
Borderlands 3 Moxxi’s Heist: All Mayor’s Killer Look Locations

Borderlands 3 Moxxi's Heist, All Mayor's Killer Look Locations

Borderlands 3‘s Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC has its fair share of crew challenges to complete, and some of the trickiest to find can be the Mayor’s Killer Looks. That’s why we’re here to help you track down each one’s location with minimal hassle.

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Every Mayor’s Killer Look Location in Borderlands 3’s Moxxi’s Heist DLC

Like with Zer0’s Target of Opportunity challenges in the base game, the Mayor’s Killer Looks in Borderlands 3’s Moxxi’s Heist DLC require you to track down and kill special enemies at specific locations throughout each area.

This is easier said than done though, as they won’t show up on the map until the Mayor has joined your party about two thirds of the way through the DLC’s story mission. As a result you’ll likely pass by the enemy’s location without even realizing it, forcing you to comb over areas after you’ve already explored them in order to find the target’s location.

This can be a major hassle, so we’ve laid out each target’s location and how to find them below for the sake of your sanity and enjoyment of the game.

First Mayor’s Killer Look Location

The first Mayor’s Killer Look you can find in Borderlands 3’s Moxxi’s Heist DLC is in the Market District of the Spendopticon.

From the Market District fast travel point, head South toward the other end of the area’s upper level. Just before you hit the wall, a special enemy named Evil Saint Lawrence will emerge from a shutter and attack you.

Take him down, and you’ll have obtained your first Killer Look from the Mayor.

Second Mayor’s Killer Look Location

The second Mayor’s Killer Look is in the Vice District of the Spendopticon, in a secluded section of the spa portion of the area.

From the Velvet Shuffle fast travel station, head North until you come to a stoney, wide-open area with a smaller section at the back of it. Head to the smaller section, and after a few seconds Junpai Goat Eater should emerge from a small pool of water.

Take him down, and you’ll have crossed another target off your list.

Third Mayor’s Killer Look Location

The third of the Mayor’s Killer Looks in Borderlands 3’s Moxxi’s Heist DLC can be found in the Impound Deluxe area, in the top right corner of the map.

From the Beggar’s Berth fast travel station, head North toward the top right corner of the map. Once there, look for a yellow door with a green outline that you can open by interacting with it.

Interact with the door. Once it opens, an enemy named DEGEN-3 will emerge for you to kill.

Fourth Mayor’s Killer Look Location

The fourth Killer Look is in the Compactor area, to the Northeast of Trashlantis.

From Trashlantis’ Fast Travel station, head Northeast into Cubeland and continue North until you come to a narrow path. Enter the narrow path, and then at the fork turn left into a small side area blocked off by a VIP door.

Pay $72,250 to get past the door and then continue into the section it was guarding. Once there, you’ll encounter an enemy named Gorgeous Armada who’ll go down without much trouble.

Fifth Mayor’s Killer Look Location

The final Mayor’s Killer Look you can find in Borderlands 3’s Moxxi’s Heist DLC is in the VIP Tower area, and it’s arguably the easiest to track down. Just head to the top right corner of the room where the primary fast travel station for the area is and you’ll trigger the special enemy Loco Chantelle.

What You Get for Finding Every Mayor’s Killer Look in Borderlands 3’s Moxxi’s Heist DLC

Once you’ve found and killed every Mayor’s Killer Look target, you’ll be rewarded with a few different items.

Ranging from skins to head items and hairstyles, the rewards you get for these challenges are all cosmetic items. While this means they won’t have any impact on your practical abilities in combat, it does mean that you’ll be able to flex your style of choice in co-op with friends, sporting items that otherwise aren’t available.

Hopefully this cleared up what the location is for every Mayor’s Killer Look in Borderlands 3’s Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC. For more on the game, check out our guide wiki. It’s got info on a variety of topics like how to farm the Debt Collector and where to find every Circle of Slaughter.

About the author

Keenan McCall

Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.
