Getting the Spreading Holiday Cheer Milestone
With the release of the holiday-themed Dawning event for Destiny 2, players now have access to a new weekly Milestone titled Spreading Holiday Cheer. This Milestone allows you to earn Dawning gifts each week, so if you’re trying to grind for a specific piece of cosmetic gear or any other items, this is a good way to do so.
To get the Milestone, simply log into Destiny 2 and speak with Tess Everis to get your first Dawning engram. After that, you’ll be directed to Ikora Rey, who will give you the Milestone itself and task you with completing matches in the Mayhem Crucible playlist. Mayhem was a game mode available back in the original Destiny, and you’ll be able to mess around more with your special abilities and supers in this mode. Furthermore, the maps will also have snowball spawns, which you can use to freeze your enemies and deal some extra damage.
Once you’ve completed enough matches to clear the Milestone, head back to the Tower to retrieve your Dawning gifts. You’ll be able to complete the Milestone again after the next weekly reset. And that’s all you need to know about Spreading Holiday Cheer.
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