanilla Destiny held some seriously potent weaponry that none of the subsequent expansions managed to knock out of the top spots, something that The Taken King sorely needs to do.

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It turns out that Bungie was well-aware of this and made sure to throw in some seriously impressive shooting machines to make all of that grinding and collecting worth it in Destiny: The Taken King. Some take the place of legendaries that were unceremoniously relieved of their glory during the 2.0 patch, others bring some new destruction into the fold, but all of them are definite must haves for any guardian worth its weight in ammunition.

Hereafter (Sniper Rifle)

After the whole Weapon Tuning 2.0 debacle (the one that dealt a blow to the Gjallarhorn and Thorn), many overlooked another weapon that was cut down from its podium of greatness: the Black Hammer. This raid sniper rifle’s White Nail perk provided infinite ammo to those guardians who took the time and care to land nothing but precision shots. The perk was changed to only reload your gun if you had spare ammo, pretty much going from perk of perks, to save you three seconds.

Hereafter’s Perfectionist perk brings the White Nail perk back (sort of) by refunding your clip completely if you can manage to get nothing but precision kills with all of your shots (4 shots in the magazine). On top of that, you have the chance to blind enemies in an area on certain precision kills, as well, along with increased zoom and ability to aim under pressure while crouching. Definitely a Sniper’s dream and probably a Hunter’s new best friend.

Chaperone (Shotgun)

Here’s how to get the Chaperone.

Let’s be completely honest, shotguns aren’t crying out for a super powerful version to even the playing field. Invective, The 4th Horseman, Universal Remote are all seriously potent weapons, but you can never have too many rage-inducing death machines (especially if you’re looking to dominate the Crucible). That’s where the Chaperone comes in.

A Chaperone is your friend in a tight situation, there to guide you through tough decisions and lead you away from harmful paths. This particular Chaperone, though, is more about leading your enemies to an untimely demise with its surprisingly accurate (and very powerful) slug rounds. Its Roadborn and Survivor perks up the ante with each successive kill making The Chaperone one of the best dates you can have hanging off of your arm in Destiny: The Taken King.

Fabian Strategy (Auto Rifle)

Being in the heat of battle is a tough spot to find yourself in while playing Destiny. Even the weakest enemies can get the best of the most legendary of guardians if they manage to back one into a corner. Having top-notch armor helps out quite a bit; but even then, it’s just a race between your killing ability and your health’s willingness to withstand an onslaught. Sometimes what you need is a bit of extra oomph when things get rough, and that’s exactly what the Fabian Strategy provides.

The Front Lines perk increases the weapon’s usefulness (rate of fire, stability, handling) when surrounded, making it perfect for those in your face Titan and Warlock players. Then there’s the Life Support perk which has a chance to heal your guardian if you get a kill while your health is in the red. This weapon is all about keeping you in the fight without needing to flee. Just remember, it isn’t for the faint of heart.

Telesto (Fusion Rifle)

No matter how hard you try to deny it, you just can’t knock a good fusion rifle. Those weapons are absolute beasts. Sure, they take a bit of getting used to due to their different charge rates, stability, handling, and other stats, but all of them are weapons that bring fear to enemies. Telesto takes it a step further by adding insult to injury as you send your Destiny: The Taken King opponents scurrying to their friends, only to take them down in a glorious explosion of purple light.

Unplanned Reprieve and Harbinger’s Spark make this exotic fusion rifle a thorn in the side of packs of enemies. Charge it up and let it rip to attach void clusters to enemies and walls. Said clusters then explode, dealing massive damage to your target and anything around them. If you land a multikill, you get to watch beautiful Orbs of Light fall from your victims. You also get a boost to your sprint which lets you make your way to your next group of victims that much quicker.

It may not have the best charge time, but its ability to absolutely wreck the opposition in Destiny: The Taken King is definitely worth writing home about.

Bold Caster/Raze-Lighter/Dark-Drinker (Swords)

Here’s how to get them.

These are swords. Swords you carry on your back. Swords you use to absolutely decimate the Taken/Hive/Fallen/Vex Cabal enemies with their big guns and overshields. Nothing else needs to be said.

Safe travels, guardians.

More Destiny: The Taken King


About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
