
Fallout 76 Dropped Loot: How to Get Loot Back After You Die

How to Get Loot Back After You Die in Fallout 76

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There is nothing more frustrating than spending hours scavenging an open world for weapons, supplies, ammo and more, only to have it all taken away from you because of one bad decision. In Fallout 76, that bad decision could be a number of things. Maybe you took on one of the famed creatures of folklore roaming around the Appalachia. Maybe you stepped into an opposing enemy’s territory. Regardless, when you die, you don’t respawn with your loot. Fear not, though, as it isn’t gone forever. There is a way to get your loot back. Here’s how to get your loot back after you die in Fallout 76.

When you die, you’ll be shown the map. On it, you might see a lot of possible respawn points or not many at all. It depends on how much ground you’ve traversed at that point.

You can either respawn at any location you’ve discovered or at your CAMP. Obviously, spawning at your CAMP has its benefits as you can build and rest there, but without your dropped loot, what’s the point?

What you’re looking for after death, though, isn’t one of these locations necessarily. You’re looking for a skull and crossbones on your map — that symbol indicates the area where you died. You can even see it says this once you hover over the skull on the map.

Once you’ve located that, look for the spawn location closest to that same skull and crossbones. Spawn into said location and use the compass to head toward the spot you died.

Once you arrive, you should see something on the ground resembling a lunch bag-like paper bag. Go interact with it. When you do that, you will be able to take and transfer all of your loot just as you would any other container in the game.

Keep in mind, though, especially if you died at the hands of another player, that other roaming players are free to pick up this loot. Because of that, there’s a good chance that your loot won’t be there or that enemy players will be there, or at least nearby.

If someone has taken your loot, you’ll know because there won’t be any bag there.

Don’t fret too hard if this happens to you, though. It’s important to note that an opposing player could only have possibly taken junk items. Weapons, aid, and armor won’t be lost if you die as they stay in your inventory. A plus, although pretty lame if you were particularly attached to your junk!

A good way to die less is to turn on Pacifist mode. With it, other players won’t be able to kill you. Of course… other enemies still can, though.

For more information about the game, be sure to check out our Fallout 76 Guide Wiki. There, you’ll find tips, tricks, walkthroughs and more to help you survive on the country roads of West Virginia.

About the author

Wesley LeBlanc

Wesley LeBlanc is a graduate of the University of North Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Journalism. He has a passion for entertainment and the industry surrounding it. He's either playing video games or writing about them. When he isn't doing that, he's reading about them. Get a life, right?
