
10 More Pokemon We Want Added Into Pokken Tournament DX

Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan need to be in this game like, now.


Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan

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The most obvious absence from Pokken Tournament DX comes in the form of fighting-type Pokemon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan. Each named after popular martial artists and generally just cool-looking, it seems like a no-brainer for Bandai Namco to introduce these two into the game later on with a patch or as DLC.

Hitmonlee could have powerful kicking attacks like mega kick, high jump kick, and blaze kick, but that could leave his upper half exposed and weak to charges and/or projectiles. Hitmonchan, on the other hand, could have powerful punching attacks like mega punch, focus punch, and close combat, but his lower half could lack in defensive capabilities.



Much like Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, it’s quite a shock that Mienshao isn’t in Pokken Tournament DX already. It is the martial arts Pokemon, after all, and is well known in professional tournament circles as one of the best fighting-type characters in the franchise, if not the best fighting-type ever.

Possessing a great balance between speed and power, Mienshao could act as a great mid-range fighter, whipping enemies with its fur before coming in close and using moves like force palm or drain punch. Mienshao could even perform well from afar too, using aura sphere to knock out opponents that specialize in long-range attacks.



The quirky Hawlucha’s absence from Pokken is just as head-scratching as Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan’s due to the fact that this Pokemon literally has the term “lucha” – meaning fight in Spanish – in its name.

Hawlucha could control uniquely as a character that’s very grab and suplex-based. As both a flying and fighting-type, this luchador’s arsenal could include moves like flying press, high jump kick, sky attack, and sky drop – all in the vein of a Mexican-style wrestling match.



If you’ve been around the Pokemon community for some time now, you’d know that Blissey is infamous for being an absolute wrecking machine. With extremely high health and very good defense, Blissey can ensure that any battle with it will last quite a long time.

This can translate well over to Pokken Tournament DX, becoming something akin to Whitney’s Miltank from Pokemon Gold and Silver. Though its move set leaves something to be desired from an offensive perspective, in the right hands Blissey can very well maintain her status as a brutal foe that soaks up all the damage given to it.


arceus pokemon

What better nominee to bring to Pokken than the literal god of Pokemon, Arceus? As important as it seems to be to the universe’s canon, Arceus has been vastly underutilized across main entry titles, making it a perfect inclusion for first-time Nintendo console buyers.

Arceus can control in a unique way by having users switch out its multiple plates and changing his type form by will. Throw in a move like hyper beam to add even more offensive capabilities to the Pokemon’s already high speed stat and this god can quickly become a fan favorite among the community.



Snorlax could help Blissey further improve the normal-type Pokemon representation that Pokken Tournament DX desperately deserves. Though admittedly large, slow and not too intimidating at a glance, Sun and Moon proved that the lazy monster has a powerful dark side. What better way to explore that aspect of Snorlax further than in a fighting game?

The trainer could help build Snorlax’s Z-power up by performing a dance in the background, helping the giant ultimately unleash its pulverizing pancake move and cause more damage than any giga impact could do. This mechanic combined with Snorlax’s great defensive capabilities could help make the Pokemon one of the greatest heavy threats in the game. The character itself is iconic and a favorite among fans anyway, so its absence is definitely noticed.



Perhaps one of the most underrated Pokemon in the entire universe, Pokken Tournament DX could finally be the place where this giant behemoth gets a chance to shine. Though it’ll probably play a lot like Snorlax, Nidoking could have the added ability of poisoning enemies with its horn or seismic tossing opponents into the air.

Indeed, Nidoking isn’t a Pokemon to be taken lightly. With moves like chip away, peck, earth power, and thrash, Nidoking could prove to be a devastating force that’s hard to subdue on the battlefield. It’s a shame it hasn’t been utilized more often in the franchise, really. 



One of the best features of Pokken Tournament DX or, rather, of the Pokemon franchise as a whole is how different each character seems to be from one another. Some walk on two legs, others walk on four, and some don’t even walk at all. This is the case with Darkrai and Chandelure in Pokken, and can be the case of Metagross should it also make it into the title.

Known by the fan base for being quite the offensive powerhouse and having good defensive capabilities to boot, Metagross could make for a versatile and unique addition to Pokken’s roster. Switching between his regular quadripedal form and its levitating form can be an interesting mechanic to use in battle too, as its slower on-foot form could lack in speed but make up for it in strength, and its levitating form could do the exact opposite. Some moves that come to mind are zen headbutt, bullet punch and hammer arm for its on-the-ground form and meteor mash, pursuit and psychic for its levitating form.



Although Pokken Tournament DX already has three fire starters on its roster (Charizard, Blaziken, and Braixen), having Infernape join the battle wouldn’t come as too much of a shock. The fire/fighting-type is already known for its belligerent personage from the anime, so having players take on its role in Pokken could make for a treat.

Infernape would make a wonderful addition to Pokken’s lackluster heavy offerings, which at the moment only include Machamp, Charizard, and Empoleon. Its moves could feature flashy abilities like acrobatics, flare blitz, punishment and flame wheel, making it a strong rival to Blaziken and an interesting match-up should the two fight. Empoleon may be the most popular final evolution starter Pokemon from Diamond and Pearl, but that doesn’t mean that its fiery counterpart doesn’t deserve just as much love.


dragon dragonite pokemon go

If you’ve been with Pokemon from the very beginning and have seen the first official movie, you’d know that Dragonite is nothing short of awesome. Described by many Pokedex entries as having an impressive build and possessing the intelligence of humans, Dragonite could very well be Pokken Tournament DX’s first dragon-type to make it into the game, and rightly so.

Despite its bulky physique, Dragonite is fast and agile, able to fly around the world in just 16 hours. With a wide range of attacks like elemental punches, dragon rage, outrage, wing attack and hurricane, Dragonite can prove to be extremely deadly on the battlefield, striking foes with physical moves up close and finishing them off with specials at long range. It’s time this first generation monster gets the spotlight it deserves.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

David Lozada

David is an Italian/Latino New York City-based writer whose passions include music, anime, cosplay, movies, bike riding, video games, and just being an all-around nerd. He's always out and about, going to anime and gaming conventions alike across America and posting all of his shenanigans on social media for the world to see. If you bump into him, wherever he may be, don't be shy to say hello!
