
Apex Legends: All Season 2 Legends Ranked Worst to Best

Apex Legends, How to Play as Wattson

With the release of Apex Legends Season 2, we also saw various gameplay tweak be implemented that affect the game’s weapons, map, and legends.

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A whole new legend named Wattson was added, a Static Defender who uses electricity to control areas of the map and repair her and her teammates’ shields. Various nerfs and buffs were also added to the already existing cast of colorful characters.

With these new changes in mind, here is a ranking of all the Apex Legends Season 2 Legends from worst to best based on their abilities and usefulness in the game.

All Legends in Apex Legends Season 2 Ranked from Worst to Best

#10 – Gibraltar

Even though Gibraltar got a very decent buff this season, this doesn’t prevent him from progressing past the bottom spot on our best legends list.

Along with his Dome of Protection duration increasing by three seconds, his passive Fortified has increased so he now takes 5% less damage (his damage reduction raising from 10% to 15%) and is immune to slow effects from weapon fire alongside Caustic.

Even with these changes, his hitbox is just too massive, he has very limited mobility, and his abilities are just not good enough to make him a well-rounded pick.

While his Dome of Protection is great at protecting allies in certain situations, it also acts like a beacon which can draw in enemies for the opposite effect. Close-ranged enemies are not exactly Gibraltar’s best friend.

His Gun Shield is also one of the worst abilities in the game, especially for players who prefer to be more mobile and quick in battle. His shield provides 75 health to his upper body, but causes him to move a lot slower even with smaller weapons. It also has a very long cooldown that requires Shield Cells or Batteries to regain quicker.

His ultimate Defensive Bombardment is the best aspect of his kit, but is strikingly similar to Bangalore’s who just beats Gibraltar on this list due to her more well-rounded kit.

#9 – Bangalore

Bangalore didn’t receive any new changes in the latest update alongside Season. She remains on the low end of the tier not because she’s a bad choice, but just because the other legends are better.

Her passive ability Double-Time is useful, but only occurs when you are taking fire. Therefore, her playstyle is adapted more towards players who like to be in the midst of a fight with not much wiggle room for snipers or mid-range fighters.

Her Smoke Launcher is also situational much like Caustic’s gas, but unlike Caustic she cannot see through her own smoke and using it can sometimes leave her blind.

This means that in some scenarios, using your own ability as Bangalore can actually come at a disadvantage if the enemy happens to have the high ground or has a Digital Threat or 10x Digital Sniper Threat scope equipped.

Her Ultimate Rolling Thunder is better than Gibraltar’s, but now that that game has been out for a while players know how to easily avoid it and instead of inflicting damage it is mostly used to force enemies into new locations.

Players that use Bangalore all the time can get really good at her, but her abilities aren’t the best in the game by far.

#8 – Octane

Octane also saw no new changes with the Season 2 update, besides a bug fix that caused throwable items to bounce off a jump pad without actually touching it. While Octane can be a fun and fast-paced legend to try out, his kit is only designed to be viable in a few different situation.

Likely the best part of his kit is his passive Swift Mend that allows him to restore one health every two seconds. This is meant to be combined with his Stim ability that increases his speed by 30% for six seconds but costs ten health to use.

However, if you use Octane more for his passive ability and less for his mobility, he can be useful in mid/long-range fights as he can spend less time healing and more time reloading sniper rifles or replenishing shields.

His Ultimate is one of the worst in the game, offering a Launch Pad that works like a less reliable Pathfinder Grappling Hook in that it has a cooldown that’s seven times longer while still accomplishing the same task of moving the legend to a slightly higher vantage point.

The only bonus to Octane’s is that your whole team can use the jump pad, but even then Pathfinder’s Zipline Gun is always a better option anyway.

Octane is a wild ride, but not as reliable as some of the other heroes.

#7 – Mirage – All Legends in Apex Legends Season 2 Ranked from Worst to Best

Mirage, Apex Legends

Mirage only had one change with the new season of Apex Legends, a tweak which allows him to cancel out of his cloak early with a small delay. Other than that, it’s the same old Mirage who has always been very middle of the road when it comes to comparing him with the other legends.

His Psyche Out ability is likely the best part of his kit, and as it turns out makes him a good pick if you are going against a Wattson. If an enemy fires at your fake Mirage you will get an indicator to their location. Specifically with Wattson, if you send your hologram through her electric fences you will be able to see where she is at that specific moment as well.

This means you can get a little strategic, purposely sending your hologram into the fences in order to see exactly where the enemy Wattson is.

