
Are You A White Or Black Hat Cowboy? Find Out With This Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz

red dead redemption 2 quiz, white hat, black hat

During the last days of the Wild West, gunslingers of differing moral codes rose to become both lawful paragons and chaotic neer-do-wells in several legends. Put simply, the heroic white hats battled the evil black hats in Western tales as old as the period.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 closely follows this cowboy cliche. Do you know which moral path you’ll follow? Take the Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz below to find out whether you’ll don a white or black hat during your time within the New Austin territory. Choose your path by clicking on the appropriate response. We strongly recommend clicking only the path options at the bottom of each scenario, and avoid clicking the arrows at the top and bottom of each page to preserve the quiz experience.


red dead redemption 2 quiz

A buzz of conversation stirs you from the little rest captured during your journey. A week-long train ride hasn’t done much to soothe your soul of its past troubles, but your interest is piqued upon spying a beacon of American development coming around the bend.

Blackwater may not look like much at the moment, a small town strip paling in comparison to the size of the nation’s eastern cities. But Blackwater’s prime location along the railroad has turned it into a strategic entry point for settlers seeking fortune in the New Austin territory.

You are among these fortune seekers, hoping to carve a name for yourself in the territory. A wry grin creases your face when the train finally pulls in to Blackwater. After cracking your neck and back into shape, you head towards the Blackwater saloon seeking a hot meal, some shots of whiskey, and a spot to relax for the day.

The hot New Austin sun beats down, making you curse not having a decent hat to your name. You head in the saloon’s general direction, a hand shielding your sight from the blaring light. But suddenly, you stumble upon a burly stranger coming out of the Blackwater saloon.

The stench of stale whiskey reeks off his breath as you quickly face each other. The man squints your way, unsteady upon his feet and belligerent with your indecency. Fumbling as he does so, the man places his hand on a holstered revolver, cautiously assessing your next move.

What do you do?

He won’t get away with that! Narrowing your eyes, you calmly rest your hand upon the worn handle of your revolver. Your steely gaze seems to dare the drunken townsman to draw first.


Punishing a drunk isn’t worth the effort. Relaxing your stance, you nod in the drunk’s general direction as he tips his cap back your way. With the situation de-escalated, you continue heading towards the Blackwater saloon.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz: The Blackwater Saloon


Red Dead Redemption 2


New Austin’s afternoon sun appears to wane from the sky above, lighting your way to the saloon’s entrance ahead.

Despite the early evening hours, the saloon appears relatively lively. A lively tune accompanies a busy bar scene, poker tables, and buxom wenches as you take in the view. A few patrons gaze your way, but you eventually make your way on over to the saloon’s proprietor.

“What’ll ya have, mister?” The bespectacled gentleman inquires, as he polishes shot glasses to a near-mirror sheen.

After ordering a shot of whiskey, you casually inquire about the current affairs around the territory. You learn about the current plague of bandits harassing the region, the most notable being the Van Der Linde gang. Taking careful note about the bounty rewards offered for each player, you decide to relax in the saloon for the evening.

Turning your attention away from the bar, you:

Turn in for the evening. After a long week of traveling, weariness gets the better of you. You make your way up the stairs to turn in, intent on inquiring after the bounties with the sheriff the following morning.


Test your skill at the poker table. The high-stakes poker table calls your old gambling vice to mind. Shrugging, you settle in at the table to play a few hands for fun.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz: Showdown At The Boomtown


red dead redemption 2 quiz, duel


Seeing your newly adopted stance, a flash of fear crosses the drunken man’s eyes. He gazes wildly around, searching for any lifeline to weasel out.

As you sit there calmly staring him down, he attempts one last appeal to avoid a draw.

“Now look ‘ere, mister!” The drunk bellowed across the sun-soaked streets. “There ain’t no need for either of us to risk our lives o’er this here paltry altercation! So why don’ ya just ‘pologize an’ we can go ’bout our business?”

Comedic providence seemed eager to punctuate the moment as a lone tumbleweed rolled between the two of you. Witnessing its path across the town, you considered the drunk’s words with care.

How will you handle the situation?

Finish what he started. Apologize! You’d be twice damned if he thought that would work on you. Spitting on the ground between the two of you, you make it clear only one person would leave this altercation alive.

The drunk, realizing there was no alternative, reached for his gun. Quick as a rattlesnake, you gunned him down before his revolver even lifted from the holster. Spinning your six-shooter around, a grim sense of triumph enveloped you as the gun slid back to your hip. As you searched the man’s body, you found a treasure map outlining a hidden stash of treasure.

