
Top 5 Best Fallout 76 Character Builds for Multiplayer You Need to Try

Fallout 76

The vast wasteland of Appalachia is a dangerous place, so having a team to watch your back is a good idea. However, not all former Vault-dwellers are built the same, and due to the perk card system, you’ll be able to switch up your survivor’s strengths on the fly.

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This will let you change your role in your party drastically as long as you have the right perk cards, allowing for a myriad of combinations as you find a specialization that benefits the group on your trek across West Virginia. If you are looking for a good starting point, we’ve got some awesome builds for you to try out if you are looking to be a team player.

Best Fallout 76 Character Builds for Multiplayer You Need to Try

The Frontliner (Gladiator/Slugger/Iron Fist + Bodyguard + Makeshift Warrior)

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With this build, you’ll be the frontline tank in Fallout 76 while also dishing out a ton of melee damage with your weapon of choice. Gladiator is for one-handed weapons, Slugger is for two-handed, and Iron Fist is for your good old fisticuffs or knuckle weapons.

Meanwhile, Bodyguard will give you the damage resistance necessary while you’re up close and personal, adding damage and energy resistance for each ally on your team. Finally, Makeshift Warrior will let you craft higher level melee weapons while decreasing the rate at which they degrade, letting you whack more things before your weapons need repairs.

Some extra perk cards in Fallout 76 that can help are Junk Shield, which will give you more damage resistance while you have junk in your inventory, or Luck of the Draw, which can increase your weapon’s condition with each hit. And trust me, you’ll be hitting things a LOT.

Best Fallout 76 Character Builds for Multiplayer You Need to Try

The Packmule (Pharma Farma + Scrounger + Can Do! + Thru-Hiker + Pack Rat)

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With this build, you’ll always have the right item for every situation in Fallout 76. While other players are blasting away at Super Mutants, you’ll be raiding every single container you can find for junk, ammo, and food, which you can then trade to your fellow friends whenever they need it!

The Pharma Farma, Scrounger, and Can Do! perks all help you find extra materials when looting containers and each rank increases the chance of finding extra items. To help carry all that stuff, equip the Pack Rat and Thru-Hiker perk cards, which will allow you to preserve precious inventory space so you don’t get too encumbered while hauling all those items around.

For even more searching efficiency, try the Butcher’s Bounty perk card as well to find more meat on dead corpses or the Good with Salt perk card to make sure all the food you’ll be carrying stays fresh for longer. Being a pack mule can be an underrated job, but in Fallout 76, your friends will be grateful that you’ve got their back. Plus, you can always sell off anything you don’t need for Caps or help build an epic campsite.

Best Fallout 76 Character Builds for Multiplayer You Need to Try

The Scout (Moving Target + Marathoner + Gun Runner + Squad Maneuvers)

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Imagine this: You come across a new location in Fallout 76, and it looks really dangerous. Like, “we could get ambushed and die here” dangerous. Luckily, with this build, you’ll be able to run into the new area, scout ahead, and report back before any potential enemies have the chance to mow you down!

With the Moving Target perk card, you’ll take less damage while sprinting when out of power armor. You’ll also use less AP while sprinting with the Marathoner perk card, letting you sprint for longer periods of time, and the Gun Runner perk card lets you run even faster when you have a pistol equipped. The Squad Maneuvers perk card is the cherry on top, giving you extra sprinting speed when you are part of a team. With all these equipped, you’ll be zooming around the wasteland in Fallout 76 faster than a hungry ghoul!

You can also equip the Action Boy/Girl perk card to regenerate AP faster, which will let you run for even longer periods of time. Heading into the line of fire can sometimes be dangerous, but with these perk cards equipped, you’ll be able to zip in and out of danger in a flash!

Best Fallout 76 Character Builds for Multiplayer You Need to Try

The Wasteland Medic (E.M.T. + Team Medic + Spiritual Healer)

Fallout 76 picklock, increase lockpicking skill, Fallout 76, fallout, character builds, multiplayer

With this build, you will be your team’s ultimate healer on the battlefield in Fallout 76. No one goes down on your watch, and when you heal them back up, tell them to get back in the fight.

With the E.M.T. perk card, anytime you revive an ally they will have a health regen buff that grants them healing over time once they’re back on their feet. Additionally, the Team Medic perk card gives all nearby teammates a portion of your stimpack healing when you revive another player, keeping everyone in the action, and the Spiritual Healer perk gives you a health regen buff after reviving a player, helping you stay alive as well. Physician, heal thyself! As long as you have a stimpack on you and you don’t split the party, your team should be able to walk off any damage they take in Fallout 76.

You can also equip the Philanthropist perk card to restore some of your squad’s hunger and thirst whenever you eat food or drink if you want to really be a true team player. For some fun, you can equip the Quack Surgeon perk and revive your allies with alcohol instead. Using this build can be incredibly effective, but just prepare to be annoyed when your party members all start shouting ‘MEDIC’ and ‘I REQUIRE HEALING’ over and over.

Best Fallout 76 Character Builds for Multiplayer You Need to Try

The Handyman (Scrapper + Contractor + Grease Monkey + Junk Shield)

Fallout 76 CAMP, Fallout 76, fallout, character builds, multiplayer

If the idea of building up your CAMP, modding weapons, and repairing armor appeals to you, then you’re best suited to be the team’s crafter.

With the Scrapper perk, you’ll get more scrap from junk that you break down, and the Pack Rat perk will help lighten that junk so you can carry everything you find along your wasteland journey through Fallout 76. Contractor will also reduce the scrap cost of anything you craft, while Grease Monkey will reduce the cost of anything you repair. Finally, Junk Shield will give you extra damage resistance just for carrying around all the junk you’ll be accumulating to build all this magnificent machinery.

You can also equip the Exotic Weapons, Makeshift Warrior, Science, or Gunsmith perk cards to craft additional weapons of higher tiers, but you’ll need to find the plans for these items first. With this build, you’ll be the gun runner and armor wielder of the group, and your allies will be thankful to have you around to help them brave the terrors of Fallout 76.

For a list of all the perk cards in Fallout 76, check our list here to experiment with your own builds. Let us know what you think about our list and let us know what perk cards you’ll be using in the comments below!

About the author

Danny Ryba

Danny is a graduate of Kennesaw State University, where he learned how to paint pretty pictures and earned his BFA in Drawing and Painting. When not working on art, he tries to find time to play videogames, play Magic: The Gathering, or DM way too many campaigns for his own good.
