
The Crew 2: How to Play Co-Op Multiplayer

How to Play Co-Op Multiplayer in The Crew 2

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While The Crew 2 allows you to traverse across America by land, sea, or air, it does not have to be a solo affair. The game offers online cooperative multiplayer where three other players can join you to participate in rally raid events, which are time attack races, together. Here is how to get a few friends together to wreak havoc on America’s roads.

First, press the Options or the View button, depending on console, and scroll to the Roster menu using the L1/R1 or LB/RB shoulder buttons. On the Roster menu, select up to three friends and send an invite to each person. You will the party leader, or “Crew Master,” once your friends accept and they will appear in your world. The Crew 2 offers drop-in/drop-out co-op, so you can send out invites during your game instead of backing out of whatever you were doing and having to sit in a lobby menu to wait for the others to join your game.

That is how to get a party together and play co-op multiplayer in The Crew 2. Check back with Twinfinite for more coverage on the game and guides from our comprehensive wiki.

About the author

Tom Meyer

Follow on Twitter @tomeyerz for musings on video games and things that confound him.