A grin crossed your face as you set off in search of your next score.


Be the bigger person. You knew the drunk simply wanted to save face. The code of the West dictated that backing down would brand him a yellow-bellied coward. Swallowing your pride, you decided to apologize rather than escalate the situation further.

The drunk seemed satisfied with the way events turned out.

“Now see here, mister.” He swayed about but seemed almost sheepish as he spoke. “No hard feelin’s for that there. But you seem like the type of feller’ who could handle themselves. If ya’ gots the stones fer’ it, take a gander’ at this here bounty. Doubt I coul’ han’le m’self ‘gainst ’em after this!”

Curious, you took the wanted poster for a certain Edward Deeks. You decided to change your plans and inquire after the bounty immediately before nightfall.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz: Poker, The New Austin Way


red dead redemption 2 quiz, poker


Sitting down at the poker table, you nod to the other players sizing you up. You pony up the $100 buy-in and settle in for the evening.

For the first few rounds, you play cautiously, taking minimum bets and folding when the stakes become too hot. You’re an experienced card shark – the past few years have taught you the secrets necessary to out-gamble your poker opponents. Experience shows you to feel out how your opponents play the game and exploit their tells.

A dandy gentleman with a handlebar mustache holds the title of the Blackwater poker champion. His arrogance leads him to continually make risky bets, at which your two other opponents almost always surrender the pot to avoid a dangerous showdown. He gloats over the table, chiding each player and daring them to take him on.

“Oh, Mr. Sears, what would your wife say to you now?” The dandy mockingly called over to another surly poker player. “Surely you have the stones to take your hand all the way?”

The more you play with the group, the more convinced you became to take the dandy down. You play to the man’s mustachioed arrogance, calmly raising his outrageous bets. When the time came to show your hands, he laughed as he showed a full house, Queens over eights.

“My friend, I thank you for your patronage!” He said gleefully, motioning towards the rather substantial pot. His gaze falls upon your cards – a straight flush of eights to queens.

Bemused disbelief turns into indignant rage, as he immediately draws a revolver meant more for show than actual combat. “Friend – I’ll be taking the winnings here. I saw you shuffling your hands under the table like a good-for-nuthin’ cheat!”

The saloon fell silent. You remain seated, assessing the situation before you. The Saloon’s madame crept behind the dandy, apparently intent on knocking him out before he could fire a shot.

But could you count upon her to resolve the situation before being shot?

You trusted justice would come from the madame. Crossing your arms, you calmly kept the dandy gambler talking while the madame made her move. You closed your eyes, hoping your faith would yield rewards.


You took matters into your own hands. With your hands hidden from view, you swiftly fired three shots at the dandy from underneath the table. As he collapsed to the ground, you collected your winnings and flipped two dollars towards the proprietor.

“‘pologies for the mess,” you drawled, taking the dandy’s cap while the patrons stared in shock. Realizing you couldn’t stay, there, you quickly made your way out of Blackwater by horseback.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz: In Pursuit Of Deeks


Red Dead Redemption 2


After getting your bearings around Blackwater, you spent a good deal of time inquiring after the wanted criminal. Starting with the sheriff’s office and finishing at the general store, everyone seemed on edge about the nefarious Mr. Deeks. Before long, you discovered the Deeks gang was based up near Tall Trees with a band of men. Before night fell, you decided to ride out towards Deeks’ hideout.

Night fell before you set off into the wilds of the forest. Supping on a supply of jerky purchased from the Blackwater General Store, you thought about the coming altercation awaiting you upon setting out for Deeks. Your skills with a gun had languished in recent years – and you remained unsure whether this was the life you wished to pursue within the New Austin territory.

Pondering this dilemma, you decided the next day you would:

Return to your original plan. Rather than hastily set off in pursuit of the dangerous fugitive, you figured other opportunities around Blackwater might hold your best interests.

After sleeping beneath the stars, you set off back in the direction of Blackwater. You arrived during the late afternoon and steeled yourself to a loud scene awaiting at the Blackwater saloon.


Continue after Deeks. You shook off such intrusive thoughts. You came to New Austin intent on realizing such opportunities! Without another thought, you turned in to sleep until the early hours of dawn.

After sloshing some cold lakewater across your face, you set off on the path rumored to lead towards Edward Deeks’ campsite.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz: Bounty Hunter


red dead redemption 2, similar


A clash of brutal laughter confirmed you found Edward Deeks – and his 12 thuggish gang members. Patting your horse, you kicked her into a gallop and opened your Winchester across the outlaw camp.