However, his other abilities fall short, especially Encore! which only works after you have been knocked down. If an ability is only triggered once you have been knocked down, it’s not a very exciting or particularity desirable ability.

His Vanishing Act Ultimate that allows you to cloak and create various stationary holograms is also a pretty useful ability, but has a pretty huge cooldown (150 seconds) and is really only used best when trying to evade enemies while weakened.

#6 – Wattson

Apex Legends Season 2, everything new

Wattson is the newest Apex Legends character, and leans very heavily into defensive strategies with the implementation of her kit.

One of the most interesting things about Wattson is her Ultimate Ability Interception Pylon. This acts like Lifeline’s D.O.C. Heal Drone (but instead of health is slowly regenerates shields), while also destroying incoming ordnance (all grenades, Caustic’s Nox Gas Grenade, Bangalore’s Rolling Thunder canisters, and Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment shells).

So really instead of Wattson being her own viable choice, she really acts more as a counter to other characters. She’s not meant to be aggressive, as hunkering down and setting up a stronghold tends to work out best with both her Ultimate and her Perimeter Security electric fences.

However, many players do not like taking the “camping” approach so will find Wattson might not be the best choice for them.

Her passive is one of the least interesting in the game, called Spark of Genius this allows her to fully charge her ultimate with an Ultimate Accelerant and standing near an Interception Pylon will boost her tactical recharge rate. Three of her Pylons can be used at once.

It’s sort of telling that her Ultimate can be recharged in such an easy way, as clearly this means the developers didn’t see it as a very strong ultimate if you are able to stack it so easily.

#5 – Wraith

Wraith is one of three Apex Legends heroes with smaller hitboxes that got a pretty significant Low Profile nerf, being she now takes 5% more incoming damage.

However, Wraith still remains a middle of the field pick despite this nerf because she has an amazing passive and some pretty decent abilities.

Her passive Voices from the Void will enable a spectral voice to audibly warn you if someone is looking or aiming at you or a member of your team. This is hugely beneficial as not only does it mean you can be made aware when someone is sneaking up on you, enemies teams now have to adjust how they approach you by avoiding looking or directly aiming at you as they approach.

Many players don’t think of this as they approach a Wraith, so you will often have the upper-hand in feigning ignorance before turning around to get the first shot.

Her ability Into the Void allows you to become invulnerable with a slightly increased movement speed for a short time. This is helpful in literally any scenario, whether you are sniping and need to relocate without being seen, or are in a close-range fight and need to duck around a rock for a quick shield regeneration.

Finally we have her Ultimate Ability Dimensional Rift, which creates a portal that allows you to link two locations for 60 seconds. The downside is even enemy players can use it, so you have to be extra careful with where you place it or you risk leading enemies back to yourself, or even worse, weakened teammates.

Wraith’s main perk used to be her super small hitbox, but with this new Low Profile Nerf she has definitely fallen a couple of spots on the legends list.

#4 – Caustic – All Legends in Apex Legends Season 2 Ranked from Worst to Best

While Caustic got the same Fortified buffs as Gibraltar, he seems to gain a lot more from them through his specialized kit and abilities.

His damage reduction has increased from 10% to 15%, and he is immune to slow effects from weapon fire. On top of this, the magnitude of the Nox Gas slow effect is reduced by 50% when effecting teammates, aiding a common complaint with Caustic players being his gas was just as annoying to his teammates as it was to enemies players.

Caustic’s abilities lend well to hunkering down and setting up traps, which makes him very comparable to Wattson. However, he surpasses Wattson with these new buffs as he can take significantly more damage than her now is not slowed at all from incoming fire.

His passive seems like a bit of a cop-out, as it simply allows you to see through his own Nox Gas, but at least he is able to do so when compared to similar gas-based heroes like Bangalore. It’s also worth mentioning Caustic is also immune to enemy Caustic Nox Gas as well, meaning he counters even himself whereas Wattson is still electrified by enemy Wattson fences. 

Before this season, Caustic was more in the lower end of the tier. But with these new buffs that compliment his kit more so than Gibraltar, he deserves to move up a few slots.

#3 – Lifeline

Apex Legends

Lifeline usually finds herself in the number two spot for best Apex Legends heroes, however her nerfs with this season regrettably caused her to fall down a ranking.

No one is upset to have a Lifeline on their team, as her kit is designed to keep herself and her teammates alive with various healing abilities.

Her D.O.C. Heal Drone heals all nearby players for 20 seconds, which is extremely useful for mid-fight heals.

