
Wargroove Double Trouble Free DLC Adds Co-Op Campaign, New Units, & More

wargroove, double trouble

Developer Chucklefish is today announcing free DLC for Wargroove called Double Trouble, which is set to add a stack of new content to the game centered around cooperative play.

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A firm release date hasn’t quite been settled upon yet as the developer irons out the final kinks in its testing phase. An announcement and trailer are to follow in the near future, we’re told.

A blog post tees up Double Trouble’s story premise:

After an unexpected kidnapping and some severe ransom demands, your group of rogues have no choice but to perform the biggest heist that Aurania has ever seen…

Double Trouble key features:

  • A brand new Co-Op Story Campaign (can be played couch co-op, online co-op or even solo)
  • 3 New Roguish Commanders 
  • 2 New Units – Thieves & Riflemen
  • New Arcade missions
  • Competitive online Quick Play maps, including some of the community’s most competitive maps as voted for by the Groove of War team
  • Public and Private Multiplayer Lobbies – you can now also play custom campaigns online
  • New Volcano map theme and more updates to the custom Editor tools
  • Outlaw music tracks, composed by Phonetic Hero

Of particular interest to many players will be the new map editor tools. Here’s exactly what sort of features are being added with Double Trouble:

  • Unit Modifiers – Modify the damage that any unit/structure receives as a percentage, including making them invulnerable. We’re also looking into a teleport unit action for the editor.
  • Metalocations – Added support for ‘metalocations’ which indicate where things last happened on the map, for example the last attacker, last defender, last recruit, last unit used, last movement path, last death etc. There will also be new actions for locations, such as copying a location area, moving location by (x,y), and boolean operations between locations.
  • Gizmos – New place-able entities with an on and off state such as levers and chests. Using gizmos you can override terrain (e.g. draw bridges) and will also be able to enter new actions to set and toggle the gizmo state, as well as new conditions to check it.
  • Counters – Added new actions to perform arithmetic between counters as well as setting the counter to random value, and load/storing counter values to some other variables (HP, Groove etc.). There’s also a new condition to compare counters.
  • Actions can now play sounds
  • Map upload slots will also be increased so players can upload more maps at once.
  • Volcano biomes now available in the map builder for all your lava needs.

Finally, Double Trouble introduces a number of balancing changes made to the game:

  • Spearmen – Cost increased 150 => 250 gold
  • Dogs – Cost decreased 200 => 150 gold
  • Amphibians – Damage vs structures reduced, crit damage now 45-55 => 35-45
  • Amphibians – Cost increased 250 => 350 gold
  • Trebuchets = Cost increased 900 => 1000
  • Balloons – Cost decreased 500 => 450
  • Balloons – Can now only carry the same units as wagons
  • Harpies – Minimum base damage vs structures 45% => 50%
  • Koji – Drones now take 50% damage from all units instead of 800% damage
  • Sedge – Sadistic rush charge speed, very slow => slow
  • Tenri – Tornado charge speed, medium => slow
  • “M” (secret Commander) – Groove charge speed, slow => medium
  • Ryota – Blade dash charge speed, medium => fast
  • Ryota – Blade dash now starts at 50% commander damage
  • Ryota – Blade dash now increases in damage by 5% commander damage per “jump” on blade dash route.
  • Ryota – Can now dash through neutral structures
  • Commander – Minimum base damage vs soldiers 95% => 115%
  • Commander – Minimum base damage vs spearmen 65% => 75%
  • Critical hits no longer increase RNG damage range. All damage is max +/- 5%, even after crit
  • Killing non unit summons (vines, crystals, etc) will no longer build groove

Chucklefish also reminds fans that a physical version of Wargroove is set to release later this month, Oct. 29, which was first revealed over summer.

About the author

Alex Gibson

Alex was a Senior Editor at Twinfinite and worked on the site between January 2017 and March 2023. He covered the ins and outs of Valorant extensively, and frequently provided expert insight into the esports scene and wider video games industry. He was a self-proclaimed history & meteorological expert, and knew about games too. Playing Games Since: 1991, Favorite Genres: RPG, Action