Your surprise attack caught the Deeks gang off guard. After gunning down a few of his men, bullets ricocheted off the rocks in your general direction. Miraculously, the only shot to find a mark grazed past your cheek.

Eventually, the pitched standoff ended as Deeks lay among the trees, his remaining men scattering. As you slid off of your horse, Deeks laughed in a manner which suggested strange desperation.

“Hee-hee-hee! Partner!” A crooked grin belying hard living sized you up, daring another step. “You’d best kill me here and now! If you hand me on off to the law, my boys will ride into that hole o’ Blackwater and raze it to the ground! Ain’t no prison in the territory can hold Edward Deeks!”

Deeks continued to laugh. His words hit you like a hail of bullets, halting your approach to the situation.

His words held some truth to them, though you could not understand why in the world he would endorse his death. Sure, you’d heard settlements across the territory held crooked lawmen, but Deeks had never been held at Blackwater before. Rumors of a federal bureau gave you some measure of confidence the law would see justice served.

However, justice could just as quickly come from the barrel of your gun, here and now.

What do you choose to do?

Hogtie Deeks and let the law take care of him. You wouldn’t allow such empty words hinder yourself. Besides losing out on half your reward money, killing Deeks here would stain your conscience as a cold-blooded killer.

You deftly hogtied the injured Deeks and straddled him across your horse’s backside. After you turned him over to the Blackwater law, you warned them about Deek’s dire predictions once the reward money was secured. With a quick back-and-forth from the lawmen, you decided to stick around town just in case Deek’s men made good on their boss’s threat.



Give Deeks some cold justice. You regarded the man in front of you with a look akin to disgust. How could such a man cheat due process so many times?

The thought of Deeks escaping his crimes yet again made you sick. So rather than let his threats come true, you decided to deliver your unique brand of justice to the wanted criminal.

After providing proof of Deeks’ demise, you received a decent reward for your bounty. Rather than stick around Blackwater, however, you set off in search of more ways to distribute “justice.”


Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz Results

The Debaucherous Black Hat

red dead redemption 2 quiz, black hat


Folks don’t understand the liberty of the West. Rather than being stuck with “law” and “order,” you believe that people possess the freedom to become whatever pleases them.

Your choices reflect your opportunistic nature about your life in New Austin. While residents may call you a killer, a thief, or even a villain, you know in your heart who you truly are.

You’re an outlaw – someone unbound by the chains of civilization, and unburdened by such strict codes like “morality.” Glory, wealth, and legend prioritize themselves above all else – and you’ll set out to accomplish your goals through whatever means necessary.

Your responses will come primarily from the barrel of your gun. The only justice you’ll seek will hold ties only you understand. Your story will herald a tale of bullets and blood, as you strive to become the most infamous outlaw of the West.

You wipe the sweat from your brow, donning your black hat with gusto. A grin crosses your face as you scope out the next target of your hedonistic ways.

Don’t agree with your results? Try taking a different path to see where you’ll end up in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Quiz Results

The Gallant White Hat

red dead redemption 2 quiz, white hat


You ain’t a stranger to conflict. Though you’re often drawn into a battle, you’ll attempt every measure to remain on the side of righteousness.

In the Old West, that line may blur. Crooked lawmen and noble gunslingers co-exist throughout the territory, each delivering their package of moral dilemmas. Despite the philosophical implications that arise from such situations, your gut always steers towards the more honorable choice.

Though a world of seemingly lesser evils begets life in New Austin, you have faith in the inherent goodness of people around you. You care for those who do right by you and continuously strive to right wrongs. Though some may think you naïve or stubborn, most folks reach out in thanks calling you their hero.

Your humility won’t let you don that moniker, but you remain an example of dignity in the brutal life of New Austin.

You reflect upon your journey so far, as the setting sun glints from your newly acquired white hat. As you ride into the sunset, you realize your journey across the territory has only just begun.

Do you believe your journey should have turned out differently? Try taking a different path to see where you’ll end up in Red Dead Redemption 2.

About the author

Michael Allio

Michael Allio is a writer from the Greater San Francisco Bay Area in California. He's a passionate creative, and when he's not writing or avidly discussing current events, he loves playing story-driven video games. Some of his favorite series have darker tones to them - Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Mass Effect are just a few of his favorites. Keep an eye out - there's much more to come from this writer's keyboard.