Her Combat Medic passive is essentially two abilities as it allows her to revive teammates behind a protective wall and also heal herself 25% faster (which is amazing when you consider the golden Backpack item allows health and shield items to regenerate 50% faster, and that’s one of the rarest pickups in the game).

And finally, her Ultimate Care Package allows you to call in a drop pod with high-quality gear, attachments, or consumables.

However, Lifeline was affected by the Low Profile nerf and now takes an additional 5% damage from incoming fire. As well, her Heal Drone can now be destroyed after two damage ticks by the Ring.

An amazing past strategy was to use a Heal Drone to keep an ally alive in the Ring while you finish off an enemy, allowing you to revive them all while they regain/maintain health depending on how strong the Ring was at that time. Now, you won’t be able to use the Heal Drone in the Ring at all.

If Lifeline was just a teensy bit more mobile, she would be the whole (care) package. But at the moment, she still remains an amazing legend despite her noticeable nerfs in Season 2.

#2 – Pathfinder

Apex Legends

Pathfinder has the best mobility in the game, no questions asked. His kit is designed to move him and his teammates across areas in record time. And in Apex Legends, having the high ground can make or break every single team fight.

The line between him and Lifeline is pretty close, but he just surpasses her as better mobility can be more crucial in team fights than better healing in almost every situation. If you have better mobility, you always have the option to hide and heal and perhaps take a bit more time doing so.

Like Lifeline and Wraith, Pathfinder is one of the heroes that received the Low Profile nerf causing him to now take an extra 5% of incoming damage. But logically this would affect him the least of all three as he has more options for escaping if he finds himself in precarious situations.

His Grapple Hook is like a better Octane ultimate with only a 13-second cooldown, and his Zipline Gun ultimate can allow him and his teammates to get the high ground across large distances with only a 90-second cooldown.

His passive Insider Knowledge is also an amazing ability for late-game tactics, especially with the Ring racking up more damage than ever before. As long as you use those survey beacons as the circle gets closer, you can allow your teammates to set up traps early or find the highest point in that area to set up sniping zones.

He’s a must pick for every team, and with this season his hitbox is as accurate as ever with the update altering it to better conform with the base model.

#1 – Bloodhound – All Legends in Apex Legends Season 2 Ranked from Worst to Best

Bloodhound comes out on top as the best legend in Apex Legends as of Season 2. Their tweaks are extremely beneficial to both Bloodhound and their teammates, and even before these changes Bloodhound was always a must pick due to their extremely useful kit that is especially friendly towards beginner players.

The new changes affect both Bloodhound’s Eye of the Allfather and Tracker abilities. Enemies seen in Eye of the Allfather are now scanned and tracked in real-time instead of leaving a ghost image behind them, meaning it’s much easier to see the enemy and know exactly where they after not just at the moment of using the ability, but afterwards as you pursue them as well.

The angle of the scan was also increased from 90 to 110, so it can cover more ground.

Bloodhound’s Tracker passive ability has the clue duration extended from 60 to a whopping 90 seconds, and various bugs were fixed to ensure energy weapons clues were showing up alongside all other movement clues.

You will be able to follow enemies at great distances, and Tracker is arguably the best passive in the game as it allows you to keep an handle on the enemy team even if you are now 90 seconds behind their activity.

Bloodhounds Ultimate Beast of the Hunt is also an absolute game-changer, as it allows you to increase your field of view with everything going black and white except for visible enemies which are highlighted red. On top of this, your speed is also increased.

This is useful no matter what in happening in your Apex Legends game. It helps you snipe better, see through Nox Gas/Bangalore smoke/Gibraltar canisters, spot teams across the map so you can get the high ground before advancing, or use in multilevel buildings to get a quick handle on whether a room is empty or not just at a quick glance.

The possibilities are endless, proving Beast of the Hunt is likely the best Ultimate in the game at the time of writing.

Bloodhound also has a decently small hitbox , but was still able to avoid the Low Profile 5% damage nerf that affected other similarly sized heroes like Pathfinder, Lifeline, and Wraith.

If you can, make sure to snag Bloodhound for your next Apex Legends match to see for yourself.

For all things Apex Legends, make sure to check in with Twinfintie.

About the author

Haley MacLean

Video games are a true unification of art and technology, and I'm amped to be able to write about them. Lover of all things Nintendo, obsessed with narrative driven games, and hopes the couch co-op genre makes a return soon. BA/BJ/MJ from University of King's College, NS, Canada.
