
5 Great but Dated Games That Need Remakes

Reliving the classics.

pokemon snap remakes

pokemon snap remakes

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For as long as video games have existed, there have been millions of virtual experiences had by players all around the world. Developers have crafted evocative titles that have stood the test of time, inspiring us in our daily lives and bringing back fond memories of our childhood. How we’ve played video games has changed, but the reasons behind why we play them remain mostly the same. It’s by this logic, then, that some games should return to the present as remakes.

Seeing as how we’ve grown with games, there are some titles out there that are deserving enough to grow with us. They may not adapt perfectly to modern sensibilities, perhaps not controlling as well or coming off as unappealing to look at when ported as is to current generation hardware. But publishers and developers can make good with reviving fond memories – and make some money while they’re at it, too.

The following is a list of five classic games that deserve the remake treatment, if not for the massive fan followings they’ve accrued over the years, then out of respect for the impact they’ve had on the gaming medium. Each may not hold up performance-wise to today’s standards, making them more worthy of a reintroduction to the market.

Knights of The Old Republic

KOTOR remakes

Of all the remakes mentioned here, Knights of The Old Republic may be the most coveted simply due to the huge fan following it’s amassed over the years.

Though plenty of mods are available for the game at this point, BioWare could do great justice to the franchise should they return and re-imagine this game for today’s generation of consoles. Aside from presentation enhancements like improved meshes, lighting, and animation, the developer may opt to expand planets it previously had to hide behind invisible walls or cut out entirely due to hardware limitations. With RPGs reaching the peak of their popularity, EA may want to capitalize on a remake of a title that could make millions of dollars in revenue.

Super Mario Sunshine

Wii U eShop, remakes

Super Mario Sunshine surprisingly hasn’t received a whole lot of love from Nintendo since its release 15 years ago on GameCube. It could be that the title is simply too hard to port to other Nintendo platforms, namely the Wii and Wii U. This is because of the game’s reliance on joystick controls, especially in regards to manipulating F.L.U.D.D.

With the release of the Switch, Nintendo can much more easily adapt the modern classic and improve controls via the system’s Joy-Cons. What’s more is that common problems that are easily fixable, like weird camera angles, can be adjusted for a current audience. In many ways, Super Mario Sunshine deserves the same treatment that other Nintendo properties like The Legend of Zelda have had.

Pokémon Snap

pokemon snap remakes 2

As depicted above, pretty much everyone was banking on a Pokémon Snap remake when the Wii U arrived. Given the console’s tablet controller functionality, it seemed like a no-brainer. With the Wii U going to the wayside in favor of the recently launched Switch, however, it seems like that possibility is much more slim. That combined with the fact that Pokémon Go uses the same concept at its core on mobile devices and Nintendo has less incentive for remaking the Nintendo 64 classic.

The spending power of millennials may change the publisher’s mind, though. Updating the game’s visuals and giving players free reign on their island adventure will make the experience much more memorable, plus worthy of being spread across social media channels (thus producing free marketing for Nintendo). Incorporating mechanics found within the safaris of main entry games in the series could help usher Pokémon Snap into modernity, able to be enjoyed by said millennials and the generations that come after them, too.

Shenmue I and II

shenmue remakes

Though HD ports of the original Shenmue games make more sense given today’s budgetary concerns for developers, the franchise would benefit more if the games had full-blown remakes.

Having amassed a cult following stateside since its inception during the Dreamcast era, Shenmue today feels disjointed and stiff in its gameplay. Aside from that, the series’ narrative is a bit strange for Western audiences. Seeing as how the industry as a whole has become much more global in nature since nearly two decades ago, it only makes sense for the would-be developers of these Shenmue remakes to try to appeal to as many people as possible.

In any case, a Shenmue revival in some shape or form is due soon, given Shenmue III’s release late next year.

Persona 2

Admittedly, a Persona 2 remake would be the hardest title on this list to pull off simply due to how different the early games in the Persona series are to modern gems like Persona 4 and 5. This being said, the fact that the series has reached widespread popularity may be enough incentive for Atlus to produce remakes of the games that started it all.

A Persona 2 remake would require a complete reworking of the title’s gameplay and removal of outdated mechanics like random encounters. Something akin to the experience of more recent games in the franchise could do wonders, for instance. Though it may be hard to implement, incorporating a social link feature will help Persona 2’s characters stand out a bit more, too. It’s all worth it, given how excellent the story is and how synonymous the Persona franchise is now with quality JRPGs.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

David Lozada

David is an Italian/Latino New York City-based writer whose passions include music, anime, cosplay, movies, bike riding, video games, and just being an all-around nerd. He's always out and about, going to anime and gaming conventions alike across America and posting all of his shenanigans on social media for the world to see. If you bump into him, wherever he may be, don't be shy to say hello!
