
Fortnite: How to Complete Riddle Maze Creative Island

How to Complete Riddle Maze Creative Island in Fortnite

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The Riddle Maze Creative Island currently available in Fortnite is massive and requires a lot of work to get through. Fear not, though — we know exactly how to finish it. Here’s how to complete Riddle Maze Creative Island.

When you begin this map, you’ll be inside a strange looking structure and it’s this structure that you’ll be spending your time in during this maze. Below, you’ll find instructions for how to get through this maze and images to accompany those instructions.

The code for this map is 5706-0887-1146.

The accompanying images come courtesy of YouTuber Kieran // Lovo.

The first thing you need to do is follow the signs that explain the rules and when you reach the end, you’ll enter a room that asks you, “Which is faster?”

There will be three pathways indicating the three different answers: cold, neither and hot.

You need to enter the hot pathway and your journey will have begun. When you enter this pathway, you’ll be shot forward on a turbo-like panel and you’ll see some more signs telling you that you have chosen the correct answer.

Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 1

Continue progressing forward and make note of what the above signs are saying, specifically the numbers they told you to remember: 16, 2 and 5. As you continue forward, you’ll reach a sign that says, “The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?”

A simple riddle, the answer is “footsteps,” which is one of the the answers in the room ahead. Take the pathway with the “footsteps” sign hanging above it.

As you walk through, you’ll once again walk over a turbo panel and you’ll enter a hallway with multiple signs on each wall. Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 2

Make your way through this hallway and you’ll see another sign with a riddle: Forwards I’m heavy. Backwards I’m not. What am I?

The answer is “A Ton.” Get it? A ton is 2000 pounds and when you read “ton” backwards, it reads “not.”

Head through the door with the sign that says, “A Ton” above it.

Hit the turbo panel and you’ll reach a sign mocking you. It looks like this.Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 3

Continue forward and make your way to the next riddle.

“Name the word misspelt incorrectly in every dictionary.”

Make your way through the door this sign hangs above. Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 4

When you enter the room, you’ll see three doors with a sign hanging above each, per usual. What is unusual though is that none of the signs have the correct answer on them.

That’s because above the door you walked into this room in is another door with a sign that says incorrectly on it. This is not only the answer but the door you need to pass through. Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 5

The next riddle you’ll come across is the longest yet and can be reached by simply progressing forward.

“When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What day is after this day?”

Your first reaction will probably be confusion and that’s okay. That’s what we’re here for. The answer is Thursday.

When you enter through the door under the riddle, you’ll enter into a room with seven doors, one for each day. The Thursday door will be directly above the door that you entered this room through.

Jump up and head inside. Head up two flights of stairs until you reach the door with the next riddle above it.Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 6

“Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I amount to nothing. What am I?”

There are only two doors in the room within. One door has a sign with “A Number” above it and the other has a sign with “A Word” above it.

The answer is a number. Head through this door, walk over the turbo panel and turn the corner to find the next riddle asking you to determine which number is it.

The answer is 8. Turn an eight on its side and it’s an infinity sign. Cut 8 in half and it looks like two zeros a la nothing.

Walk through the 8 door and continue forward until you hit another riddle. Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 7

The answer is 87. Walk through the 87 door on the second layer of doors and walk forward through a door with a sign that reads, “#3PEAT” on it.

You’ll then enter a hallway with a lot of signs on it where the narrator is basically telling you how hard it was to create all of these signs. At the end of this hallway is a massive and open room with one large sign in the middle of it that reads, “there are 33 doors and 1 exit. Start in door 3.”Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 8

Like the sign says, start in door 3. When you get to door 3, you’ll see a sign that asks, “What’s 9 + 10?”

Obligatory 21 vine.

You might think the answer is 19, but as one of the world’s most incredible vines tells us, it’s actually 21. So, leave door 3 and head to door 21.

In door 21 is yet another riddle. Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 9

“I have 32 apple and you take 28. How many apples do you have left?”

The keyword in this riddle is “you.” You took 28 apples and that’s how many apples you have.

So, head to door 28. In this door, the narrator asks you if you know how old they are.

Well, in the hallway that lead to this massive 33-door room, the narrator says he’s 18 and needs to make money.

With that being said, 18 is your answer. In door 18, there is another question. Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 10

Hope you remember PEMDAS. If you don’t, it’s an order of mathematical operations that goes like this: Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction.

So, using PEMDAS, you should be able to determine that the answer to this riddle is 6, which is the door you need to head to now.

When you reach door 6, the room will feature another riddle of sorts.Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 11

The numbers you were supposed to remember are 16, 2 and 5.

When you enter door 16, there will be a sign that says, “thir.”

In the next door to enter, door 2, there will be a sign that says, “ty.”

In the final door, door 5, there will be a sign that says, “two.”

Put all of this together and you get “thirty two.”

Head to door 32.

In door 32, you’ll find a sign that reads, “Your next door is the number of numbered doors -33.”Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 12

The door you’re looking for is door 22. Head inside and you’ll find a hallway that allows you to progress forward. You’ll need to keep moving forward up multiple flights of stairs until you reach a doorway with a sign above it with yet another riddle. Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 13

“I have cities, but no houses. Mountains but now trees and water but no fish. What am I?”

The answer is “map” which is what the next room will tell you because of one sign above a door reads, “a map” and the other sign reads, “I honestly can’t think of anymore answers so have a freebie.”

Head through the map door and around the corner to find the next riddle that asks, “What has teeth but cannot eat?”Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 14

The answers before you in the next room are a baby and a comb. Babies can eat, obviously, and do get baby teeth so the answer is a comb. The teeth of a comb are what make a comb a comb.

Head through the comb door and down the hallway until you reach the next riddle.Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 15

There are two answers in the next room: a lie and the truth. The correct answer is “a lie” and this is the door you should head through. Turn the corner to find the next riddle.Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 16

The answer to this riddle isn’t the actual answer to this real-life riddle; instead it’s the narrator’s answer which is, “stop imagining lol.”

Head through this door and around the corner to the next riddle.Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 17

“A man is going to a party and meets a man with seven wives. Each wife has seven bags. Each bag has seven cats. Each cat has seven kittens. Each kitten has seven toys. How many people are going to the party?”

This entire riddle is a distraction from the answer which is 1. The riddle has a lot to say but only explicitly states that one single person is going to the party. Head through door 1 and you’ll find a hallway where the narrator congratulates you on getting that riddle correct.

As such, he’ll reward you by upgrading your given title (by him at the start of the maze) from “peasant” to “average.”

Continue down the flights of stairs each adorned with signs above them until you reach a hallway of many door. Keep going straight through these doors until you reach another open room with a sign at the other end of it that reads, “Who’s support-a-creator code are you going to use?”Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 18

Turn right from here to head into the room that has his creator code on a sign above it. The creator code is MIXER-ONSIDEDAFF.

Walk down this hallway to read some signs that explain the narrator has promoted you from average to above-average. Continue forward to reach the end of the maze, which looks like this.Fortnite Riddle Maze Creative Island 19

Well, if you’ve followed this guide correctly, then that does it for how to complete Riddle Maze Creative Island. We used YouTuber Kieran // Lovo’s video to grab screenshots for this guide. The code to this island, once again, is 5706-0887-1146.

If you want to view the video for yourself, you can view it below.

For more information on Fortnite, check out our season 8 guide wiki.

About the author

Wesley LeBlanc

Wesley LeBlanc is a graduate of the University of North Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Journalism. He has a passion for entertainment and the industry surrounding it. He's either playing video games or writing about them. When he isn't doing that, he's reading about them. Get a life, right?
