
Nintendo Direct Predictions: What Might be Announced March 8

Nintendo Direct Predictions

Nintendo Direct Predictions for March 8: “Stone Cold Locks”

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Nintendo Direct Predictions

Mario Tennis Aces Info + Release Date

The only thing that’s actually confirmed tomorrow aside from knowing that the direct will be about 3DS and Nintendo Switch games is that Mario Tennis Aces will definitely be making an appearance. That much is confirmed already via a press release that we received. Simple as that really.

New or Recently Revealed Nindies Getting Some Screen Time

Nintendo loves its indie games (affectionately known as Nindies). They have admirably filled the gap in between major third and first-party releases for the Switch. Fully expect Nintendo to give at least a few upcoming games some time during this Direct. Tiny Build recently revealed quite a few, such as Hello Neighbor and Streets of Rogue.

Yoshi Game Info + Release Date

The next Yoshi game remains somewhat mysterious despite everyone kind of knowing what a Yoshi game usually looks like and that it will release this year. Yet, we’re still waiting on significant information. I doubt Nintendo is going to wait all the way until E3 this year to drop a date. Tomorrow feels right for that.

3DS Is Still Alive Highlight Reel

The 3DS is unlikely to receive any major first-party support going forward as Nintendo’s focus shifts to the Switch as time goes on. However, there is still some third-party support for the popular handheld and hell, Nintendo might surprise us with a new title or two as well. Atlus’ The Alliance Alive and Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux will probably stop by along with, of course, the bizarre Detective Pikachu.

Nintendo Direct Predictions for March 8

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for the Switch Info + Release Date

Although just revealed a couple of months ago, considering it’s just a port of a Wii U game, it wouldn’t be outrageous to already get an idea of what the release date will be for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for the Nintendo Switch.

Project Octopath Full Title + Release Date

Project Octopath is one of the most anticipated JRPGs of this year and it’s releasing exclusively for the Switch. However, it still doesn’t have a release date or an official title yet. Expect that to change tomorrow.

More on Nintendo Labo

It won’t be long before Nintendo Labo is out. It’s very unlikely that there will be any new or different kits revealed, considering pre-orders are already out for the ones that exist. However, still expect Nintendo to heavily promote it tomorrow to hype more people up for it.

Virtual Console Revealed

Every time we get our hopes up for Virtual Console we get burned. However it feels like we’re really due for news on Virtual console. Hopefully today is the day.


Those are the most likely (or even confirmed) games to appear tomorrow. On page two we break down some more shadowy/rumory possibilities.

Nintendo Direct Predictions for March 8: Wishful Thinking and Rumors

Nintendo Direct Predictions

 A New Animal Crossing Game

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen or heard anything about an Animal Crossing game aside from Pocket Camp. The series is very much due for a new game, and of course, the Switch would be the perfect place for a new entry. The series has fans of both the portable and home console versions. The inevitable Switch version will finally marry the two together, ushering a golden age for mega fans of the series. However, it also wouldn’t shock us if this was held for an E3 reveal.

Diablo 3 for the Switch Reveal

Despite some reports, Diablo 3 for the Switch right now is still just a rumor. If the reports are correct, though, and it is indeed in development, the cat has certainly been let out of the bag. At this point, Nintendo might as well just go ahead and reveal it via Nintendo Direct. If and when this happens, hopefully, the game will be complete with both the Reaper of Souls expansion and the Rise of the Necromancer DLC pack

A New Smash Game or Port of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Here’s your obligatory Super Smash Bros. entry. It could be a brand new game or a port. Either way, we predict it has about a 50/50 shot of showing up tomorrow as the closer mega reveal.

More Free Super Mario Odyssey DLC

Luigi’s Balloon World just released not so long ago, so Nintendo might be ready to start showing off what fans can expect next for Super Mario Odyssey. It wouldn’t be surprising if it winds up on a similar DLC schedule to what we saw with ARMS. Semi-frequent free updates sprinkled throughout the year.

Nintendo Direct Predictions for March 8

dark souls

Dragon Quest 11 Port

Dragon Quest 11 is finally coming to the west on consoles later this year, however, a Switch port has only been confirmed for Japan. Considering the series is also quite popular here in the USA and Europe, it wouldn’t shock us if it showed up at the Nintendo Direct tomorrow.

Fire Emblem for the Switch Shows Up

Very little is known about the first proper Fire Emblem game for the Nintendo Switch. It’s probably more likely that it would be part of the anchor of an E3 highlight reel later this year; however, it wouldn’t be that outrageous if it was instead shown off tomorrow during the Nintendo Direct to make room for other, bigger reveals during E3.

Dark Souls Remastered Info

We’re not sure who’s going to take the lead on teasing out info on Dark Souls Remastered considering it’s a multi-platform release. If there is anything Switch-exclusive in the pipeline though, it could make another return to the Nintendo Direct tomorrow.


Finally, on page 3 we break down the most unlikely of scenarios that would blow us away if they actually showed up tomorrow.

Nintendo Direct Predictions for March 8: Fat Chance, Probably Not

Nintendo Direct Predictions

Super Unlikely Nintendo Direct Predictions: Info on Pokemon Switch

Pokemon for the Switch is arguably the most anticipated game of 2018. It’s almost guaranteed that when Nintendo decides to finally show what the game will be like, it would be through a dedicated Pokemon Direct, or the centerpiece of a major E3 Nintendo Direct and probably not tomorrow. The game does exist though, and some alleged information has leaked out, so it might be possible, but very, very unlikely.

Super Unlikely Nintendo Direct Predictions: Super Mario Maker Port

Despite the fact that it would be a perfect fit for the Switch and that the Wii U version was criminally under-appreciated because of its poor sales, we haven’t heard anything about Super Mario Maker getting a port to the Switch. It hasn’t turned up in any rumor mills and Nintendo hasn’t given fans an inkling of hope for it. Still, it makes too much sense to completely throw out, so we’ll still hold out hope.

Super Unlikely Nintendo Direct Predictions: Info on Metroid Prime 4

Like Pokemon, Metroid Prime 4 seems like too big of a fish to show up in a random direct that was announced abruptly. It would either command its own Direct or be showcased during E3. However, for all the same reasons as Pokemon Switch, it is at least confirmed to definitely be in existence at least. The one thing that makes Metroid Prime slightly more likely than Pokemon Switch is that there have been rumors about it being developed by Bandai Namco, and Nintendo might want to get out ahead of that and address it before E3 so that news, if true, doesn’t overshadow the game itself.

About the author

Ed McGlone

Ed McGlone was with Twinfinite from 2014 to 2022. Playing games since 1991, Ed loved writing about RPGs, MMOs, sports games and shooters.
