
Thank Goodness, Infinite Dab Got a Much Needed Buff in Fortnite Season 8

fortnite, infinite dab

Fortnite Season 8 has finally arrived, and like Christmas morning fans eagerly awaited the arrival of the good ol’ Epic Games, to come down our proverbial chimney and deliver the patch notes for us to all rip to shreds. Sure, there’s lots of important stuff in there, like the emergency of a Volcano and lava, pirate cannons, balance adjustments to high tier Auto Rifles, yadda yadda. But what we all really wanted to know was whether Epic Games was brave enough to do what was necessary and fix Infinite Dab.

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I’m happy to report that they did, and you can rest easy knowing that Fortnite esports = officially saved. Quote from the season 8 patch notes: “Increased Infinite Dab duration from 11 hours to 12 hours in the lobby.”

How ya like that one Apex Legends? Huh?! I doubt your dabs will even last six hours, much less 12. Ha ha!

Shout out to Epic Games for keeping on top of this community and focusing on what we need most, even when we don’t even realize that we need it. Dab away fellow Fortniters… dab away.

If you want some actual news about the latest season of Fortnite, be sure to check out our latest guide breaking down everything that’s new.

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.
