Today, during a stage event hosted by Sega at Tokyo Game Show 2019, Atlus showcased new gameplay of the upcoming Persona 5 Royal, which will greatly improve on the original JRPG.
We get to see a recently-revealed feature in action, the Velvet Room battle challenge, letting players take on personas trying to achieve high scores and earning rare rewards.
You can check it out below, courtesy of YouTube user BuffMaister.
If you’re interested in Persona 5 Royal, you also enjoy the opening animation, a recent trailer, latest English trailer, the previous trailer and gameplay reveal, including Goro Akechi, Jose and Mementos, two recent videos focusing on the new character Kasumi and additions to the battle system and two more showing another look at the new features.
We then have a recent trailer in English, a batch of gameplay screenshots, the first character trailer focusing on Kasumi the second showcasing Ryuji, the third starring Ann, the fourth focusing on Yusuke, the fifth showcasing Makoto, the sixth featuring Futaba, the seventh showing Haru, the eighth starring Morgana, the ninth focusing on Takuto Maruki, and the latest starring the hero.
Persona 5 Royal is launching in the west in spring 2020, and in Japan on October 31, 2019, exclusively for PS4.