
Best Sims 4 Weather & Holiday Mods to Tie You Over Until Seasons Releases

The Best Sims 4 Weather & Holiday Mods Before Seasons Comes Out

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The Sims 4 modding community continues bringing it every single week. They don’t stop. They were working on making some Seasons centered mods before the expansion pack was even announced. Before the creators even! Since the new expansion is coming out on June 22, though, and that’s still quite a ways away, here are some weather and holiday mods to help tie you over in the meantime.

Snow & Rain, Y’all

Best Sims 4 Weather & Holiday Mods Before Seasons Releases

This genius modder actually made animated rain and snow within the game. Now, it doesn’t actually get your sims wet or cold, or allow for any fun snow angels or anything that will appear in The Sims 4 Seasons, but it is beautiful and adds an ambiance to your game. It’s perfect for the month long wait until we get holidays and special actions during unique weather patterns in the game. This is a very ambitious mod, since adding weather to the whole game couldn’t be easy, so let’s show them some love.

Some Beautiful Holiday Buildings

Best Sims 4 Weather & Holiday Mods Before Seasons Releases

To get in the spirit some more, why not add some lovely, holiday themed buildings? Place these for when you’re ready to pretend like your sims know it’s a different time of year. Look, don’t worry, it will be added right into the game officially soon enough. Most of these are unfortunately for Winter-y and Halloween-y effects. Let us know in the comments if you know of any others!

Build & Buy Options For the Merryment

Best Sims 4 Weather & Holiday Mods Before Seasons Releases

Your (fake) Holiday celebrations in the game would be incomplete without some stuff thrown all about to get the ambiance in the mood. Here are some great build and buy mods for you to decorate for a specific season or holiday. Even when Seasons comes out, these might just be great to bolster your gameplay, honestly. As always, hit us up down below if we’re missing any here!

Clothes to Get in the Spirit

Best Sims 4 Weather & Holiday Mods Before Seasons Releases

And, finally, of course, you need clothes for your sims to prepare and celebrate in style. Here are a few that I found that perfectly mesh with the specific holidays. Considering that the different seasons and weather patterns can use regular CAS clothes, I figured I’d stick with just the holiday ones. If you know of any more, please, by all means leave a comment down below!

About the author

Yamilia Avendano

Founder of Twinfinite, playing games since 1991, especially in the simulation and action genres.
